Uman NUH | today: 12/22/2024

The Agronomy


1 Lubych V.V. Formation of productivity of different varieties of parsnip in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-353-359
UDK: 631.559-021.465:631.526.3:633.44, pages 353-359, downloads (14)
2 Hospodarenko G.M.
Lubych V.V.
Сіліфонов Т. В.
Formation of the balance of basic nutrients when growing different varieties of soft winter wheat depending on the fertilization system Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-338-352
UDK: 631.81.036:631.526.3:633.111:631.816, pages 338-352, downloads (13)
3 Коцюба Б. І. Impact of nitrogen fertilizers, nitrapyrin, and inoculants on soybean grain productivity in the Malе Polissia region Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-324-337
UDK: 631.82/1/7:633.162: 631.416:631.95, pages 324-337, downloads (15)
4 Стоцький В. В. Yield and quality of corn grain under different types and doses of fertilizers Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-312-323
UDK: 631.559+664.64.016:633.15:631.816, pages 312-323, downloads (11)
5 Hospodarenko G.M.
Lubych V.V.
Nevlad V.I.
Гавриленко В. С.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-294-312
UDK: 581.132:633.16:631.816, pages 294-312, downloads (13)
6 Ларіонов О. В.
Zamorskyi V.V.
Zamorska I.L.
Новак Л. Л.
Cherry winter hardiness depending on the type of vegetative rootstock Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-287-293
UDK: 634.11:634.1-15:634.1.055:634.1.076, pages 287-293, downloads (10)
7 Balabak O.A.
Залізняк А. М.
Ecological and biological features of seed propagation of Turkish hazel in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-278-286
UDK: 634.54:631.811.98:57:581, pages 278-286, downloads (11)
8 Яровий Я. О. Productivity of soybean depending of fertilizing and inoculation Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-268-278
UDK: 631.559+664.64.016:633.36/.37:631.816+631.87, pages 268-278, downloads (11)
9 Hospodarenko G.M.
Lubych V.V.
Martynyuk A.T.
Калантир В. О.
Technological parameters of formation of grain quality of durum winter wheat Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-245-267
UDK: 664.64.016:633.112, pages 245-267, downloads (14)
10 Яровий М. С.
Zamorskyi V.V.
Photosynthetic potential of new grape varieties Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-237-245
UDK: 634.11:634.1-15:634.1.055:634.1.076 , pages 237-245, downloads (12)
11 Ryabovol L.O.
Ryabovol Y.S.
Федоренко С. В.
Features of photosynthesis of different morphotypes of soft winter wheat samples Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-231-237
UDK: 631.527.581.143:633.11 , pages 231-237, downloads (8)
12 Lubych V.V. Technological properties and yield of different varieties of soft winter wheat depending on predecessors Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-218-230
UDK: 631.559–021.465:631.526.3:633.111:631.5, pages 218-230, downloads (12)
13 Литвиненко О. Б. Shoot growth dynamics of immune apple varieties Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-213-217
UDK: 634.11:634.1-15:634.1.055:634.1.076 , pages 213-217, downloads (10)
14 Кадуріна А. О. History of the development of parterres. Symbolism of parterres in Odessa parks Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-202-212
UDK: 721.03, pages 202-212, downloads (10)
15 Войтовська В.І.
Lubych V.V.
Biotechnological parameters of obtaining tolerant material of stevia for Alternaria in vitro Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-192-201
UDK: 602.4:606:632.4:633.6, pages 192-201, downloads (13)
16 Lyubchenko A.I.
Lybchenko I.O.
Сержук О. П.
Ryabovol Y.S.
The influence of seeding rate and row width on the yield of camelina sativa in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-181-192
UDK: 631.53.04:633.85:633/635.07(477.4), pages 181-192, downloads (11)
17 Butsyk R. M.
Chaploutskyi A.M.
Головатий П. А.
Polunina O. V.
Буцик М. М.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-172-180
UDK: 634.75.003.13: 631.53.03 (477.46), pages 172-180, downloads (10)
18 Гетман Н. Я.
Данилюк Б. М.
Features of alfalfa sward formation in the sowing year Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-163-172
UDK: 633.31:631.547, pages 163-172, downloads (10)
19 Lubych V.V.
Моргун А. В.
Technological parameters of the formation of tobacco raw materials in the Right Bank Forest Steppe Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-153-162
UDK: 631.559:633.71:633/645.042, pages 153-162, downloads (10)
20 Chetsky B.A.
Кучер І. О.
L.M. Karpuk
Чепурний В. Г.
Кучер М. Ф.
Productivity of apple varieties in an intensive plantation Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-146-152
UDK: 634.11:634.1-15:634.1.055:634.1.076, pages 146-152, downloads (19)
21 Chaploutskyi A.M.
Головатий П. А.
Butsyk R. M.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-137-145
UDK: 634.11:631.542.1:631.542.2, pages 137-145, downloads (11)
22 Крикун С. П. Global production Glycine max (L.) Merr.: thematic review Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-126-137
UDK: 633.34:338.3-027.511, pages 126-137, downloads (11)
23 Polishchuk V.V.
Притула Ю. М.
Field germination of winter wheat depending on the predecessor Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-119-125
UDK: 575.827.633.11, pages 119-125, downloads (11)
24 Ryabovol Y.S.
Ryabovol L.O.
Сліденко С. І.
Evaluation of created inbred lines of winter rye by main economic and value characters Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-112-118
UDK: 631.527.581.143:633.14 , pages 112-118, downloads (13)
25 Штірбу А. Development of a model for the prediction of potential yields in vineyards Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-104-112
UDK: 634.8, pages 104-112, downloads (14)
26 Ketskalo V.V.
Щетина С. В.
Ternavskiy A.G.
Polishchuk T.V.
Enrichment of the range is a factor of competitiveness in the vegetable market of Ukraine and increase in the yield of Lactuca sativa L. Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-95-103
UDK: 338.33:339.137.2:338.43:635(477):631.559-044.55:635.5, pages 95-103, downloads (10)
27 Lubych V.V.
Мандровська С. М.
Formation of productivity of different varieties of rod-shaped millet Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-84-95
UDK: 631.559:582.547.11:631.526.3, pages 84-95, downloads (12)
28 Булат А. Г. Comparison of morphometric parameters of Сatalpa Вignonioides Walt. plants under different conditions of urbogenic load Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-73-83
UDK: 581.143+581.951.8/543.26, pages 73-83, downloads (26)
29 Баранський Д. В. Improvement of sunflower fertilization system in the conditions of the Pasmove Pobuzhia region Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-58-72
UDK: 631.8:633.85(477.83), pages 58-72, downloads (13)
30 Ляшенко Г.
Бузовська М.
Мельник Е. Б.
Modeling of grape yield formation by agroclimatic resources of natural zones of Ukraine Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-48-57
UDK: 634.836.3:631.175:551.556, pages 48-57, downloads (14)
31 Яценко В. В.
Яценко Н. В.
Фещенко В. В.
Луценко І. С.
Varietal productivity of vegetable beans using bioinoculants independently and in combination with mycorrhiza Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-38-47
UDK: 635.652: 631.8:579.262, pages 38-47, downloads (13)
32 Тодосійчук О. В. Symbiotic Apparatus of Sowing Grasspea under the Influence of Biopreparations and Plant Growth Regulators Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-30-37
UDK: [579.262:633.36/.37]:(631.86+631.811.98), pages 30-37, downloads (10)
33 Lubych V.V.
Novikov V.V.
Zheliezna V. V.
Development of pumpkin puree cupcake technology Issue 105 part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-7-29
UDK: 664.664.4:[664.849:635.621, pages 7-29, downloads (17)
34 Гамаюнова В. В.
Сидякіна О. В.
Задирко Р. В.
Formation of Oil Seed Quality Indicators Under the Effects of Macro and Microfertilizers in Southern Conditions Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 0.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-343-354
UDK: 633.85:631.82(477.2), pages 343-354, downloads (119)
35 Гамаюнова В. В.
Єрмолаєв В. М.
Бакланова Т. В.
Improving soil fertility through cultivation of leguminous crops Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-331-342
UDK: 635:631.82(477.7), pages 331-342, downloads (156)
36 Аврамчук Б. І. The dynamics of growth of the mass of the root system of safflower seed depending on the elements of technology Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-325-330
UDK: 633.2:632.9 (477.41), pages 325-330, downloads (108)
37 Hospodarenko G.M.
Lubych V.V.
Гавриленко В. С.
Приходько В. О.
Крикун С. П.
Худолій Л. В.
Товстенко Я. Ю.
Technological parametres of formation of grain quality of spring barley Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-315-324
UDK: 664.64.016:633.16, pages , downloads (129)
38 Zamorskyi V.V.
Ларіонов О. В.
Agrobiological features of sweet cherry growing technology Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-309-314
UDK: 634.11:634.1-15:634.1.055:634.1.076, pages 309-314, downloads (99)
39 Tokar A.Yu.
Гайдай І. В.
Voysechovskiy V. I.
Литовченко О. М.
Karychkovskyy V.D.
Quality assessment of fruit and berry unfortified red wines Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-297-309
UDK: 663.3, pages 297-309, downloads (141)
40 Slobodianyk H. Ya. Formation of leek pseudostem depending on the variety and blanching methods under drip irrigation in the Forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-284-296
UDK: 635.261, pages 284-296, downloads (125)
41 Butsyk R. M.
Chaploutskyi A.M.
Ternavskiy A.G.
Самойленко М. О.
Grape productivity and crop quality depending on ovary treatment with phytohormones in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-276-283
UDK: 634.8.07-021.465:631.547.4(477.4):577.175, pages 276-283, downloads (125)
42 Яценко В. В.
Яценко Н. В.
Ulyanych O.I.
Rogalskyy S. V.
Sichkar A.A.
Yatsenko A.A.
Войняк О. А.
Evaluation of varieties and prospective specimens of Allium sativum L. collection of the Uman National University of Horticulture under storage in uncontrolled conditions Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-266-275
UDK: 635.262-044.325:631.563.9:57.082.11](477.46-21), pages 266-275, downloads (133)
43 Martynyuk A.T.
Hospodarenko G.M.
Lubych V.V.
Stasinevych O.Y.
Leaf Area Development and Sugar Beet Yield under Fertilization in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-249-257
UDK: 581.132+631.559:633.412:631.816, pages 249-257, downloads (116)
44 Zamorskyi V.V.
Литвиненко О. Б.
Crown formation and productivity of immune apple varieties Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-243-248
UDK: 634.11:634.1-15:634.1.055:634.1.076, pages 243-248, downloads (105)
45 Поліщук В. В.
Коновалов Д. В.
Influence of winter wheat germination seeds on their storage time Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-233-243
UDK: 575.827.633.11, pages 233-243, downloads (115)
46 Ryabovol L.O.
Ryabovol Y.S.
Федоренко С. В.
Фесько М. В.
Creation of raw material of soft winter wheat using the culture of mature embryos Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-226-232
UDK: 631.527.581.143:633.11 , pages 226-232, downloads (103)
47 Lubych V.V.
Hospodarenko G.M.
Балян А. В.
Economic, agrochemical and energetic evaluation of the effectiveness of fertilizer application for hard winter wheat Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-201-209
UDK: 621.311+338.625.7+ 631.81.036-047.44]:631.816:633.112, pages 201-209, downloads (127)
48 Ryabovol L.O.
Ryabovol Y.S.
Ямкова В. В.
The effectiveness of the use of certain trace elements and stimulants for the cultivation of sunflower and corn in the Southern Forest Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-192-200
UDK: 631.52:633.15, pages 192-200, downloads (117)
49 Diordieva I.
Сержук О. П.
Бабій М. М.
Adaptability of spelt winter wheat samples created by hybridization of Triticum aestivum L. × Triticum spelta L. Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-185-191
UDK: 633.1, pages 185-191, downloads (115)
50 Ovcharuk A.V.
Kalenska S.M.
Мирна М. М.
Ovcharuk V.I.
Ткач О. В.
Kravchenko V. S.
Крикун С. П.
Influence of sowing periods on the growth and yield of Bean plants Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-161-170
UDK: 631.559:631.543, pages 161-170, downloads (153)
51 Hospodarenko G.M.
Cherno O.D.
Kravets І.S.
Nitrogen status of soil during long-term application of fertilizers in field crop rotation Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-149-160
UDK: 631.416.1:[631.8] : 631.153 : 631.582, pages 149-160, downloads (111)
52 Савіна О. І.
Попович Г. Б.
Шейдик К. А.
Features formation of blueberry crop in conditions of Transcarpathia with different pruning methods Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-136-148
UDK: 634.1.144, pages , downloads (111)
53 Novak A.
Новак Ю. В.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-127-136
UDK: 551.5:477.46, pages 127-136, downloads (137)
54 Lubych V.V.
Єремеєва О. А.
Паришкура Ю. В.
Optimization of the corn grain drying process in mine grain dryers Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-116-126
UDK: 664.723-048.34:633.15, pages 116-126, downloads (133)
55 Бровді А. А.
Величко Ю. А.
Поліщук В. В.
Effect of plant growth stimulants on rooting of floribunda rose varietie cuttings Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-108-115
UDK: 582.639.11:502.633/635:712.4, pages 108-115, downloads (124)
56 Гребенюк В. М.
Balabak A.F.
The influence of cuttings timing on rooting of semi-lignified stem cuttings of Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott varieties in the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-97-108
UDK: 634.18:631.535, pages 97-108, downloads (124)
57 Миколайко І. І. Features of phonological phases of growth and development of white and black mustard depending on varietal characteristics and growing conditions Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-60-69
UDK: 633.852:631.524, pages 60-69, downloads (111)
58 Мелентьєв О. Б.
Пушка О. С.
Головатюк А. А.
Войтік А. В.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-50-60
UDK: 001.8:[631.431.4:004] (045), pages 50-60, downloads (148)
59 Yakovenko R.V.
Kopytko P.G.
Яковенко О. В.
Чепурний В. Г.
Nevlad V.I.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-42-49
UDK: 634.11: 634.13: 631.8, pages 42-49, downloads (180)
60 Ulyanych O.I.
Шевчук К. М.
Ulyanych K.F.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-32-41
UDK: 631.559:635.55:631.5(477.7) , pages 32-41, downloads (132)
61 Шевчук О. В.
Hospodarenko G.M.
Main characteristics of chicken droppings biogas digestate Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-19-32
UDK: 631.861:631.862, pages 19-32, downloads (122)
62 Малиновська І. М.
Карпенко В.П.
Leontiuk I.B.
Dynamics of mineralization processes in the root zone of corn using different fertilizer systems Issue number 104. Part 1 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-8-19
UDK: 631.95:576.8:632.125, pages 8-19, downloads (152)
63 Cherno O.D.
Hospodarenko G.M.
Martynyuk A.T.
Outstanding scientist, talented teacher and leader (to the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Ivan Markianovych Karasyuk) Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
UDK: , pages 316-320, downloads (202)
64 Ovcharuk A.V.
Ovcharuk V.I.
Ткач О. В.
Kravchenko V. S.
Мількевич Д. О.
The influence of the trace element zinc on the growth of common bean plants and the content of some forms of phosphorus compounds Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-308-315
UDK: 631.559:631.543, pages 308-315, downloads (226)
65 Osokina N.M.
Kostetska K.V.
Herasymchuk O.P.
Physical and mechanical properties and quality indicators of cereal grain Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-292-307
UDK: 664.7:633.1, pages 292-307, downloads (203)
66 Yevchuk Y.V.
Кононенко Л. М.
Вишинський А. В.
Бобров В.С.
The influence of vegetable additives on the quality indicators of healthy bread Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-281-291
UDK: 664.681, pages 281-291, downloads (197)
67 Мандрик О. М.
Лукинчук О.І.
Improving method of cleaning soil contaminated by petroleum products Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-273-281
UDK: 579.83+631.46:579.6, pages 273-281, downloads (194)
68 Миколайко І. І. Standing density of mustard plants depends on laboratory and field germination of seeds Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-264-272
UDK: 633.852:631.524, pages 264-272, downloads (184)
69 Lyubchenko A.I.
Lybchenko I.O.
Ryabovol Y.S.
Сержук О. П.
Seed productivity of camelina sativa plants depending on the method of sowing and the rate of sowing in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-253-263
UDK: 633.85:631.331:631.53.048]:338.312:631.53.01(477.46), pages 253-263, downloads (230)
70 Войтовська В.І.
Mostovjak S.M.
Воєвода Л. І.
Климович Н.М.
Biometric indicators of sorghum plants depending on the action of hormones and growth regulators Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-241-252
UDK: 631.547.3:633.174:579.22, pages 241-252, downloads (291)
71 Ваховська А. В. Conveyor growing of vegetables for micro greens in the non-seasonal period Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-232-240
UDK: 631.4:631.589.2:635.4 21.465, pages 232-240, downloads (196)
72 Гавриленко В. С. The effect of fertilizer on the yield of bare barley Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-225-231
UDK: 631.816:631.559:633.16, pages 225-231, downloads (244)
73 Грищенко В. О. The chemical composition of the vegetative mass of different types of miscanthus in different phases of plant growth and development Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-216-224
UDK: 581.192: [633.39:631.526.2:631.547, pages 216-244, downloads (172)
74 Моргун А. В.
Ketskalo V.V.
Polishchuk T.V.
Коваленко О. М.
Yield of tobacco varieties and commodity of tobacco raw material under different plant placement schemes in the conditions of the central Forest Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-206-216
UDK: 633.71:631.526.3:631.55:631.53.04(474.4), pages 206-216, downloads (226)
75 Кадуріна А. О. International code of Odessa parks Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-196-205
UDK: 721.03, pages 196-205, downloads (1095)
76 Заморський О. О.
Prytulyak R.M.
Красноштан І. В.
Войцехівська О. В.
Effectiveness of Logran herbicide on weediness of different types of lawns Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-189-195
UDK: 632.954-027.236: [632.51:712.42] , pages 189-195, downloads (181)
77 Поліщук В. В.
Коновалов Д. В.
Disease damage to winter wheat seeds during long-term storage Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-182-189
UDK: 575.827.633.11, pages 182-189, downloads (206)
78 Буцик М. М.
Яковенко Р. В.
Butsyk R. M.
Chaploutskyi A.M.
Aspects of modern production of planting material of fragaria ananassa l. in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-161-171
UDK: 634.75.003.13: 631.53.03 (477.46), pages 161-171, downloads (206)
79 Novak A.
Novak Y.W.
Agricultural meteorology terms 2020–2021 agricultural year from data of weather-station Uman Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-153-160
UDK: 551.5:477.46, pages 153-160, downloads (237)
80 Поліщук В. В.
Колісник М. С.
Patterns of good quality Beta vulgaris saccharifera seeds formation depending on soil moisture Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-143-152
UDK: 633.63:631.531.12 , pages 143-152, downloads (247)
81 Ryabovol Y.S.
Lyubchenko A.I.
Ryabovol L.O.
Lybchenko I.O.
Morphobiological features of collection samples of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) in the conditions of the forest-steppe of Ukraine. Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-136-143
UDK: 631.527:633.88, pages 136-143, downloads (214)
82 Novak Zh.M.
Kyzhanjvskiy V.G.
Синьоок І. В.
Biometric characters and their correlation in F5 hybrid populations of durum spring wheat breeding of Umansky NUH Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-126-136
UDK: 632.112-021.484:575.827:581.14]633.112, pages 126-136, downloads (237)
83 Ulyanych O.I.
Остапенко Н. О.
Application of mineral fertilizers to winter garlic crops using continuous planting Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-117-125
UDK: 635.262:631.82:631.53.01, pages 117-125, downloads (197)
84 Щетина С. В. Structure of the phytopathogenic complex in the eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) agrocenosis in the Right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-103-116
UDK: 574.34:635.646: 632.3: 632:4, pages 103-116, downloads (195)
85 Штірбу А. The parameters of vine training systems in Steppe environments can have an impact on vineyard productivity Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-94-103
UDK: 634.8.044, pages 94-103, downloads (192)
86 Polishchuk V.V.
Струтинська Ю. В.
Propagation by grafting of the genus Prunus L. introduced genotypes for further use in mono-gardens Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-85-93
UDK: 582.711.713:631.535:635.925, pages 85-93, downloads (212)
87 Дрига В. В.
Doronin V. A.,
Кравченко Ю. А.
Доронін В. В.
The quality of seed of different years of vegetation depends from the period of its storage Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-77-85
UDK: 633.179: 631. 53.01:631.559, pages 77-85, downloads (276)
88 Chaploutskyi A.M.
Butsyk R. M.
Formation of productivity ofappletrees depending on the method and time of pruning of trees Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-69-76
UDK: 634.11:631.542.1:631.542.2, pages 69-76, downloads (213)
89 Lubych V.V. The development of brown rust and the productivity of winter triticale with the use of biofungicide against the background of different doses of nitrogen fertilizers Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-53-69
UDK: [631.559+664.64.016:633.19:632.95]:631.816.1:631.84, pages 53-69, downloads (215)
90 Власов В.
Ляшенко Г.
Бузовська М.
Булаєва Ю.
Попова Г.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-42-52
UDK: 634.8:004.65:631.1, pages 42-52, downloads (196)
91 Карпенко В. В. Formation the area of leaf apparatus and pigment content in plants of winter triticale under the using of biological preparations Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-34-41
UDK: 633.11:[57.018.6+581.144.4:631.86/.87], pages 34-41, downloads (205)
92 Leontiuk I.B. The effectiveness of microbial preparations in the protection and formation of the productivity of winter triticale crops Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-27-34
UDK: 633.11:631.81:632.956, pages 27-34, downloads (222)
93 Шевчук О. В.
Hospodarenko G.M.
Use of liquid digestate of biogas production to fertilize winter wheat Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-18-26
UDK: 633.11[622.767.2:631.8], pages 18-26, downloads (198)
94 Zmist Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
UDK: , pages , downloads (267)
95 Прісс О. П.
Ulyanych O.I.
Шевчук К. М.
Яковер О. І.
Ваховська А. В.
Storage of green vegetable spinach using a food environment Issue number 103. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-7-17
UDK: 635.3.635.5, pages 7-17, downloads (353)
96 Berezovskyi A.P.
Прокопенко Е. В.
Трус О. М.
Improving safety and labor protection at transport works in agriculture Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-248-256
UDK: 331.45:631.1 , pages 248-256, downloads (308)
97 Hospodarenko G.M.
Rassadina I.Y.
Stasinevych O.Y.
Features of soil valuation methods Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-240-247
UDK: 001.891 : 631.4, pages 240-247, downloads (276)
98 Lubych V.V.
Войтовська В.І.
The content of fatty acids in the oil of various crops and its nutritional value Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-233-240
UDK: 665.127-047.44:631.526.3:633.368, pages 233-240, downloads (399)
99 Ulyanych O.I.
Ваховська А. В.
Аssessment of the quality of micro greens grown on different substrates in closed ground conditions Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-223-233
UDK: 631.4:631.589.2:635.4 21.465, pages 223-233, downloads (237)
100 Kotsyuba S. P.
Білокур Ю. В.
The efficiency of using different criteria for assessing Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-215-222
UDK: 631.527.5, pages 215-222, downloads (246)
101 Попович Г. Б.
Садовська Н. П.
Гамор А. Ф.
Сікура М. С.
Influence of feeding background and varietal composition on productivity of leaf mass of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-202-214
UDK: 631.86: 635.7, pages 202-214, downloads (294)
102 Lubych V.V. Development of septoriosis of different varieties of soft winter wheat Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-190-202
UDK: 632.4:633.111:631.526.3, pages 190-202, downloads (262)
103 Ulyanych O.I.
Ковтунюк З.І.
Яценко В. В.
Conveyor cultivation of spinach hybrids Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-179-189
UDK: 635.41 : 631.53.04, pages 179-189, downloads (276)
104 Українець О. А.
Поліщук В. В.
Heritability of the main decorative features in rose hybrids at diallel crosses Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-171-178
UDK: 631.527:633.811, pages 171-178, downloads (231)
105 Ryabovol L.O.
Ryabovol Y.S.
Ненька О.В.
Influence of genotype on microcloning of sugar beet plants in isolated culture Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-165-171
UDK: 631.52:581.143.5:633:78, pages 165-171, downloads (269)
106 Чинчик О.С.
Козирський Д. В.
Kravchenko V. S.
Field germination of seeds and survival of soybean plants depending on the elements of growing technology in the conditions of the western Forest-Steppe Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-155-164
UDK: 633.34:631.5:631.8, pages 155-164, downloads (290)
107 Lubych V.V. Physical properties of grain and protein-proteinase complex of spring triticale under different nitrogen fertilizer doses Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-142-154
UDK: 664.64.016.8+577.112:[633.19:631.84, pages 142-154, downloads (275)
108 Diordieva I. Adaptability parameters of spelt wheat samples according to grain quality indicators Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-135-142
UDK: , pages 135-142, downloads (222)
109 Lyubchenko A.I.
Lybchenko I.O.
Novak Zh.M.
Diagnosis of drought resistance of tetraploid triticum species by seed sowing parameters Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-126-135
UDK: 632.112-021.484:575.827:581.14] 633.112, pages 126-135, downloads (284)
110 Кадуріна А. О. Symbolism of the Istanbul Park in Odessa. East and West Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-116-126
UDK: 721.03, pages 116-126, downloads (232)
111 Lubych V.V.
Красноштан В. І.
Войтовська В.І.
Климович Н.М.
Formation of seed quality of different chickpea varieties Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-109-115
UDK: 664.64.016:633.36/.37:631.526.3, pages 109-115, downloads (487)
112 Yakovenko R.V.
Трушев І. М.
On the issue of the fertilization of the intensive apple-tree plantations (literature review) Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-101-108
UDK: 634.11:631.8, pages 101-108, downloads (307)
113 Lubych V.V.
Моргун А. В.
Пясецький П. І.
Agrobiological parameters of sugar sorghum varieties at different times of sowing and harvesting Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-89-100
UDK: 631.55(9):633.179:631.526.3+631.5, pages 89-100, downloads (348)
114 Polishchuk V.V.
Коновалов Д. В.
Field germination of seeds depending on laboratory and pre-sowing treatment of seeds with biological preparations Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-83-88
UDK: 575.827.633.11, pages 83-88, downloads (279)
115 Lubych V.V.
Єремеєва О. А.
Харченко В. І.
Process research of grind enriched groats products in the roller machine of the 2nd grinding system of milling of high-grade flour Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-74-82
UDK: 664.641.12, pages 74-82, downloads (253)
116 Кіщак О. А.
Кіщак Ю. П.
Sweet cherry fruits marketable quality in the orchards of different age on the clonal rootstock Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-64-73
UDK: 634.23:631.52:631.96, pages 64-73, downloads (260)
117 Ткачук О. П.
Дідур І. М.
Мазур О. В.
Technological and agroecological indicators of groups of soybean varieties by maturity Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-54-63
UDK: 631.53.01/631.95, pages 54-63, downloads (261)
118 Lubych V.V.
Polianetska I.О.
Formation of leaf surface area of different varieties of durum winter wheat Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-44-53
UDK: 581.132:[633.112:631.526.3], pages 44-53, downloads (280)
119 Ketskalo V.V.
Щетина С. В.
Ternavskiy A.G.
Polishchuk T.V.
Comparative assessment of varieties and hybrids of table carrots breeding abroad in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Stepp of Ukraine Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-34-43
UDK: 635.13(477.4):[631.526.3-047.44:631.527], pages 34-43, downloads (323)
120 Hospodarenko G.M.
Cherno O.D.
Novak A.
Influence of meteorological conditions and fertilizer on maize yield in the Right bank Forest Steppe Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-26-34
UDK: 633.15:631.8, pages 26-34, downloads (343)
121 Yakovenko R.V.
Kopytko P.G.
Яковенко О. О.
Чепурний В. Г.
Productivity of the orchard agroecosystem Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-17-25
UDK: 634.1: 631.5: 631.8, pages 17-25, downloads (317)
122 Hospodarenko G.M.
Lubych V.V.
Martynyuk A.T.
Stasinevych O.Y.
Parameters of soil fertility and productivity of field crop rotation with the application of fertilizers and lime Issue number 102. Part 1 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-7-16
UDK: 631.81+631.559:631.582.9:631.816.1+631.821, pages 7-16, downloads (395)
123 Моргун А. В.
Пясецький П. І.
Lubych V.V.
Productivity of different varieties and hybrids of sugar sorghum at different harvest times Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-163-173
UDK: 631.559+[664.64.016:631.526.3:633.179:631.53.04, pages 163-173, downloads (184)
124 Красноштан В. І. Anatomical and morphological changes in leaves of grain sorghum at the use of a herbicide, plant growth regulator and a biopreparation Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-155-163
UDK: 633.17:[632.954+631.8], pages 155-163, downloads (164)
125 Hospodarenko G.M.
Lubych V.V.
Олійник О. О.
The content of radioactive elements in the soil and soft winter wheat grain under a long-term use of fertilizers in the field crop rotation Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-144-154
UDK: 631.41+664.64:633.111:631.816, pages 144-154, downloads (153)
126 Lubych V.V. Infection of soft winter wheat with root rot at different doses of fertilizers Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-129-144
UDK: [632.4:633.111]:631.816.1, pages 129-144, downloads (212)
127 Hospodarenko G.M.
Мусієнко Л. А.
Removal of nutrients by lentils depending on fertilization in the right-bank forest-steppe Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-122-128
UDK: [631.81 : 631.871]:633.35(477.4), pages 122-128, downloads (182)
128 Ovcharuk A.V.
Ovcharuk V.I.
Ткач О. В.
Kravchenko V. S.
The influence of sowing dates and seed strength on flowering and fruiting of common beans Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-115-121
UDK: 633.79:631.559:631.543, pages 115-121, downloads (205)
129 Шевчук К. М. Evaluation of biometric indexes of spinach grown in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-106-114
UDK: 635.4: 635.7 (477.46), pages 106-114, downloads (261)
130 Калантир В. О.
Hospodarenko G.M.
Lubych V.V.
Burlyay A.L.
Formation of the quality and yield of durum winter wheat grain depending on different types and doses of fertilizers Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-94-105
UDK: 664.64.016+631.559:633.112:631.816.1, pages 94-105, downloads (174)
131 Ryabovol L.O.
Білокур Ю. В.
Analysis of economic value characters of the created lines of corn with erectoid placement of leaf plates Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-86-93
UDK: 631.52:633.15, pages 86-93, downloads (228)
132 Lubych V.V.
Войтовська В.І.
Kononenko L.M.
The content of vitamins and mineral elements in grain products of different soriz varieties Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-78-86
UDK: 577.16+544.116:[664.7:631.526.3], pages 78-86, downloads (442)
133 Novak Zh.M.
Новак М. А.
Ear parameters of durum spring wheat varieties and their variation depending on weather conditions Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-69-77
UDK: 631.52:633.11, pages 69-77, downloads (225)
134 Расевич В. В.
Bilonozhko V. Y.
Poltoretskiy S.P.
Poltoretska N.M.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-56-69
UDK: 502.3.7:581.9, pages 56-69, downloads (378)
135 Martynyuk A.T.
Hospodarenko G.M.
Lubych V.V.
Formation of sugar beet productivity on podzolic black soil under different fertilizers Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-46-55
UDK: 631.559-021.465:633.63:631.816, pages 46-55, downloads (227)
136 Шестак В. Г. Biometric aspects and phenological stages of winter barley crop formation under the influence of fertilizer and nitrification inhibitor Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-28-46
UDK: 631.82/1/7:633.162: 631.416:631.95, pages 28-46, downloads (302)
137 Ryabovol L.O.
Ryabovol Y.S.
Diordieva I.
Evaluation of samples of soft winter wheat using varieties with wheat-rye translocations Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-16-27
UDK: 631.527.581.143:633.11 , pages 16-27, downloads (223)
138 Zmist Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
UDK: , pages , downloads (201)
139 Hospodarenko G.M.
Карпенко В.П.
Lubych V.V.
Novikov V.V.
Zheliezna V. V.
Rheological properties of dough and culinary quality of bread with the addition of pumpkin flour Issue number 101. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-1-6-16
UDK: 664.65:664.661-047.44:664.641.2:635.621, pages 6-16, downloads (312)
140 Ulyanych O.I.
Шевчук К. М.
Yield and quality of the spinach varieties (Spinacia oleracea) in the steppe condition of Ukraine Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-261-267
UDK: 631.153.7: 477.4, pages 261-267, downloads (291)
141 Chetsky B.A. Implementation of potential productivity of new apple varieties Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-253-260
UDK: 634.11:634.1-15:634.1.055:634.1.076, pages 253-260, downloads (173)
142 Hospodarenko G.M.
Lubych V.V.
Олійник О. О.
Anisotropic properties of specific activity of soil radionuclids and grai of soft winter wheat wheat with long-term application of fertilizers Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-242-252
UDK: 633.111+[631.41-021.4:631.816.3-026.63, pages 242-252, downloads (188)
143 Kononenko L.M.
Панфілова А. В.
Манзій О. П.
Polianetska I.О.
Content of chemical components and productivity of winter rapes depending on variety features in the right bank forest steppe of Ukraine Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-231-241
UDK: 631.82.02:633, pages 231-241, downloads (161)
144 Бойко І. І.
Грищенко В. О.
Rassadina I.Y.
Климович Н.М.
Agrochemical parameters of gray podzolic soil for growing bioenergy crops Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-225-231
UDK: 633.17:631.527.5:631.5(477.7), pages 225-231, downloads (326)
145 Novak Zh.M.
Polianetska I.О.
Lubych V.V.
Comparative characteristics of tetraploid wheat species in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-215-224
UDK: 631.52:633.11, pages 215-224, downloads (192)
146 Гетман Н. Я.
Дідур І. М.
Телекало Н. В.
Kravchenko V. S.
Vyshnevska L.V.
Modern directions of application of structured water in the fields of agriculture Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-208-214
UDK: 631.6.03, pages 208-214, downloads (214)
147 Осіпов М. Ю.
Величко Ю. А.
Пушка І. М.
Масловата С. А.
Organization of space on the homestead land in the city of Uman, Cherkasy region Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-197-207
UDK: 712.4-025(477.4), pages 197-207, downloads (171)
148 Kostetska K.V.
Herasymchuk O.P.
Assessment of the quality of soybean seeds of different fractions Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-188-197
UDK: 633.34, pages 188-197, downloads (161)
149 Балабак О. А.
Балабак А. В.
Vasylenko O.V.
Nikitina O.V.
Гнатюк Н. О.
Evaluation of drought resistance of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) in various environmental conditions of the city of Uman Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-180-188
UDK: 582.736:58.02, pages 180-188, downloads (231)
150 Hospodarenko G.M.
Карпенко В.П.
Lubych V.V.
Новіков В. В.
Vozyan V. V.
Optimization of functional parameters of food products Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-169-179
UDK: 664.6/.7-048.34, pages 169-179, downloads (265)
151 Кадуріна А. О. Symbolic natural code of Ukrainian manors (Pyrogove. Kyiv) Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-161-168
UDK: 721.03, pages 161-168, downloads (179)
152 Федоров В. Г.
Кепко О. І.
Кепко В. М.
Application of the method of transit calorimetry in the study of phase transformations of milk fat Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-155-160
UDK: 116.502.7, pages 155-160, downloads (165)
153 Hospodarenko G.M.
Martynyuk A.T.
Agrochemical properties of soil and sugar beet productivity under different fertilizers and liming Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-145-155
UDK: 631.4-0.26.78 : 633.63 : 631.8, pages 145-155, downloads (161)
154 Ryabovol L.O.
Білокур Ю. В.
Analysis of the sign of the level of erectoidity of maize plants according to the indication of the angle of deviation of the upper and middle leaves Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-137-145
UDK: 631.52:633.15, pages 137-145, downloads (155)
155 Polishchuk V.V.
Калюжна Л. В.
Evaluation of bulbs of introduced varieties of tulip (Tulipa L.) for storage in the conditions of right bank forest steppe of Ukraine Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-125-137
UDK: 582.570.2-044.3:57.063.8:621.796(477.4), pages 125-137, downloads (174)
156 Tretiakova S.
Lubych V.V.
Zabolotnyy O.I.
Войтовська В.І.
Nutritional value of whole grains of different varieties of sorghum Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-115-124
UDK: 664.64.016-021.465+-047.44:631.526.3:633.17, pages 115-124, downloads (353)
157 Яценко В. В. Variety features of formation of nodulation apparatus of bean cultures using bioinoculants and micorise-forming drug Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-100-114
UDK: 631.526.3:635.65:631.8:579.262, pages 100-114, downloads (226)
158 Hospodarenko G.M.
Nevlad V.I.
Rassadina I.Y.
Yields of peas on the ashed chernozem under the influence of different fertilization and liming Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-92-99
UDK: 631.165:635.656:631.445.4:631.8:631.821, pages 92-99, downloads (190)
159 Balabak A.F.
Пушка І. М.
Величко Ю. А.
State and prospects of growing of Chaphenomeles japonica Linal. іn the culture of of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-82-92
UDK: 634.141: 57.017.3, pages 82-92, downloads (427)
160 Дрига В. В. Influence of varietal characteristics and growing conditions of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) on pollen quality Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-75-82
UDK: 633.179: 631. 53.01:631.559, pages 75-82, downloads (280)
161 Lubych V.V.
Твердохліб О. В.
Cereal properties of einkorn grain Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-62-74
UDK: 664.6/.7:633.113, pages 62-74, downloads (215)
162 Polishchuk V.V.
Струтинська Ю. В.
Evaluation of prunus l. cultivated in ukraine by pollen-forming capacity Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-55-61
UDK: 582.711.713:635.925(477.41), pages 55-61, downloads (294)
163 Новак А. В.
Руда Л. А.
Agrometeorological characteristics of changes in weather conditions for the period 1961–2020 according to the Uman meteorological station Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-51-55
UDK: 551.5:477.46, pages 51-55, downloads (215)
164 Яковенко Р. В. Indicators of pear tree growth at re-culture depending on optimized fertlization Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-41-50
UDK: 634.13: 631.8, pages 41-50, downloads (207)
165 Lubych V.V.
Войтовська В.І.
Fatty acid composition of seeds of different peanut varieties and its nutritional value Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-34-40
UDK: 665.127-047.44:631.526.3:633.368, pages 34-40, downloads (400)
166 Diordieva I.
Ryabovol L.O.
Ryabovol Y.S.
Frey's soft winter wheat variety: origin and aerobiological characteristics Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-26-33
UDK: 633.11, pages 26-33, downloads (166)
167 Hospodarenko G.M.
Cherno O.D.
Martynyuk A.T.
Вплив вапнування на кислотно-основні властивості чорнозему опідзоленого Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-17-26
UDK: 631.811.4 : 631.811.4, pages 17-26, downloads (199)
168 Lubych V.V. Diseases and pests of different winter durum wheat varieties Issue 100. Part 1 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-7-16
UDK: 632.4:631.526.3:633.112, pages 7-16, downloads (319)
169 Виноградова О. В.
Poltoretskiy S.P.
Poltoretska N.M.
Methods and prospects of selection of sugar corn adapted to the conditions of the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-230-245
UDK: 631.538:633.118.3, pages 230-245, downloads (204)
170 Makarchuk M.O. Productivity of heterotic of sugar corn hybrids with FAO 280–290 of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-223-230
UDK: 631.55:[631.526.3:633.15], pages 223-230, downloads (272)
171 Сіліфонов Т. В.
Hospodarenko G.M.
Poltoretskiy S.P.
Lubych V.V.
Prytulyak R.M.
Polianetska I.О.
Physico-chemical properties of grain of different ripening soft winter wheat varieties under different fertilizer systems Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-206-222
UDK: 631.559:[631.526.3:633.111-021.4:631.8], pages 206-222, downloads (196)
172 Устинова Г. Л. Transgressive variability in the number of ears of the main spike in F2 populations when crossing soft winter wheat varieties of different early maturity. Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-189-206
UDK: 631.527.8:633.111“324”:631.576.331.1, pages 189-206, downloads (298)
173 Chukhray R.V. Dynamics and control of cereal bugs in spring barley crops in conditions of Right-bank Forrest-steppe of Ukraine Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-181-188
UDK: 632.93:595.754:633.16(477.46), pages 181-188, downloads (228)
174 Ваховська А. В. Influence of the substrate on the yield and quality of microgreens of vegetable plants Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-169-180
UDK: 631.4:631.589.2:635.4-021.465, pages 169-180, downloads (194)
175 Kotsyuba S. P.
Novak Zh.M.
Nakloka O. P.
Use of different criteria for estimating precocity of heterosis maize hybrids in forest-steppe conditions Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-162-168
UDK: 633.11, pages 162-168, downloads (229)
176 Lubych V.V. Cereal properties of spelt wheat grains depending on the variety Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-146-161
UDK: 664.743:633.11:641.53:683.958, pages 146-161, downloads (169)
177 Кучер І. О. Yield and quality of basil depending on the method of growing seedlings Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-134-146
UDK: 631.55: 635.71: 631.53.03 (477.4) , pages 134-146, downloads (190)
178 Novak Zh.M. Productivity indicators and correlations between them in spring barley cultivars of Uman National University of Horticulture Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-125-134
UDK: 631.526.3:633.16 , pages 125-134, downloads (350)
179 Бровді А. А.
Поліщук В. В.
Biomorphological features of floribunda roses leaves and their importance for ornamental gardening Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-117-124
UDK: 582.711.712:631.51(477.46), pages 117-124, downloads (227)
180 Білокур Ю. В.
Ryabovol L.O.
Creation and evaluation of the source material for the selection of erectoid forms of corn Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-105-116
UDK: 633.15:631.527, pages 105-116, downloads (192)
181 Ovcharuk V.I.
Ovcharuk A.V.
Гаврищук Н. Р.
Kravchenko V. S.
Яценко В. В.
Effect of application of microelements on nitrogen nutrition of parsley, yield and quality of greens and roots Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-95-105
UDK: 635.142:631.5, pages 95-105, downloads (263)
182 Kopytko P.G.
Yakovenko R.V.
Petryshyna I.P.
Organic substances replenishment and high humus content of soil in the apple orchads under different fertilization Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-81-94
UDK: 634.11: 631.8: 631.452, pages 81-94, downloads (260)
183 Hospodarenko G.M.
Martynyuk A.T.
Cherno O.D.
Justification of the limit of expediency of using potash fertilizers Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-68-80
UDK: 303.4: 631.83, pages 68-80, downloads (326)
184 Dymytrov S.G.
Саблук В. Т.
Танчик С. П.
Increasing photosynthetic productivity of crops as affected by water content in their leaves under mycorrhization of the root system Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-58-67
UDK: 581.132:581.144:631.466:633, pages 58-67, downloads (185)
185 Ketskalo V.V.
Ternavskiy A.G.
Significance of varieties in technology of growing parsley Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-47-58
UDK: 635.781:631.527.3(477.46), pages 47-58, downloads (232)
186 Eshchenko V.O.
Koval G.V.
Clogging of crops and productivity of 5-field crop rotation against the background of different intensity of the main cultivation of chernozem soil Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-37-47
UDK: 632.51:[332.66:631.582+631.51:631.445.4], pages 37-47, downloads (175)
187 Ryabovol L.O.
Ryabovol Y.S.
Diordieva I.
Creation of the bank of breeding material of winter rye in vitro Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-29-37
UDK: 631.527.581.143:633.14, pages 29-37, downloads (215)
188 Lubych V.V.
Vozyan V. V.
Грабова Д. М.
Quality of triticale cupcakes enriched with pumpkin paste Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-17-28
UDK: 664.68:[633.19:664.849], pages 17-28, downloads (285)
189 Hospodarenko G.M.
Cherno O.D.
Martynyuk A.T.
Agroeconomic prospects for the use of nitrogen fertilizers for field crops Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-6-16
UDK: 330.131.5:631.8:661.5 , pages 6-16, downloads (269)
190 Редколегія Issue number 99. Part 1 2021
UDK: , pages , downloads (200)
191 Кононенко Л. М.
Yevchuk Y.V.
Войтовська В.І.
Tretiakova S.
The use of a sesame flour in a special bread technol Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-299-306
UDK: 664.7:[663.853.74:664.68], pages 299-306, downloads (471)
192 Lubych V.V.
Polianetska I.О.
Photosynthetic parameters of durum winter wheat plantings depending on the variety Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-288-298
UDK: 581.132:[631.5:633.112], pages 288-298, downloads (316)
193 Kotsyuba S. P. Breeding of early-maturing inbred maize lines within the collection gene pool of Ukraine Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-280-287
UDK: 631.527+631.526.3:633.15, pages 280-287, downloads (289)
194 Стрельчук Л. М.
Омелянова В. Ю.
Reconstruction and greening of general educational institutions Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-270-280
UDK: 712.4:37, pages 270-280, downloads (212)
195 Olifirovich V.
Chynchyk O. S.
Kravchenko V. S.
Vyshnevska L.V.
Яровий Я. О.
The fodder value of green mass of mixtures of birdsfoot trefoil and cereal perennial grasses, depending on the mode of use Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-262-270
UDK: 636.085.2:633.2.03, pages 262-270, downloads (214)
196 Ковальов В. Б.
Трембіцька О. І.
Клименко Т. В.
Федорчук С. В.
Петухов Ю. Л.
Quality formation of spelt wheat flour bread Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-254-262
UDK: 631.15:633.1:631.57(477.41/.42), pages 254-262, downloads (208)
197 Hospodarenko G.M.
Lubych V.V.
Allelopathy of vegetable residues on the sowing properties of soft winter wheat grain Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-246-254
UDK: 581.524.13:[631.53.01:633.111], pages 246-254, downloads (290)
198 Furmanets M.H.
Furmanets Yu.S.
Маркарян В. В.
Influence of systems of basic tillage and fertilization with the use of by-products on weediness of crops in crop rotation Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-239-246
UDK: 631.51.021:631.8:631.582, pages 239-246, downloads (217)
199 Кадуріна А. О. Symbols of the Alexander Column in the Taras Shevchenko Park in Odessa Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-230-239
UDK: 721.03, pages 230-239, downloads (190)
200 Balabak A.F.
Polishchuk V.V.
Козаченко І. В.
Бабій В. В.
Evaluation of varieties (Citrus limon L.) according to economic and biological characteristics Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-220-229
UDK: 582.745.12-047.44:635.9(477.46), pages 220-229, downloads (527)
201 Makarchuk M.O. The economically and valuable feature of selection number of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in the condition of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-210-219
UDK: 631.527:633.31/.37, pages 210-219, downloads (175)
202 Lyubchenko A.I.
Lybchenko I.O.
Ryabovol L.O.
Ryabovol Y.S.
Analysis of the parameters of economically valuable traits of camelina sativa for the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine under the conditions of climate change Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-199-210
UDK: 631.559 047.44:[633.85:581.54(477.46), pages 199-210, downloads (219)
203 Rassadina I.Y.
Леонова К. П.
Садовський І. С.
Власенко С. О.
Grain quality of spring barley depending on the fertilization of plants with mineral nitrogen Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-192-199
UDK: 633.16 -021.4:631.84, pages 192-199, downloads (294)
204 Правдива Л. А. Control of the number of weeds in crops of grain sorghum and their effect on the growth and development of plants Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-182-191
UDK: 633.174:631.5, pages 182-191, downloads (366)
205 Леонова К. П.
Моргун А. В.
Моргун В. І.
Коваленко А. М.
Formation of a working tobacco collection according to the complex of characters in the conditions of the Central Forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-172-183
UDK: 631.527:633.71(477.46), pages 172-183, downloads (223)
206 Федорова Т. Ю.
Yakovenko R.V.
Researches of soil fertilization and top dressing in pear orchards (literature review) Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-163-172
UDK: 634.13:631.8, pages 163-172, downloads (237)
207 Ткачук О. П. Features of the vegetation of winter wheat agrophytocenoses after the predecessors of leguminous perennial grasses Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-150-162
UDK: 633.11/ 631.582, pages 150-162, downloads (198)
208 Gaviy V.M.
Pryplavko S.А.
Comparative effect of synthetic plant growth regulators for assimilation processes and productivity of cucumber (Cucumis sativus l.). cultivar Nizhynsky Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-142-150
UDK: 581.143:577.175.1.05, pages 142-150, downloads (257)
209 Яценко В. В. Biological fundamentals of hardneck garlic productivity of different reproduction Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-126-141
UDK: 631.8:635.262, pages 126-141, downloads (264)
210 Vorobyova N.V. Adaptability and productivity of tomato varieties in the forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-111-125
UDK: 631.559: 635.4: 635.7 , pages 111-125, downloads (233)
211 Балабак А. В. Environmental assessment of the state of municipal solid waste management in the city of Uman Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-104-111
UDK: 628.47, pages 104-111, downloads (218)
212 Ulyanych O.I.
Balabak O.A.
Яценко В. В.
Чміль М. М.
Growth, development and yield of beet varieties under the action of biological products Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-92-104
UDK: 631.547.2: 631.559 [635.112: 631.811.98], pages 92-104, downloads (285)
213 Diordieva I.
Ryabovol L.O.
Ryabovol Y.S.
Голубенко О. В.
Enrichment of the triticale gene pool by intraspecific hybridization Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-84-91
UDK: 633.11, pages 84-91, downloads (216)
214 Novak Zh.M. The level of manifestation and variation of biometric indicators of spring barley samples of collection of Uman national university of horticulture Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-76-84
UDK: 631.526.3:633.16 , pages 76-84, downloads (311)
215 Pryplavko S.А.
Gaviy V.M.
Kovalenko S.A.
The effect of Vympel and Rhizostym on some indicators of vegetable pepper growth at different phases of ontogenesis Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-67-75
UDK: 581.143:577.175.1.05, pages 67-75, downloads (279)
216 Польовий В. М.
Ященко Л. А.
Ровна Г. Ф.
Гук Б. В.
Ювчик Н. О.
Influence of limestone ameliorants and fertilizers on the winter wheat productivity in crop rotation Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-58-67
UDK: 633.15:631.816:631.821.1, pages 58-67, downloads (208)
217 Пижʼянов В. В. Prospects of reproduction by green stem cuttings of species and varieties of the genus actinidia lindl. for landscaping in the conditions of the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-48-58
UDK: 58:581.95:582.814:581.16:634.1/7, pages 48-58, downloads (212)
218 Kopytko P.G.
Yakovenko R.V.
Soil conditions and yield of repeatedly grown apple orchard depending on long-term fertilizer application Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-34-47
UDK: 634.11: 631.452: 631.8, pages 34-47, downloads (212)
219 Hospodarenko G.M.
Martynyuk A.T.
Kravets І.S.
Damage to sugar beets by cercosporosis and gray rot, depending on the characteristics of fertilization Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-21-34
UDK: 633.63:[632+632.25:631.8], pages 21-34, downloads (368)
220 Lubych V.V. Selection value of new spring triticale varieties Issue number 98. Part 1 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-7-20
UDK: 631.527+631.526.3:633.19, pages 7-20, downloads (315)
221 Chynchyk O. S.
Olifirovich S.
Olifirovich V.
Гуменюк І.І.
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-268-278
UDK: 551.5:631.5:635.656:631.521:631.8, pages 268-278, downloads (278)
222 Овчіннікова О. П. Morphological potential of the gene pool of radish Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-260-268
UDK: 635.152:61.527, pages 260-268, downloads (260)
223 Ulyanych O.I.
Яценко В. В.
Шевчук К. М.
Остапенко Н.О.
Growth and yield of garlic depending on the variety in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-249-259
UDK: 635.52:477.46, pages 249-259, downloads (330)
224 Melnyk O.V.
Худік Л.М.
Biochemical components of 1-MCP treated apples after exposure at 20±20С at the end of storage Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-239-248
UDK: 664.8.031: 634.11, pages 239-248, downloads (280)
225 Кононенко Л. М.
Yevchuk Y.V.
Войтовська В.І.
Tretiakova S.
Comparative analysis of the chemical composition of sesame flour for the production of special bakery products Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-229-239
UDK: 664.641.19:633.853.74-047.44:664.66, pages 229-239, downloads (495)
226 Ulyanych O.I.
Василенко О.В.
Яценко В. В.
Кучер І. О.
Yield and quality of cornflowers of real dependence on a way of cultivation of seedling and terms of landing in the conditions of the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-218-228
UDK: 631.55: 635.71: 631.53.03 (477.4), pages 218-228, downloads (357)
227 Makarchuk M.O. Formation of economically and valuable features of sugar corn lines in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-212-218
UDK: 631.55:[631.526.3:633.15], pages 212-218, downloads (264)
228 Bezvikonnyy P. V.
Mialkovskyi R. O.
Потапський Ю. В.
Influence of tillage systems and herbicides on weediness and yield of beets in the Western Forest-Steppe Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-204-211
UDK: 635.11:632.954:631.51, pages 204-211, downloads (295)
229 Ткачук О. П. Winter resistance of winter wheat plants depending on the predecessors of perennial legumes Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-191-203
UDK: 633.11/ 631.582.9, pages 191-203, downloads (400)
230 Кадуріна А. О.
Назарчук Ю.С.
Symbols of the Dyukovsky Park constructions in Odessa. Heritage of the 1950s agricultural exhibition Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-181-190
UDK: 721.03, pages 181-190, downloads (321)
231 Карпенко В.П.
Prytulyak R.M.
Бойко Я. О.
Weed infestation of winter pea crops under the action of herbicides, plant growth regulators and microbial preparations Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-171-180
UDK: 632.51:[633.35:661.162.2:661.162.66:631.847.211], pages 171-180, downloads (328)
232 Lubych V.V.
Войтовська В.І.
Tretiakova S.
Климович Н.М.
Biochemical component of grain flour of different hybrids of maize and sorghum Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-164-171
UDK: 664.64.016.8:[664.641.15:664.788], pages 164-171, downloads (393)
233 Mostovjak I.I.
Кравченко О. В.
Dependence of soy growth processes on the application of fungicides and inoculants in the Right bank Forest steppe of Ukraine Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-154-164
UDK: 633.34:632.952:661.162.6(292.485)(477.4), pages 154-164, downloads (264)
234 Ковальова І. А. Establishment, maintenance and ordering of grapevine traits collections (Vitis vinifera L. Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-145-154
UDK: 634:836.1.631.538, pages 145-154, downloads (346)
235 Hospodarenko G.M.
Prokopchuk I.V.
Леонова К. П.
Бойко В. П.
Productivity and quality of soybean seeds with different fertilization on podzolized chernozem Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-136-144
UDK: 631.55:[631.53.01–021.4:633.34:631.82:631.445.4], pages 136-144, downloads (356)
236 Eshchenko V.O.
Карнаух О. Б.
Usyk S.V.
Organic system of agriculture and proposals for its implementation Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-128-136
UDK: 631.147-048.23, pages 128-136, downloads (420)
237 Polishchuk V.V.
Калюжна Л. В.
Historical aspects, morphological-biological and agro-technological features of cultivation of tulip varieties (Tulipa (L.) for the purpose of further use in gardening Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-102-111
UDK: 382.570.2:712.4, pages 102-111, downloads (343)
238 Demydas G. I.
Poltoretska N.M.
Лихошерст Є. С.
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-91-102
UDK: 633.361; 631.8, pages 91-102, downloads (283)
239 Osokina N.M.
Kostetska K.V.
Herasymchuk O.P.
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-82-91
UDK: 634.723.1, pages 82-91, downloads (317)
240 Hospodarenko G.M.
Martynyuk A.T.
Water-holding capacity of sugar beet depending on fertilizers Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-72-81
UDK: 581.111:[631.432.2:633.63:631.8], pages 72-81, downloads (285)
241 Правдива Л. А. Photosynthetic activity of grain sorghum crops depending on the method of sowing seeds Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-61-71
UDK: 633.174:631.5, pages 61-71, downloads (497)
242 Ryabovol L.O.
Ryabovol Y.S.
Білокур Ю. В.
Selection of the optimal sterilization schedule for explants of erectoid forms of corn Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-45-51
UDK: 57.085.2: 633.15, pages 45-51, downloads (303)
243 Lubych V.V. Productivity formation of various maize hybrids Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-32-44
UDK: 631.55:[631.526.3:633.15], pages 32-44, downloads (438)
244 Ketskalo V.V.
Polishchuk T.V.
The productivityof carrots depending of hybrid Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-23-31
UDK: 635.13:631.527.5, pages 23-31, downloads (328)
245 Poltoretskiy S.P.
Demydas G. I.
Бурко Л. М.
Вейлер С.С.
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-16-22
UDK: 631.55/.58: 633.11/.14 + 633.35, pages 16-22, downloads (550)
246 Карпенко В.П.
Kravets І.S.
Adamenko D.M.
Formation of the microbiota of the rhizosphere of spelt wheat and intermediate wheatgrass and biological activity of podzolized chernozem Issue number 97. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-7-16
UDK: 633.19: [573. 4: 631.415.7], pages 7-16, downloads (385)
247 Асанішвілі Н. М.
Юла В. М.
Шляхтурова С. П.
Formation of Corn Crop Structure Elements under the Influence of Growth Technology in Forest Steppe Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-663-676
UDK: 633.15:631.8:632.954, pages 663-676, downloads (498)
248 Українець О. А.
Поліщук В. В.
Sterilize agents selection and the determination of explants introduction period for clonal micropropagation of introduced roses' varieties (Rosa L.) Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-650-663
UDK: 581.16:635.925:582.734.4, pages 650-663, downloads (425)
249 Андрієнко О. О.
Васильковська К. В.
Андрієнко А. Л.
Reaction of maize hybrids to the changes in crop density in the northern Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-635-651
UDK: 633.15:631.53.048, pages 635-651, downloads (484)
250 Ushkarenko V.A.
Коковіхін С. В.
Чабан В. О.
Lavrenko S.O.
Шепель А. В.
Productivity of sage muscat depending on water and physical properties of soil at drop irrigation Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-621-635
UDK: 633.8011.631.674.6:58.05, pages 621-635, downloads (743)
251 Lubych V.V.
Vozyan V. V.
Єремєєва О. А.
Войтовська В.І.
Grits formation ability of milling blends of spelt and soft wheat grain Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-606-620
UDK: 664.7.004.12:633.111:631.526.3, pages 606-620, downloads (506)
252 Ткач О. В. Productivity chicory root depending on the cultivation method with a combined row spacing Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-592-605
UDK: 633.78:631.522, pages 592-605, downloads (466)
253 Яценко А. О.
Голубенко О. В.
Formation of yield rape yield with different main tillage in the Right-bank Forest-Steppe Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-582-592
UDK: 631.52.021, pages 582-592, downloads (498)
254 Ulyanych I.F. Grits properties of soft winter wheat grain depending on variety Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-572-582
UDK: 664.7.004.12:633.111, pages 572-582, downloads (355)
255 Lubych V.V.
Yevchuk Y.V.
Кононенко Л. М.
Харитоненко Н. С.
Анциферова О. В.
Technological properties of grain of bread wheat depending on the variety Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-558-572
UDK: 664.64.016.8:631.526.3:633.11, pages 558-572, downloads (359)
256 Kovalov V. B.
Derebon I. Yu.
Бучко К. Д.
Федорчук С. В.
Influence of storage time of linseed oil on its quality composition Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-548-558
UDK: 635-521:631-531, pages 548-558, downloads (360)
257 Zamorskyi V.V.
Чецький Б. О.
Apple tree productivity depending on moisture availability Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-535-548
UDK: 634.11:634.1-15:634.1.055:634.1.076, pages 535-548, downloads (409)
258 Lubych V.V. Milling properties of spelt wheat grain depending on variety and line Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-520-534
UDK: 664.761:631.526.3:633.11, pages 520-534, downloads (423)
259 Ulyanych O.I.
Vorobyova N.V.
Кучер І. О.
Establishment of the optimal time of planting seedlings of basils and its influence on yield Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-508-519
UDK: 631.559: 635.4: 635.7, pages 508-519, downloads (457)
260 Мельник О. В.
Терещенко М. М.
Шарапанюк О. С.
Parameters of apple orchard leaves plantings under differend soil retentoin systems under the hail net Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-497-507
UDK: 634.11:631.17(477.4), pages 497-507, downloads (461)
261 Токмань В. С.
Мельник А. В.
Technological features of Catalpa bignonioides Walt planting Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-478-497
UDK: 635.032/.034, pages 478-497, downloads (338)
262 Ulyanych O.I.
Ковтунюк З.І.
Яценко В. В.
Кухнюк О.
Accumulation of cesium-137 and strontium-90 radionuclides in potatoes and vegetables grown in cherkasy region Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-467-478
UDK: 632.118.3:635.1/7, pages 467-478, downloads (335)
263 Гарбовська Т. М. The interphase periods duration of the vegetable bean growth and development depending on the plants layout Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-457-467
UDK: 635.652:631.53.048 , pages 457-467, downloads (309)
264 Усик С. В.
Eshchenko V.O.
Карнаух О. Б.
Influence of short-term crop rotations’ saturation with fodder-grain crops on separate agrophysical fertility indices of podzolic chernozem Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-432-443
UDK: 631.582:631.434, pages 432-443, downloads (374)
265 Іванова І. Є.
Сердюк М. Є.
Шкіндер-Барміна А. М.
Кривонос І. А.
The influence of abiotic factors on formation of taste qualities of chtrry fruits Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-416-43
UDK: [634.23:551.58](477.7), pages 416-432, downloads (306)
266 Покотило І. А.
Kyzhanjvskiy V.G.
Nevlad V.I.
Yield and technological quality of soybean seeds depending on the main soil and predecessor in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Ukraine Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-405-416
UDK: 633.26:631.67:631.71 , pages 405-416, downloads (357)
267 Kotsyuba S. P. Character of variability of inbred lines of corn in condition of Right-bank Forrest-steppe of Ukraine Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-394-405
UDK: 631.527:633.15, pages 394-405, downloads (419)
268 Martynyuk A.T.
Новак Ю. В.
Sugar beet productivity under different doses of mineral and organic fertilizers and fertilizer systems in field crop rotation Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-368-382
UDK: 633.63:631.8:631.153.3:631.582, pages 368-382, downloads (357)
269 Юрченко В. О.
Цитлішвілі К.О.
Composition and interspecies relations in immobilized nitrogen-transforming microbiocenoses of treatment facilities Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-355-368
UDK: 628.335.1+579.695, pages 355-368, downloads (458)
270 Gaviy V.M.
Pryplavko S.А.
Kovalenko S.A.
Efficiency of influence of preparations Vimpel and Rizostim on assimilation processes of sweet pepper and it`s productivity Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-343-355
UDK: 581.143:577.175.1.05, pages 343-355, downloads (418)
271 Бандура И. И. Perspective of introduction of tropical mushroom Calocybe indica Purkay. & a. Chandra in to Ukrainian mushroom production Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-319-342
UDK: 635.8, pages 319-342, downloads (532)
272 Lyubchenko A.I.
Lybchenko I.O.
Analysis of plant productivity of somaclonal lines of camelina sativa Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-303-319
UDK: 001.82:631.165:633.85, pages 303-319, downloads (395)
273 Makarchuk M.O. Adaptive capacity of vegetable peas varieties in the conditions of right-Bank forest-steppe Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-291-303
UDK: 631.527.21, pages 291-303, downloads (329)
274 Ryabovol Y.S.
Ryabovol L.O.
Analysis of the inheritance of genes of marker features of winter rye Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-277-291
UDK: 631.527.581.143:633.14, pages 277-291, downloads (329)
275 Попова Л. М.
Латюк Г. І.
Economic–biological assessment of cherry tomato hybrids in the southern steppe of Ukraine Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-264-277
UDK: 635.64 : 631.526.3:631.55 (477.74), pages 264-277, downloads (350)
276 Леонова К. П.
Моргун А. В.
Моргун В. І.
Коваленко А. М.
Analysis of interspecific hybrids of F1 tobacco by structural elements of seed productivity Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-252-264
UDK: 633.71:631.527 , pages 252-264, downloads (418)
277 Drozd O.O.
Мельник О. В.
Ethylene activity of Honeycrisp apples depending on the cooling mode and post-harvest treatment with ethylene inhibitor Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-239-252
UDK: 547.534.1:664.8.03:634.11:631.811.98:664.8.03, pages 239-252, downloads (366)
278 Rassadina I.Y.
Недвига М. В.
Нікітіна О. В.
Мусієнко Л. А.
Effectofmineralfertilizerandinoculationonlentilperformance Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-229-238
UDK: 631.82/85:631.847:633/635.07:3.35, pages 229-238, downloads (440)
279 Eshchenko V.O.
Карнаух О. Б.
Agrobiological classification of weeds Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-219-228
UDK: 57:63: [632.51-048.44], pages 219-228, downloads (857)
280 Hospodarenko G.M.
Prokopchuk I.V.
Бойко В. П.
The effect of doses and ratios of fertilizers in the field crop rotation on the yield and quality of spring barley grain Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-205-218
UDK: 633.11:631.8, pages 205-218, downloads (393)
281 Ulyanych O.I.
Osokina N.M.
Kostetska K.V.
Кухнюк О.
Шевчук К. М.
Quality management of vegetables with the application of nano preparations Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-178-193
UDK: 635.52: 477.46, pages 178-193, downloads (403)
282 Ісаєнко В. М.
Поштаренко А. В.
Intensification of the process of wastewater treatment by physico-chemical methods Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-167-178
UDK: 628, pages 167-178, downloads (426)
283 Сторожик Л. І.
Войтовська В.І.
Завгородня С. В.
Tretiakova S.
Chemical composition of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) depending on biological features of hybrids Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-149-166
UDK: 633.17:631.52, pages 149-166, downloads (374)
284 Mostovjak I.I. The cultivation of major crops in the Cherkasy region and monitoring their phytosanitary status Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-125-149
UDK: 632.937, pages 125-149, downloads (345)
285 Diordieva I. Ground of parameters of model of variety of winter spelt wheat for the conditions of Right-bank Forrest-steppe of Ukraine Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-113-125
UDK: 633.11, pages 113-125, downloads (353)
286 Яковенко Р. В. Growth and yield of pear trees of Zolotovorotskaya variety depending on soil fertilizer and foliar dressing Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-102-113
UDK: 634.13.003.13:631.82, pages 102-113, downloads (431)
287 Hospodarenko G.M.
Черно О. Д.
Новак А. В.
The state of growth and development of winter wheat plants in the autumn growing season Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-84-101
UDK: 633.11:631.81, pages 84-101, downloads (407)
288 Климишена Р. І. The dependence of grain size of brewing spring barley on the influence of mineral nutrition Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-72-84
UDK: 633.16«321»: 004.12: 631.81, pages 72-84, downloads (418)
289 Osokina N.M.
Lubych V.V.
Новіков В. В.
Лещенко І. А.
Yield of spelt wheat rolled grits depending on exposure time to microwave EMF (electromagnetic field of high-frequency current) and water treatment Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-52-71
UDK: 743:633.11:641.53:683.958, pages 52-71, downloads (437)
290 Poltoretskiy S.P.
Tretiakova S.
Mostovjak I.I.
Яценко А. О.
Poltoretska N.M.
Berezovskyi A.P.
The influence of the duration, the method of sowing and the reduction rates on the growth and productivity of winter wheat Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-23-52
UDK: 633.11:631.53, pages 23-52, downloads (387)
291 Карпенко В.П.
Марченко К. Ю.
The activity of antioxidant enzymes in the plants of hulless oat under the use of a microbial preparation and plant growth regulato Issue number 96. Part 1 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-9-23
UDK: 632.95.204:631.86.87:664.78, pages 9-23, downloads (464)
292 Korenchuk E.
Fokin A.V.
Drozd V.F.
Threshold equation for the harmfulness of larvae of plate phytophages Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-226-236
UDK: 632: 595.7, pages 226-236, downloads (314)
293 Sinchenko V. V.
Tanchyk S. P.
Litvinov D.V.
Yield and quality of soya seed depending on tilling and preditors in the right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-217-225
UDK: 633.34:631.55:631.51, pages 217-225, downloads (328)
294 Chynchyk O. S.
Olifirovich S.
Olifirovich V.
Kravchenko V. S.
Application of microbial preparations in the technology of growing cultures Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-207-216
UDK: 551.5:631.5:635.656:631.521:631.8, pages 207-216, downloads (327)
295 Chaploutskyi A.M.
Melnyk O.V.
Forming of the productivity of planting of apple-tree in dependence on method and term of pruning Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-199-206
UDK: 634.11:631.542:631.17(477.4), pages 199-206, downloads (207)
296 Kravchenko V. S. Dreg as an alternative organic fertilizer for soil Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-189-199
UDK: 631.8.022.3, pages 189-199, downloads (249)
297 Zamorskyi V.V. The influence of the localization of the cuttings of the clone stock of the pumicelect on rooting Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-177-189
UDK: 634.22.504, pages 177-189, downloads (197)
298 Kharchenko O.V.
Petrenko C.V.
Prasol V.I.
Sobko M.H.
Medvid S. I.
Evaluation of the intensity of new crop varieties and hybrids by the key factors Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-166-177
UDK: 631.527:633.85, pages 166-177, downloads (338)
299 Trush S.G.
Parfeniuk O.
Баланюк Л.О.
Implementation of under winter sowing of sugar beet in selection process for the creation of pollinators-fixers of sterility and their CMS analogues Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-157-166
UDK: 631.527:633.63, pages 157-166, downloads (205)
300 Slobodianyk H. Ya.
Ulyanych O.I.
Ternavskiy A.G.
Voysechovskiy V. I.
Varietal features of the leek yield formation in the forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-147-157
UDK: 635.261:631.526.32+631.547.2+631.559, pages 147-157, downloads (385)
301 Parfeniuk O. Use of recombinogenesis in selection of multi-growth polinators of sugar beet іn the root shape Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-138-147
UDK: 633.63:631.52, pages 138-147, downloads (179)
302 Martynyuk A.T.
Hospodarenko G.M.
Novak Y.W.
Dynamics of yield of sugar beet in field crop rotation elements under prolonged use of fertilizers Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-128-138
UDK: 633.16:631.8:633.63, pages 128-138, downloads (321)
303 Карпенко В.П.
Burlyay A.P.
Butsyk R. M.
Maiboroda V. M.
Strawberry productivity depending on the technology of growing Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-116-127
UDK: 634.75:631.5, pages 116-127, downloads (379)
304 Karnaukh O.B.
Eshchenko V.O.
Kalievskiy М.V.
Usyk S.V.
Koval G.V.
Clogs of spring barley crops and their productivity depending on the main tillage Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-105-115
UDK: 633.16:631.153.3, pages 105-115, downloads (306)
305 Dudka N.I. Growing of love-lies-bleeding (amaranthus paniculatus l.) On green fodder in the conditions of northern Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-90-104
UDK: 633.39:631.5, pages 90-104, downloads (354)
306 Hospodarenko G.M.
Prokopchuk I.V.
Assimilation of basic nutrients from soil and mineral fertilizers by corn Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-76-89
UDK: 633.15, pages 76-89, downloads (411)
307 Gaviy V.M.
O.B. Kuchmenko
O.A. Tereshchenko
The effect of the biological agent Polymyxobacterin and the BAI-SI immunoprotector on the content of photosynthetic pigments and the yield of corn Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-65-75
UDK: 581.143:577.175.1.05, pages 65-75, downloads (223)
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-55-65
UDK: 635.21:631.811.98, pages 55-65, downloads (209)
309 Tokar A.Yu.
Matenchuk L. U.
Kharchenko Z. M.
Myroniuk S. S.
Petrychenko Ye. A.
Voysechovskiy V. I.
The optimization of the fermentation process of wort from apples Spartan varirty for the unfortified sweet wines Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-44-55
UDK: 663.3-048.34, pages 44-55, downloads (228)
310 Lubych V.V. Кey properties of spring triticale grain depending on the dose and timing of the nitrogen application Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-30-44
UDK: 633.39-021.361:631.84, pages 30-44, downloads (249)
311 MAZUR O. V.
Poltoretskiy S.P.
Poltoretska N.M.
Kononenko L.M.
Inheritance of yield formula in F1 hybrids and hybrid swarms F2 Phaseolus vulgaris L. Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-19-30
UDK: 635.652:631.527, pages 19-30, downloads (266)
312 Карпенко В.П.
Adamenko D.M.
Kravets І.S.
Suhomud O.G.
Biological features and productivity of perennial cereals in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-SteppeUkraine Issue number 95. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-7-18
UDK: 63:633.113.9, pages 7-18, downloads (465)
313 Lukyanets O. D. Whitening, as a element of growing technology for the chicory of salad endivia and escariol in the Right-Bank Forest-Stepp of Ukraine Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-285-295
UDK: 631.5:635.55(477.4), pages 285-295, downloads (210)
314 Mialkovskyi R. O.
Ovcharuk V.I.
Bezvikonnyy P. V.
Kravchenko V. S.
Assessment of the quality of tubers of potatoes of varieties of different ripeness group depending on growing conditions Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-274-284
UDK: 635.21:631.5(292.485)(045), pages 274-284, downloads (266)
315 Карпенко В.П.
Шутко С.С.
Hnatiuk M.G.
Anatomical and morphological changes in the sorize leaves under the use of biologically active substances Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-264-274
UDK: 581.45:[633.174:631.811.98], pages 264-274, downloads (419)
316 Shepilova T.P. Influence of biological preparations on soybean productivity in the northern Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-255-264
UDK: 633.52:631.5 , pages 255-264, downloads (422)
317 Zamorskyi V.V.
Chetsky B.A.
Growth and productivity of an apple trees in an intensive garden Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-249-255
UDK: 634.11:634.1-15:634.1.055:634.1.076, pages 249-255, downloads (223)
318 Adamenko D.M.
Suhomud O.G.
Kravets І.S.
Krykunov I. V.
Productivity of sugar beet, depending on the density of sowing and the system of protection against weeds in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-239-249
UDK: 63:631/635:632, pages 239-249, downloads (258)
319 Gaviy V.M.
Pryplavko S.А.
Kovalenko S.A.
Effect of presowing treatment of seeds with biopreparates on individual physiological parameters of soybean and its productivity Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-232-239
UDK: 581.143:577.175.1.05, pages 232-239, downloads (362)
320 Kryshtopa N. V.
Boguslavskiy R. L.
Lubych V.V.
The selection value of wheat species (soft, spelt, short-grain, Petropavlovskyi) according to the baking qualities of grain Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-221-231
UDK: 631.527:633.111:664.6, pages 221-231, downloads (430)
321 Shevchenko Zh.P.
Mostovjak I.I.
Suhomud O.G.
Mostovjak S.M.
Chukhray R.V.
Chukhray R.V.
Vectors of viruses and mycoplasmosis in cereal crops, and mycoses depending on the varieties and combinations of insecticides with chemical immunizers Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-208-220
UDK: 632.4:[633.1:632.951:632.938] , pages 208-220, downloads (487)
322 Chynchyk O. S.
Olifirovich S.
Olifirovich V.
Tretiakova S.
Perspectives of biologization of cultivation of leguminous crops in Ukraine Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-198-207
UDK: 551.5:631.5:635.656:631.521:631.8, pages 198-207, downloads (254)
323 Ulyanych O.I.
Didenko I.A.
Crop and quality of garlic for application of plant growth regulators. Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-186-198
UDK: 635.262:631.811.98, pages 186-198, downloads (265)
324 Martynyuk A.T. The effect of fertilizers on the soil nutrient balance under sugar beet Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-175-186
UDK: 631.8:631.4:633.63, pages 175-186, downloads (233)
325 Rozhkov A. A.
Trush A.K.
Haricot beans productivity depending on the seed sowing rate in the Eastern Forest Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-165-174
UDK: [635.652:631.559]: 631.531.048 (477.52/6), pages 165-174, downloads (292)
326 Suhomud O.G.
Adamenko D.M.
Kravets І.S.
Influence of “ACTIVE-HARVEST” microfertilizer application on growth, development and yield of maize plants Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-156-164
UDK: 631.559:631.8.633.15(292.485), pages 156-164, downloads (323)
327 Tkachenko O. B.
Pashkovskiy O. I.
Tarasova V. V.
The effect of vine training system on parameters of grape phenolic complex Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-134-147
UDK: 634.836:631.542:547.56, pages 134-147, downloads (214)
328 Nakloka O. P. Morpho-agrobiological features of sweet pepper varieties in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-147-155
UDK: 581.4-021.272:635.649(477.46), pages 147-155, downloads (267)
329 Vyshnevska L.V.
Sichkar A.A.
Rogalskyy S. V.
Kravchenko V. S.
Realization of genetic potential of hybrids of beet saccharine is in the conditions of right-bank forest-steppe of ukraine Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-127-134
UDK: 632.25:633.63, pages 127-134, downloads (210)
330 Ryabovol Y.S. Genetic analysis and selection of samples of soft winter wheat for resistant genes to diseases Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-118-127
UDK: 633.11: 631.527 , pages 118-127, downloads (240)
331 Poberezhets I.I.
Poberezhets V.I.
Poberezhets I.I.
The parameters of water-alcohol-sugar solutions using the two-parameter method Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-111-118
UDK: 663.2/5:664.1, pages 111-118, downloads (369)
332 Novak Zh.M. Indicators of variety samples productivity of spring barley at different rates of seeding Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-100-111
UDK: 631.526.3:633.16(477), pages 100-111, downloads (226)
333 Lubych V.V. ProteinProtein-proteinase complex of grain of various species, varieties and lines of wheat-proteinase complex of grain of various species, varieties and lines of wheat Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-83-100
UDK: 577.112:664.71–11:631.526.3, pages 83-100, downloads (307)
334 Lubych V.V.
Kotsyuba S. P.
Yevchuk Y.V.
Productivity of spelt depending on fertilizer types, their combination and terms of nitrogen fertilizers application Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-71-83
UDK: 631.559:[633.11:631.8], pages 71-83, downloads (389)
335 Kotsyuba S. P. Evaluation of main economic value indicators of inbred lines of corn Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-60-71
UDK: 631.52 : 633.15, pages 60-71, downloads (383)
336 Kravets І.S.
Suhomud O.G.
Adamenko D.M.
Apple-blossom weevil and the insecticide efficiency in protection against it in Right Bank Forest –Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-50-59
UDK: 634: 11:663.293:663.1:653, pages 50-59, downloads (415)
337 Hospodarenko G.M.
Nikitina O.V.
Prokopchuk I.V.
Changes in the structure of the potassium stock of podzolized chernozem after a long-term fertilization Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-43-49
UDK: 631.412:416.4, pages 43-49, downloads (391)
338 Kovalov V. B.
Derebon I. Yu.
On the issue of scientific bases for the storage of crop products Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-35-42
UDK: УДК 664:633/635, pages 35-42, downloads (387)
339 Eshchenko V.O.
Kalievskiy М.V.
Koval G.V.
Soybean reaction to weed infestation of its crops on the background of fall tillage of varying intensity Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-26-34
UDK: УДК 633.34:[632.5:631.51], pages 26-34, downloads (249)
340 Poltoretskiy S.P.
Poltoretska N.M.
Yatsenko A.A.
Kravchenko V. S.
Bilonozhko V. Y.
Environmental plasticity, stability and resistance to diseases of the varieties Phaseolus vulgaris L. Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-17-26
UDK: УДК: 635.652:631.527, pages 17-26, downloads (449)
341 Hospodarenko G.M.
Lubych V.V.
Novikov V.V.
Zheliezna V. V.
Wheat and proteinatic complex of spelt wheat grain varieties depending on fertilizers Issue number 94. Part 1 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-8-16
UDK: УДК577.112:664.71–11:631.526.3, pages 8-16, downloads (413)
342 Melnychuk G.A. Effect of growing technology components on the dry biomass yield of energy willow Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-222-229
UDK: 630:662.631, pages 222-229, downloads (321)
343 Ulyanych O.I.
Didenko I.A.
Yield and quality of spinach and celery depending on the form of hydrogel Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-209-221
UDK: 502. 521: 635.1/.8 (477.46), pages 209-221, downloads (318)
344 Kravchenko V. S. Accumulation of the root mass of the leguminous grass, due to the composition of the mixture and fertilizer Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-201-208
UDK: 633.2.033:633.2.031, pages 201-208, downloads (457)
345 Сахненко В. В.
Сахненко Д. В.
Features of control of pests of grain cereal crops in modern weather and climate conditions in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-191-200
UDK: 632.931:632.11:632.7, pages 191-200, downloads (324)
346 Yakovenko R.V. Pear tree yield and fruit quality of Osnovianska variety depending on foliar fertilizing Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-184-191
UDK: 634.13.003.13:631.82, pages 184-191, downloads (304)
347 Polunina O. V.
Maiboroda V. P.
Thickening of a tree trunk and an apical growth of bi-axis young apple tress of cv. Florina depending on a budding height and the way of bi-axis formation. Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-176-184
UDK: 631.53.03:634.11, pages 176-184, downloads (257)
348 Polishchuk V.V.
Kozachenko I.V.
Features of forest crops creation of the ordinary oak in the conditions of forest tract «Bilohrudivka» of ESPD of Uman NUH Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-166-176
UDK: 630*232:582.623.2(477.46), pages 166-176, downloads (344)
349 Palamarchuk I.I. Productivity and dynamics of fructification of grades and hybrids of the vegetable marrow in the conditions of the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-158-165
UDK: 631. 547.5:635.623(631.527.5+631.526.3)(477.4+292.485), pages 158-165, downloads (313)
350 Novak Zh.M. The plants productivity of hard spring wheat varieties samples at different seeding rates Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-145-157
UDK: [631.52+631.53.048]: 633.112, pages 145-157, downloads (312)
351 Kostetska K.V. Fruit vegetables organoleptic assessment during their storage Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-136-144
UDK: 635.64:664.8.03, pages 136-144, downloads (441)
352 Melnyk O.V. Habit of an apple tree crown depending on pruning practice and term Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-126-135
UDK: 634.11:631.542:631.171(477.4) , pages 126-135, downloads (305)
353 Ulyanych O.I. Adaptive ability of varieties of endive vitluf in the conditions of the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-118-126
UDK: 635.55(477.4), pages 118-126, downloads (252)
354 Poltoretskiy S.P.
Poltoretska N.M.
Yatsenko A.A.
Formation of photosynthesis surface of sorghum and soriz depending on timing and methods of sowing Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-107-118
UDK: 633.174:631.5, pages 107-118, downloads (248)
355 Drozd O.O.
Melnyk O.V.
Melnyk I.O.
Organoleptic evaluation of Golden Delicious apples treated with ethylene inhibitor, depending on the place and date of collection Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-96-107
UDK: 621.796:634.11.002.71, pages 96-107, downloads (395)
356 Herasymchuk O.P.
Ulyanych I.F.
Vorobyova N.V.
Formation of technological properties of grain of different wheat varieties and strains depending on abiotic and biotic factors Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-80-95
UDK: 631.526.3–02:664.71–11:57.047, pages 80-95, downloads (341)
357 Vozhegova R. A.
Vlashyk A. M.
Shapar L. V.
Дробіт О. С.
Fotosintetik activity of sowing of hybrids of corn of different groups of ripeness in the conditions of irrigation Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-70-80
UDK: 633.15:631.5 (477.72), pages 70-80, downloads (242)
358 Balagura O.V.
Balan V.M
Volokha M.P.
Realization of the biological potential of sugar beet Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-56-70
UDK: 633.63: 631.1, pages 56-70, downloads (267)
359 Карпенко В.П. The Impact of herbicides and biologic preparations on the dynamic of chlorophyll content in chickpea`s leaves Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-47-55
UDK: 633.31/.37: 631.95: 631.811.98: 581.132, pages 47-55, downloads (339)
360 Foremna I. V
Lуkhchvor V. V.
Efficiency of mineral fertilizers when growing naked sort oats in the forest-steppe Ukraine Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-39-47
UDK: 005.336.1:631.82:633. 13(292.485)(477), pages 39-47, downloads (345)
361 Карпенко В.П.
Шутко С.С.
Chlorophyll content and photosynthetic productivity in soriz while applying of Pik 75 WG herbicide and Regoplant plant growth regulator Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-23-32
UDK: 581.132.1:[633.17.632.954: 631.811.98], pages 23-32, downloads (412)
362 Hospodarenko G.M.
Poltoretskiy S.P.
Lubych V.V.
Improvement of the parcooking mode for the rolled groats production of spelt wheat Issue № 93. Part 1 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-8-22
UDK: 66.046.2:664.7+664.71–11, pages 8-22, downloads (515)
363 Slyusarenko V.S. Commercial properties and chemical composition of Maria pear depending on soil fertilizers and foliar feeding Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 634.13:581.192:631.8, pages 342-350, downloads (291)
364 Varlashchenko L. H. Introduction of new cultivars of edible blue-berried honeysuckle in the landscaping of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 631.526.3:582.976:712.4 (477.46), pages 333-342, downloads (382)
365 Prokopchuk S.V.
Nevlad V.I.
The Influence of Fertilization and та Inoculation on the Carrying out of the Main Elements of Nutrition by the Harvest of Grain and Straw of Chick-Pea Plants Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 631.847-043.2+631.811:631.559:635.657, pages 324-333, downloads (340)
366 Kalenych P.Е. Influence of ecological factors on productivity and economic efficiency of cultivating winter wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) in the conditions of the Southern Forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 621.8; 633.11:632.9, pages 314-324, downloads (300)
367 Berov Ye. The influence of minimization of soil tillage on its agrophysical properties in the conditions of organic agriculture in Southen Steppe Of Ukraine Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 633.35:631.51:631.147 (477.74), pages 306-314, downloads (202)
368 Shevchuk R.
Shevchuk Н.
Performance of the differences of energy issues in soil – climatic conditions of western forest steps Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 620.952:631.81, pages 298-306, downloads (328)
369 Kharitonenko N. S.
Kirichenko V.V.,
Pozdnyakov V.V.
Antsyferova O.V.
New sunflower forms with a modified content of tocopherol isomers Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 633.854.78:631.527:632.9, pages 291-298, downloads (217)
370 Ushkarenko V.A.
Lavrenko S.O.
Maksimov M.V.
Energy efficiency of Haricot Beans cultivation (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under Irrigation in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 631.51:631.81:631.543.2:631.67:635.652.2, pages 282-291, downloads (186)
371 Trus O.M. Changing the qualitative composition of humus of podzolized chernozem after a prolonged use of fertilizers in the field crop rotation Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 631.417.2 + 631.445.4:631.8:631.582, pages 271-282, downloads (302)
372 Rozhkov A. A.
Chernobay S.V.
Spring barley crop productivity under the influence of seeding rates and top-dressing Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 631.559:633.11:631.5, pages 263-271, downloads (329)
373 Trush S.G.
Parfeniuk O.
Creation of the new initial forms of multi-growth pollinators in selection of parental components of sugar beet CMS hybrids Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 631.527:633.63, pages 256-263, downloads (251)
374 Yakovenko R.V.
Kopytko P.G.
Petryshyna I.P.
Yield of a pear plantation depending on changes in soil fertility with the optimized fertilizer Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 631.559:634.13:631.45:631.8-048.34, pages 247-256, downloads (289)
375 Stoliar S.G. Еhe development of the piriculariose of sowing proso millet in Polissia of Ukraine Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 632. 4 : 633. 16 (477. 42), pages 238-247, downloads (228)
376 Rassadina I.Y. Correlation dependence between the nitrogen stocks of mineral compounds in the soil and the productivity of false flax spring Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 311.16:631.416.1:631.559:633.85, pages 230-238, downloads (239)
377 Uvarenko K. Yu. Assimilation of nutrient elements by different sorts of spring barley depending on the soil compaction Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 631.431.1:631.82:633.16, pages 223-230, downloads (405)
378 Ryabovol L.O. Creation of sterility confirmors for sunflower confectionery directions for use of tribenuron-met sustainable Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 633.854.78:631.527.8, pages 214-223, downloads (219)
379 Kravchenko V. S. Changing the structure of the soil during the cultivation of legumes perennial grasses Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 631.43:633.31/.37, pages 206-214, downloads (268)
380 Velychko Y.A.
Polishchuk V.V.
Mykolayko V.P.
Phenological features of growth and development of introduced varieties Chaenomeles Lindl in the conditions of the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 634.141: 581.543:635.925, pages 198-206, downloads (414)
381 Novak Y.W.
Martynyuk A.T.
Novak V.G.
Yield and quality of sugar beet root crops after a long-term use of mineral and organic-mineral fertilizer systems in a field crop rotation Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 631.8:633.63, pages 191-198, downloads (203)
382 Chynchyk O. S.
Vyshnevska L.V.
Kravchenko V. S.
Increase of the efficiency of the use of symbiotic nitrogen in the cultivation of perennial legume-grass mixtures on the slope Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 633.2.031, pages 184-191, downloads (352)
383 Моргун В. І. Study of the optimal terms of planting and plant feeding areas of domestic varieties of tobacco under cultivation in the central part of the forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 631.5:633.71(477.46), pages 177-184, downloads (361)
384 Novak Zh.M. Grain size unit of collection spring barley varieties samples of Uman National Horticultural University Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 631.526.3:633.16(477), pages 168-177, downloads (206)
385 Leontiuk I.B.
Zabolotnyy O.I.
Holodryga O.V.
Rozborska L.V.
Efficiency of Derby herbicide application in winter wheat crops Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 632.954:631.811.98:633.11, pages 159-168, downloads (280)
386 Martynyuk A.T.
Novak Y.W.
Comparative evaluation of pre forecrops and fertilizers on the yield formation of sugar beet Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 633.16:631.8:633.63 , pages 149-159, downloads (232)
387 Kyzhanjvskiy V.G.
Pinchkovskiy G.L.
The content of soil structural aggregates for the period of flowering peas, winter wheat and sugar beet for various basic treatment activities Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 631.49.041:625.131.3, pages 141-149, downloads (221)
388 Lybchenko I.O.
Ryabovol L.O.
Lyubchenko A.I.
Influence of the modified growing medium on microcloning of in vitro camelina plants Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 581.151+581.165.7:633.85, pages 133-141, downloads (278)
389 Ketskalo V.V. Comparative assessment of yields of varieties and hybrids of beetroot in the conditions of the Right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 635.11:631.55(477.46), pages 125-133, downloads (358)
390 Lubych V.V.
Vozyan V. V.
Technological properties of winter triticale grain depending on the norms of nitrogen fertilizers Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 633.19: 631.559, pages 119-125, downloads (257)
391 Kostetska K.V.
Ulyanych I.F.
Chemical composition of corn, barley extrudate with fruit-and-vegetable ingredients Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 54.021.001:636.085.55, pages 109-119, downloads (600)
392 Koval G.V.
Kalievskiy М.V.
Eshchenko V.O.
Influence of methods of the basic soil cultivation on crop weediness of the five-field crop rotation in the southern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 631.51:632.51:631.582(477.46), pages 99-109, downloads (320)
393 Ketskalo V.V.
Polishchuk T.V.
Species composition of diseases of leaf lettuce in conditions of closed soil during winter-spring cultivation Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 635-1/-2:635.52:631.544.4-977, pages 91-99, downloads (271)
394 Doronin V. A.,
Morgun A.V.
Morgun I.A.
Vyshnevska L.V.
Intensity of male and female gametophytes formation in sugar beet plants under condition of regulated water supply Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 582.661.15: 527.8, pages 82-91, downloads (353)
395 Polevoy V.M.
Derkach N. A.,
Kulyk S. M.
Efficiency of application of fertilizers and limestone ameliorants at growing of corn in the conditions of Western Polissia Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 633.15:631.816:631.821.1, pages 76-82, downloads (223)
396 Lubych V.V. Quality features of bread made of different flour of wheat varieties and strains Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 664.64.016+664.7:631.526.3:633.11, pages 64-76, downloads (425)
397 Rarok A. V.
Poltoretska N.M.
Poltoretskiy S.P.
Yatsenko A.A.
Effectiveness of application of buckwheat crop desiccation under the conditions of the western Forest-Steppe Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 633.12: 631.82, pages 55-64, downloads (334)
398 Drozd O.O.
Melnyk O.V.
Melnyk I.O.
Chemical composition of apples cv. Reinette Simirenko, treated with ethylene inhibitor depending on the orchard design and harvest date Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 54:664.85:634.11:631.811.98, pages 46-55, downloads (232)
399 Hospodarenko G.M.
Prokopchuk I.V.
Effect of liming on the content of mobile compounds of trace elements in chernozem podzolized Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 631.81.095.337, pages 36-46, downloads (353)
400 Zmist Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: , pages , downloads (216)
401 titul Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: , pages , downloads (282)
402 Hudzenko V.M. Genetic determination of productive tiller number in diallel crosses of winter barley in the Forrest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 633.16: 631.527.541.2:631.524.822.575, pages 17-28, downloads (280)
403 Balabak A.F.
Pyzhyanova A.A.
Influence of the type of substrate on the regenerative capacity of the green stem cuttings Нighbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) Issue № 92. Part 1 2018
UDK: 582.688.3: 631.535:634.1, pages 8-17, downloads (443)
404 Eshchenko V.O.
Karnaukh O.B.
Contribution of Rubin S.S. and his followers to the development of national arable farming Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.4 : 378, pages 269-277, downloads (308)
405 Mamchur T.V. The life and career of the outstanding horticulturist and academician Vasyl Pashkevych (1857-1939) Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 634.1:001.8(092), pages 259-269, downloads (550)
406 Kravchenko V. S. Yield and adaptability of the potential of soybean varieties under the conditions of the Forest-steppe of the Western Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.8.632.633.34, pages 250-259, downloads (1044)
407 Rassadina I.Y. The balance of the soil nutrient in different forms, doses and methods of application of mineral fertilizers in growing of false flax spring Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.8 : 633.85, pages 244-250, downloads (572)
408 Ryabovol L.O. Establishment and assessment the starting material for breeding, confectionary sunflower hybrids direction of use Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.527.5:633.85:664, pages 236-244, downloads (454)
409 Yezerkovskyi A.V. Influence of different technological measures of organic production grain culture on torphic soils Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.14:631.51, pages 226-236, downloads (473)
410 Borysenko V.V. Influence of row spacing and planting density on husk content, weight and nature of sunflower achenes Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.543.2:631.53.04:631.576.4:633.854.78, pages 218-226, downloads (431)
411 Tsygoda V.S. Ecological assessment of the depth of basic plowing and fertilizer systems on changes in agrophysical soil properties Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.95:631.51:631.8:631.43, pages 210-218, downloads (486)
412 Ryabovol L.O.
Ryabovol Y.S.
Evaluation of resistance created samples of winter soft wheat to diseases in terms of Right-Bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 633.11: 631.527 , pages 202-210, downloads (303)
413 Efficiency of varieties of arugula in the Forest in Ukraine Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 635.41: 631.55, pages 195-202, downloads (604)
414 Prokopchuk I.V.
Nikitina O.V.
Ecological and agrochemical evaluation of long-term application of potassium fertilizers in field crop rotation Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.839, pages 187-195, downloads (511)
415 Parfeniuk O.
Баланюк Л.О.
Features inheritance of series quantitative traits of sugar-fodder hybrids in breeding line pollinators O-type in root crops form Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.527:633.63, pages 180-187, downloads (317)
416 Novak Zh.M. The level of wheat breeding in Ukraine in 2017 Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.526.3:633.11, pages 172-180, downloads (365)
417 Manko A.A.
Kyzhanjvskiy V.G.
Study of economic-price and morphological characters of roots of breeding materials chicory root Сichorium intybys l. Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 633.78:631.527:581.4, pages 164-172, downloads (428)
418 Dubin A.M.
Vasylenko O.V.
Monitoring of Nitrate Pollution of Vegetables in the Markets of Uman Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 504.064.3:632.155:635(477.46), pages 156-164, downloads (562)
419 Didenko I.A. Adaptive ability of petiole celery varieties in the conditions of right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 57.017.3:635.53(477.4), pages 149-156, downloads (514)
420 Gurskyi I.M. The state and prospects of qualitative water supply of population and agricultural animals in private households Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 591.133.14:637, pages 141-149, downloads (436)
421 Furmanets M.H.
Furmanets Yu.S.
Effectiveness of Humate Potassium in the Cultivation of Winter Wheat and Maize for Grai Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.89:633.1, pages 136-141, downloads (1)
422 Ulyanych I.F.
Kostetska K.V.
Development of mixed fodders recipes Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 636.085.55:636.3.043:639.211, pages 121-129, downloads (1239)
423 Makarchuk M.O. Productivity and adaptive capacity of maize hybrids, depending on the genotype of the maternal component Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 575.826:631.555, pages 108-121, downloads (343)
424 Martynyuk A.T. Effect of fertilizers and pre preceding crops on the productivity of sugar beet in the podzolized chernozem of Right-bank Forest-Steppe Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.8 : 631.582 : 633.63 : 003.13, pages 100-108, downloads (518)
425 Tokar A.Yu.
Voysechovskiy V. I.
The selection of active dry yeast race for production of apple unfortified wine materials Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 663.3, pages 92-100, downloads (579)
426 Samoylik M.S. Scientific framework of integrated estimation of resource and environmental safety management, taking into account regional features Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 504.06, pages 83-92, downloads (350)
427 Osokina N.M.
Hospodarenko G.M.
Herasymchuk O.P.
Effect on power mode technological parameters of wheat varieties Podolyanka Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631. 8. 022. 3, pages 74-83, downloads (740)
428 Hospodarenko G.M.
Tsygoda V.S.
Depth of main plowing and fertilizer systems as a factor of influence on the weediness of sugar beet sowings and its productivity Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.51:631.8:632.51:633.63:003.13, pages 64-74, downloads (488)
429 Vasylkivskyi S.P.
Hudzenko V.M.
Diallel analysis of the genetic control of spike length in spring barley modern varieties Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.527.541.2:633.16, pages 54-64, downloads (639)
430 Lubych V.V. Confectionery properties of spelt grain depending on the variety origin and line Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 664.6/.7:631.526.3, pages 46-54, downloads (748)
431 Kononenko L.M.
Poltoretskiy S.P.
Yatsenko A.A.
Yield and agrocenosis productivity elements of spring false flax depending on its density Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.53.048:631.559:582.683.2(477.46), pages 36-46, downloads (351)
432 Melnyk O.V.
Drozd O.O.
Melnyk I.O.
Changing the physical parameters of Golden Delicious apples treated with ethylene inhibitor after harvest, depending on the type of orchard and harvest date Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 57.018.5:634.11:631.811.98:664.8.03, pages 28-36, downloads (450)
UDK: 631.8, pages 7-18, downloads (640)
434 Hospodarenko G.M.
Tsygoda V.S.
Prokopchuk I.V.
Depth of main plowing and fertilizer systems as a factor of influence on the weediness of sugar beet sowings and its productivity Issue number 91. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.51:631.8:632.51:633.63:003.13, pages 7-18, downloads (720)
435 Kostyuk M.V.
Tereshchenko Y.F.
Ivan Eremeev contribution to the breeding science and practice inexhaustible (to the 130th anniversary of his birth) Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: , pages 297-304, downloads (845)
436 Alieksieiev O. O.
Patyka V. P.
The yield of soybean cultivars Horlytsya and KyVin for the actions of inoculum and pesticidal burden in Right-Bank Forest-steppe Ukraine conditions Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.559:633.34:631.847:632.95.024 (477.4+292.485), pages 289-297, downloads (568)
437 Kozachenko I.V. Basic biotechnical measures of feeding fauna in hunting areas of «Uman forestry» state enterprise Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 639.1.04, pages 281-289, downloads (947)
438 Stoliar S.G. Impact of sowing terms on development of diseases and productivity of proso millet cultivars in Ukrainian Polissia Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 633.16 : 631.559 : 632.4 (477.42), pages 272-281, downloads (501)
439 Prokopenko N.A. The formation height and pageautomobile the ability of clonal rootstocks of apple trees depending on irrigation regime. Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.541.1:634.11:631.674, pages 266-272, downloads (460)
440 Novak Zh.M.
Karychkovska S.
Grain quality of spring wheat samples Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.52: 633.112, pages 260-266, downloads (776)
441 Kyzhanjvskiy V.G. Weeds soil before posevom peas, winter wheat, sugar beets at different activities of primary Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.51.034:631.128.2, pages 255-260, downloads (459)
442 Chynchyk O. S. Photosynthetic activity and yielding capacity of soybean varieties depending on fertilization Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 633.34, pages 246-255, downloads (637)
443 BratsenyukV.Yu. Influence of sowing methods on formation of assimilating surface of soybean varieties of various ripeness groups in the Western Forest-steppe Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 633.34:631.5:631.526.32, pages 240-246, downloads (390)
444 Usyk S.V. Spring deposit of available moisture for the spring barley crops when growing in short-term crop rotation system after different preceding crops Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.432.2:633.16:631.582.2, pages 235-240, downloads (335)
445 Prorochenko S.S. Taking nitrate nitrogen in the feed depending on fertilizers and species composition of alfalfa-grass vegetation Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 636.085:631.5:633.3, pages 228-235, downloads (597)
446 Vyshnevska L.V.
Rogalskyy S. V.
Sichkar A.A.
Kravchenko V. S.
Influence of seeding and predecessors on plant growth and productivity wheat spring Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.5:633.11, pages 221-228, downloads (391)
447 Mykolayko V.P. Floral formation and formation of male gematophyte in plants of chicory root Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 635.54:631.527, pages 213-221, downloads (552)
448 Martynyuk A.T.
Novak Y.W.
Cherednyk A.Y.
Productivity of a sugar beet after long-term use of the organic fertilizer system in field crop rotation Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.8:633.63, pages 205-213, downloads (377)
449 Lyubchenko A.I.
Lybchenko I.O.
Getting of sterile culture of Camelina Sativa L. Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 57.085.2:582.683.2:633.85, pages 197-205, downloads (857)
450 Zabolotnyy O.I.
Zabolotna I.R.
Leontiuk I.B.
Rozborska L.V.
Holodryga O.V.
The level of contamination and the height of corn plants after applying Etalon herbicide Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 633.15:632.954:631.811.98, pages 179-188, downloads (677)
451 Diordieva I.
Eschenko A. V.
Novak Zh.M.
Productivity and gluten content in grain of varieties and hybrid populations of spelt wheat Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 664.236:631.52:633.11, pages 173-179, downloads (776)
452 Kalievskiy М.V.
Novak A.
Blaschuk M.I.
Productivity of agricultural cultures depending on placing in the shortly field crop rotations of Left-bank Forest-steppe Ukraine Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.55:631.582 (477.46), pages 165-173, downloads (552)
453 Koval G.V.
Kalievskiy М.V.
Eshchenko V.O.
Weediness of spring barley crops depending on the main cultivation under the conditions of Southern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 632.51:633.16:631.51(477.46), pages 188-197, downloads (601)
454 Kovalenko V.P. Technological aspects of development of red clover high productiveness Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 633.2:631.5, pages 157-165, downloads (790)
455 Karnaukh O.B.
Eshchenko V.O.
Influence of previous crops and methods of the main soil cultivation on infestation of corn crops and its yield Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 632.51:633.15:631.582:631.51, pages 150-157, downloads (859)
456 Holodryga O.V.
Rozborska L.V.
Photosynthetic soybean productivity under conditions of application of the herbicide Fabian and plant growth regulator Biolan. Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 632.954:633.34:631.811.98, pages 141-150, downloads (548)
457 Kolesnikov M.A.
Paschenko U.P.
The effect of of silicon-potassium fertilizer «Agroglass stimul» on the winter wheat germination under salt stress Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 633.1; 631.89; 546.28, pages 135-141, downloads (809)
458 Yakovenko R.V.
Kopytko P.G.
Petryshyna I.P.
The productivity of young pear trees repeatedly grown in the area of the uprooted pear orchard depending on the optimized fertilizer Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 634.13.003.13:631.82, pages 128-135, downloads (601)
459 Slobodianyk H. Ya.
Ternavskiy A.G.
Voysechovskiy V. I.
Features of yield formation of leek depending on mineral nutrition conditions Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 635.261, pages 121-128, downloads (456)
460 Sakhno T. V.
Petrenkova V. P.
The oxidoreductases activity in sunflower lines and hybrids during the broomrape infection Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 633.854.78:631.527:632.9, pages 112-121, downloads (601)
461 Ryabovol Y.S.
Ryabovol L.O.
Genetic control of economically valuable characteristics of initial material of winter soft wheat Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.527 : 581.143.5 : 633.11, pages 105-112, downloads (494)
462 Polishchuk V.V.
Turchina S.Ya.
L.M. Karpuk
Evaluation of Callistephus chinensis (L.) Ness. genotypes according to agronomic and biological features for landscaping purposes Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 582.988:712.3(477.4), pages 98-105, downloads (505)
463 Osokina N.M.
Vozyan V. V.
Lubych V.V.
Yield and quality of rolled spelt cereals depending on elements of the processing technology Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 664.71–11:633.11, pages 91-98, downloads (579)
464 Korneeva M.O.
Falatiuk L.V.
Melnyk Ya.A.
Dymytrov S.G.
Characteristics of sterility maintainer lines in terms of sodium content in roots in breeding high quality CMS hybrids of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 633.63:631.52:575.125, pages 83-91, downloads (377)
465 Eshchenko V.O. Straw of grain cereals as a source of soil organic matter enrichment Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 631.872:633.1, pages 77-83, downloads (654)
466 Balabak O.A.
Lubych V.V.
Characteristic amino acid composition of protein of hazelnuts depending of the variety Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 634.54:631.559, pages 70-77, downloads (609)
467 Hudzenko V.M.
Vasylkivskyi S.P.
Breeding winter barley varieties adapted to modern environments of Forest-steppe of Ukraine Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 633.16:631.527, pages 63-70, downloads (673)
468 Melnyk O.V.
Drozd O.O.
Melnyk I.O.
Storage ability of Golden Delicious apples treated with ethylene inhibitor after picking, depending on harvest date and type of orchard Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 664.8.037.1:634.11:631.811.98:577.17, pages 55-63, downloads (837)
469 Demydas G. I.
Zahliebaiyev M.V.
Productivity of white sweet clover in pure and compatible crops with annual cereal crops Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 633.15 /.31:58, pages 47-55, downloads (495)
470 Bruhal F.I.
Lyubchich A.G.
Grishchenko R.E.
Glieva O.V.
Mazurenko T.V.
Efficiency soil herbicides in millet cultivation technology Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 633:631.95:633.173, pages 40-47, downloads (736)
471 Rarok A. V.
Poltoretska N.M.
Poltoretskiy S.P.
Influence of planting and seeding rate on yield of buckwheat in terms of forest west Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 633.12: 631.82, pages 32-40, downloads (838)
472 Balabak A.F.
Pyzhyanova A.A.
The economic efficiency nursery seedlings highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) from stem cuttings Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 582.688.3:631.535:634.1, pages 22-32, downloads (1017)
473 About Journal Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: , pages 1-5, downloads (417)
474 Prytulyak R.M.
Datsenko A. A.
Карпенко В.П.
Productivity of buckwheat’s crops under biological Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 633.12.003.13:631.811.98, pages 14-22, downloads (725)
475 Hospodarenko G.M.
Prokopchuk I.V.
Nikitina O.V.
The balance of nitrogen in the soil after a long application of fertilizers in crop rotation Issue number 90. Part 1 2017
UDK: 632.1 : 631.8, pages 7-14, downloads (891)
476 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Popychenko D.A.
Short-term crediting of agricultural enterprises for current assets 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 631.16:658.153, pages 7-19, downloads (557)
477 Sonko S.P.
Dubin A.M.
Vasylenko O.V.
90 years since the founding of Department of Livestock Production 89 2016
UDK: 378:636(091), pages 251-258, downloads (695)
478 Tsytsiura Ya.H. Dynamics of colonization of the agrocenosis of the oil radish by insect pests in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine 89 2016
UDK: 633.853.483+638.937.1, pages 242-251, downloads (552)
479 Bazalii V.V.
Boichuk І.V.
Babenko D.V.
Features of yield formation of soft wheat varieties of different types of development under the conditions of the Southern Steppe 89 2016
UDK: 633.111; 631.27, pages 236-242, downloads (790)
480 Poberezhets I.I.
Poberezhets V.I.
Poberezhets I.I.
Electrical conductivity of apple and grape juices 89 2016
UDK: 537.226.1, pages 229-236, downloads (907)
481 Berezovskyi A.P.
Bilonozhko V. Y.
Simulation of hazardous and harmful factors in the harvesting of millet seed 89 2016
UDK: 331.452: 633.12, pages 221-229, downloads (633)
482 Pelekhataya N.P.
Pelekhatyi V.N.
Efficiency of reproduction of UUPROZ-6 rootstock with green cuttings during processing by β-indolebutyric acid 89 2016
UDK: 634.10:631.541.11:631.811.98, pages 214-221, downloads (775)
483 Mynzul A.N.
Khrenovskov E.I.
Improvement of introduced clones of Sauvignon Green variety in the south of Ukraine 89 2016
UDK: 634.862:634.1:631.527:634.1.004.12(477.7), pages 206-214, downloads (463)
484 Polianetska I.О. Productivity of spelt hybrids F2-F4, Triticum aestivum L. / Triticum spelta L. 89 2016
UDK: 633.527 + 631.52:633.111, pages 199-206, downloads (450)
485 Polishchuk V.V.
Balabak A.F.
Velychko Y.A.
Varlashchenko L. H.
Historical aspects of selection and genetic improvement of rose varieties 89 2016
UDK: 631.526.3:582.711.712.(091), pages 191-199, downloads (702)
486 Lavrenko S.O.
Maksimov M.V.
Photosynthesis potential of lentil sowing depending on technological methods of cultivation 89 2016
UDK: 635.658: 631.6, pages 185-191, downloads (774)
487 Gavrish S.L.
Vaschenko V.V.
Terms of summer sowing of sainfoin under conditions of high temperature and soil 89 2016
UDK: 633.361, pages 176-185, downloads (575)
488 Krotik A.S. Influence of elements of agricultural technologies on the formation of the area of black currant leaves 89 2016
UDK: 631.559:634.723:631.4:631.81, pages 167-176, downloads (498)
489 Knignitskaya L.Р. Weediness of fiber flax crops under conditions of Subcarpathia 89 2016
UDK: 633.521:631.4(477.86), pages 159-167, downloads (580)
490 Lubych V.V. The biological value of spelt wheat protein depending on the variety and line 89 2016
UDK: 665.939.4:633.11, pages 151-159, downloads (512)
491 Holodryga O.V.
Leontiuk I.B.
Rozborska L.V.
Zabolotnyy O.I.
Yield of soybean crops under Desilet herbicide application followed by seed treatment with Biolan plant growth regulator and Ryzobofit bacterial preparation 89 2016
UDK: 632.954:633.34:631.811.98, pages 143-151, downloads (540)
492 Valetskaya O.V.
Koliada O.V.
Gavryliuk V.A.
Agrochemical effectiveness of modern soybean fertilizer systems 89 2016
UDK: 631.861: 631.81.036, pages 135-143, downloads (536)
493 Trush S.G.
Parfeniuk O.
Creation and assessment of sugar beet hybrid materials by the root crop shape 89 2016
UDK: 631.527:633.63, pages 125-135, downloads (911)
494 Malijenko A.M.
Borіs N.E.
Influence of the basic soil tillage methods and sideline products of the predecessor on the bulk density in a crop rotation 89 2016
UDK: 631.51:631.572+43.633.1, pages 113-125, downloads (675)
495 Hospodarenko G.M.
Prokopchuk I.V.
Krivda Y.I.
The content and balance of trace elements and heavy metals in the soil after a long application of fertilizers in the crop rotation 89 2016
UDK: 631.81.095.337, pages 103-113, downloads (1035)
496 Osokina N.M.
Kostetska K.V.
Herasymchuk O.P.
Yevchuk Y.V.
Physical and mechanical properties and quality indicator of corn 89 2016
UDK: 664.788:633.11, pages 96-103, downloads (750)
497 Makarchuk M.O. Productivity and adaptive capacity of maize hybrids under different soil-climatic conditions 89 2016
UDK: 575.826:631.555, pages 87-96, downloads (490)
498 Krykunov I. V.
Kravets І.S.
Biological and ecological features of a thorn butterfly (Aporia crataegi L.) in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine 89 2016
UDK: 632.78, pages 79-87, downloads (703)
499 Kluchevich М.М. Impact of plant growth regulators on the development of fungal infections and productivity of winter triticale under conditions of Polissia 89 2016
UDK: 633.1:632.4:631.811.98:632.952(477.41/42), pages 69-79, downloads (569)
500 Balabak O.A.
Lubych V.V.
Technological evaluation of filbert oil depending on the variety 89 2016
UDK: 634.54:631.559, pages 63-69, downloads (582)
501 Dubin A.M.
Vasylenko O.V.
Ecological monitoring of the soil pollution in the area of livestock breeding complex 89 2016
UDK: 504.064.3:504.53:502.58:636, pages 49-56, downloads (968)
502 Eshchenko V.O. The field crop rotations in Ukraine: should they be long- or short-term rotary? 89 2016
UDK: 631.582 : 631.153.3, pages 43-49, downloads (593)
503 Sliusar I.T.
Yezerkovskyi A.V.
Cultivation of winter rye in the organic production on drained drag turf-gley soil 89 2016
UDK: 631.14:631.51, pages 37-43, downloads (871)
504 Ryabovol Y.S.
Ryabovol L.O.
The characteristics of winter soft wheat samples concerning winter hardiness 89 2016
UDK: 633.11:631.527, pages 29-37, downloads (654)
505 Rarok A. V.
Bilonozhko V. Y.
Poltoretskiy S.P.
Theoretical bases of forming highly productive crops of buckwheat 89 2016
UDK: 631.5:633.12, pages 21-29, downloads (680)
506 Hospodarenko G.M.
Novak Y.W.
Rassadina I.Y.
Removing of main fertilizer elements by the false flax depending on fertilizers 89 2016
UDK: 633.85:631.8, pages 7-13, downloads (909)
507 Varlashchenko L. H. Decorative species of the genus Lonicera L. and perspectivity their use in the landscaping in the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine 88 2016
UDK: 712:582.971.1:581.522.4, pages 298-305, downloads (853)
508 Burdenyuk-Tarasevych L.A.
Buzynny M.V.
Main mineral nutrition elements ratio impact on the yield of different winter wheat genotypes in years with contrast weather conditions 88 2016
UDK: 633.11:631.51, pages 288-298, downloads (593)
509 Mykolayko V.P. Evaluation of chicory root selection numbers by the chemical composition in the process of storage 88 2016
UDK: 633.78:631.53.027.2, pages 280-288, downloads (602)
510 Ovcharuk A.V. Peculiarities of symbiotic productivity of kidney beans varieties depending on depth of seed placement in the conditions of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe 88 2016
UDK: 635.652/.654:631.558.3, pages 273-280, downloads (573)
511 Shlapak V. P.
Kravets V.B.
Hedgerows of Uman NUH and ways to improve their condition 88 2016
UDK: 630.27 : 631.54 (477.46), pages 266-273, downloads (628)
512 Novak Zh.M.
Polianetska I.О.
Germination ability and sprouting energy of spelt samples 88 2016
UDK: 633.111:631.53.02, pages 261-266, downloads (1662)
513 Kluchevich М.М.
Plaksa V.M.
Development of mycoses of spring triticale depending on fertilization in the Western Polissia region 88 2016
UDK: 633.1:632.4:631.82(477.82), pages 252-261, downloads (550)
514 Klymenko N. M. Survival of Аgrobacterium radiobacter 204 strain in the rhizosphere of grapes 88 2016
UDK: 631.461:634.8, pages 245-252, downloads (675)
515 Tsygoda V.S. Bioenergy potential of the agricultural sector as a prerequisite for sustainable development of Ukraine 88 2016
UDK: 504.062.2:631, pages 239-245, downloads (679)
516 Makarchuk M.O. Formation of elements of the maize yield structure depending on the hybrids genotypes and growing areas 88 2016
UDK: 633.15: 575.222.78: 631.527.5, pages 231-239, downloads (638)
517 Krykunov I. V.
Kravets І.S.
Species composition of mites-phytophages in commercial plantings of apple trees in central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine 88 2016
UDK: 632.654, pages 224-231, downloads (907)
518 Chaploutskyi A.M.
Melnyk O.V.
Parameters of apple tree crown depending on the method and period of pruning 88 2016
UDK: 634.11:631.542:631.17(477.4), pages 218-224, downloads (1068)
519 Balabak A.F.
Polishchuk V.V.
Pyzhyanova A.A.
Representatives of the genus Vaccinium L. and its species diversity 88 2016
UDK: 582.688.3:634.735: 634.1, pages 209-218, downloads (1169)
520 Khomenko S.O.
Fedorenko I.V.
Ferorenko M.V.
Rachenko O.S.
Daniuk T.A.
Assessment of spring wheat varieties for resistance to leaf fungal diseases under conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine 88 2016
UDK: 633.11:631.527.86, pages 202-209, downloads (819)
521 Ushkarenko V.A.
Lavrenko S.O.
Maksimov M.V.
Economic feasibility of using different technological methods of growing lentils in the conditions of South Steppe of Ukraine 88 2016
UDK: 635.658: 631.6, pages 195-202, downloads (783)
522 Sytnik S.A.
Maslikova K.P.
Balabak A.F.
Moroz G.Y.
Cherevashko T.M.
Silvicultural and taxation characteristics of forest stands Robinia pseudoacacia L. in conditions of the northern steppe forest vegetation zone of Ukraine 88 2016
UDK: 582.736.3:630.228 (292.486), pages 187-195, downloads (1115)
523 Popovych H.B. Forming vegetative mass and yield of cucumber on a vertical trellis 88 2016
UDK: 635.63:631.037, pages 181-187, downloads (750)
524 Lopushniak V.I.
Bortnik A.N.
Avgustinovich M.B.
Agroecological peculiarities of influence of huminic fertilizers and microbiological drug Azoter on phosphorus-potassium mode of grey podzolized soil when cultivating spring triticale 88 2016
UDK: 631.8: 631.412: 631.86:633.19: 631.95 , pages 172-181, downloads (798)
525 Lovinska V.N.
Maslikova K.P.
Balabak A.F.
Polishchuk V.V.
Indicators of phytomass components of wood greens Pinus sylvestris L. in conditions of steppe Dnipro region of Ukraine 88 2016
UDK: 582.736.3:630.228 (292.486), pages 164-172, downloads (652)
526 Eschenko A. V.
Manko A.A.
Global trends of bioethanol production and using sugar beet and rhizocarpous chicory as raw materials in Ukraine 88 2016
UDK: 338.432:620.952.003.13:663.63(477):663.941.3, pages 156-164, downloads (815)
527 Haskevych V.G.
Lutsyshyn O.Z.
Bulk chemical composition of sod-podzolic soils of Nadsianska plain 88 2016
UDK: 911.9:502:631.4(477.83), pages 145-156, downloads (931)
528 Balabak O.A.
Lubych V.V.
Yield and quality of hazelnuts depending on the variety 88 2016
UDK: 634.54:631.559, pages 139-145, downloads (834)
529 Lybchenko I.O.
Ryabovol L.O.
Lyubchenko A.I.
Using in vitro methods in adaptive selection of plant (literature review) 88 2016
UDK: 575.827, pages 126-139, downloads (1158)
530 Osokina N.M.
Kostetska K.V.
Technological estimation of grain varieties of barley, wheat and triticale for cereal production 88 2016
UDK: 664.786.3:664.7, pages 111-126, downloads (738)
531 Furmanets M.H.
Furmanets Yu.S.
Impact of biological preparations on buckwheat crop productivity 88 2016
UDK: 633.12:631.86, pages 106-111, downloads (716)
532 Trush S.G.
Parfeniuk O.
Баланюк Л.О.
Creation and assessment of the genetic potential of multi-sprout pollinators of hybrid origin in the selection of the CMS hybrids of sugar beet 88 2016
UDK: 631.527:633.63, pages 100-106, downloads (770)
533 Sliusar I.T.
Bogatyr L.V.
Corn yields for grain depending on the basic processing and fertilizing on drained organic soils of Forest Steppe 88 2016
UDK: 631.615:633.853.34, pages 93-100, downloads (748)
534 Poltoretskiy S.P.
Savranska L.M.
Influence of pecularities of primary cultivation on its agrophysical indicators of fertility and water regime when growing spring rape 88 2016
UDK: 631.51.021:633.85, pages 83-93, downloads (811)
535 Royk M.
Kuznetchova I.
Mathematical model of stevia post-harvest processing 88 2016
UDK: 633.3:658.562, pages 77-83, downloads (809)
536 Rozborska L.V.
Leontiuk I.B.
Holodryga O.V.
Zabolotnyy O.I.
Crop capacity and economic efficiency of winter wheat growing depending on applying of different rates of herbicides separately and together with plant growth regulators 88 2016
UDK: 632.954:631.811.98:633.11, pages 67-77, downloads (638)
537 Polevoy V.M.
Kulyk C.M.
Formation of soybean photosynthetic apparatus depending on fertilization and liming after-effect 88 2016
UDK: 633.34:541.144.7:631.81:631.821.1, pages 60-67, downloads (753)
538 Hrytsaenko Z.M.
Ivasiuk I.I.
Development of free–living rhizosphere nitrogen–fixers of soybean by using biologically active preparations 88 2016
UDK: 633.34:537.4:631.461.5, pages 53-60, downloads (662)
539 Hospodarenko G.M.
Prokopchuk I.V.
Prokopchuk S.V.
Rassadina I.Y.
Efficiency of applying sulfuric fertilizers for field crops on podzolized chernozem 88 2016
UDK: 631.81.095.337, pages 39-46, downloads (874)
540 Raspopina S. P.
Degtyarev V. V.
Effective use of soils transferred for afforestation 88 2016
UDK: 631.452:631.413.3, pages 31-39, downloads (622)
541 Kucherenko E.P.
Bielik Ya.
Tatarchuk V.M.
Assessment of cms hybrids of sugar beet on the tolerance to cercosporosis 88 2016
UDK: 633.63:631.527, pages 23-31, downloads (651)
542 Hrytsaenko Z.M.
Pidan L. F.
State of sunflower enzyme system by using herbicide Fusilad Forte 150 and plant growth regulator Radostim 88 2016
UDK: 633.854.78:631.544, pages 16-23, downloads (678)
543 Hospodarenko G.M.
Lysianskyi O. L.
Recycling of biogenic elements in the soil under different green manures and their fertilization 88 2016
UDK: 631.893:631.874.2, pages 7-16, downloads (1207)
544 Ulych О.L. Reaction of new varieties of winter wheat at the time of renewal soft spring vegetation in the central part of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631׃633׃1.11, pages 235-240, downloads (614)
545 Hareba V.
Unuchko A.
Influence of age cluster okra seedlings on growth, development and productivity fruits in area of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue #86 2014
UDK: 635.648:631.5, pages 229-234, downloads (768)
546 Hrytsaenko Z.M.
Pidan L. F.
State and photosynthetic pigment system of sunflower for the actions of herbicides Fyuzilad forte 150, Dual Gold 960 and plant growth regulator Radostim Issue #86 2014
UDK: 633.85:632.954:661.162.6, pages 221-228, downloads (795)
547 Datsenko A. A. Microbiological activity of rhizosphere of buckwheat by the actions of bacterialpreparations of diazobakteryn and regulatorof plants’ growth Radostym Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.427.2: 661.162.6:633.12, pages 215-220, downloads (776)
548 Ryabovol Y.S.
Pariy F.N.
Ryabovol L.O.
Zabolotna I.R.
Diordieva I.
Hybrid wheat: challenges, opportunities, benefits, prospects Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.527.581.143:633.11, pages 210-214, downloads (1444)
549 Morgun I.A. Growing of miscanthus for planting material in drip irrigation Issue #86 2014
UDK: 662.63:002.54, pages 204-209, downloads (807)
550 Veklenko Y.A.
Kovtun K.P.
Yashchuk V.A.
Bezvuhliak L.I.
Biological effectiveness of creating and using forage perennial agrophytocenoses under Right Bank Steppes Issue #86 2014
UDK: 633.2: 631.584.5, pages 196-204, downloads (671)
551 Grynchak O.V.
Davletkhanova O.H.
Mykhaylyshyna L.V.
Control problem of physiological state of fruit plantations in the Microsoft Excel environment Issue #86 2014
UDK: 004.02:634.1:632, pages 185-195, downloads (660)
552 Khomenko S.O.
Fedorenko I.V.
Solona V.J.
Index parameters and their variability in сollection samples of bread spring wheat Issue #86 2014
UDK: 633. 11 „321”:631.524, pages 174-179, downloads (576)
553 Yablonska V.V. Influence of cultivation technology elements on yield formation of blue lupine cultivators in terms of Western Polissia of Ukraine Issue #86 2014
UDK: 633.367:631.8:581.138.1, pages 167-173, downloads (478)
554 Yurchenko T. V.
Voloshchuk S. I.
Influence of mutagenic factors on grain weight of the main spike in hybrid populations of winter bread wheat Issue #86 2014
UDK: 633.11:631.528, pages 159-167, downloads (456)
555 Dudarchuk I.S. Economic and energetic efficiency of winter rape cultivators growing in Western Polissia In ukraine Issue #86 2014
UDK: 633.853.494"324":631.16(477.82), pages 153-159, downloads (578)
556 Manko A.A.
Pinchkovskiy G.L.
Novak Y.W.
Biomorphology signs of plant chicory root Issue #86 2014
UDK: 633.63:631.52:616, pages 147-153, downloads (892)
557 Klymenko N. M. Impact of bacterization and sodding by perennial grasses on dynamics of major nutrients and organic matter content in the soil of the vineyard Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.4:634.8:579.64, pages 141-146, downloads (628)
558 Chaikovska L.A.
Klyuchenko V.V.
Оvsienko О.L.
The action of bacterization on the мікrовiоcеnоsis of winter wheat rhizosphere by heavy metalls pollution of soil Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.461:631.484, pages 136-141, downloads (521)
559 Puzik L.М.
Bondarenko V.А.
Cabbage broccoli damage caused by diseases during its storage depending on processing with the preparation of askorutin Issue #86 2014
UDK: 635.356 – 2:631.563, pages 131-135, downloads (582)
560 Tereshchenko Y.F. Placement of corn seeds in the seed bed and its influence on sprouts formation Issue #86 2014
UDK: 633.15:631.К53.01:003.13:631.5471, pages 128-131, downloads (438)
561 Poberezhets I.I.
Poberezhets V.I.
Poberezhets I.I.
Definition of alcohol content and extract in the wines by the method of two parameters Issue #86 2014
UDK: 663.3, pages 122-128, downloads (1314)
562 Rozhkov A. A. Variability of grain mass spike spring triticale depending on the effect of seeding rate and seeding method Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.531.04+631.816.12:631.559:633.11 “321”, pages 113-122, downloads (479)
563 Royk M.
Kuznetchova I.
Hetman M.
Difine of basic indexes technological estimation of sheets of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertonі) Issue #86 2014
UDK: 633.3:658.562, pages 107-113, downloads (745)
564 Dubin A.M.
Vasylenko O.V.
Utilization of organic residues as the solution to environmental problems of agriculture Issue #86 2014
UDK: 64.066.4:63, pages 101-107, downloads (900)
565 Novak A. Agrometeorological conditions 2013–2014 agricultural year meteorological station Uman Issue #86 2014
UDK: 551.5:477.46, pages 96-100, downloads (742)
566 Eschenko A. V.
Bohonko O. A.
Economic and biological characteristics of simple interlinear hybrids of maize breeding Uman national university of horticulture Issue #86 2014
UDK: 633.15:631.52, pages 90-96, downloads (572)
567 Trush S.G.
Balanyuk L.O.
Tatarchuk V.M.
Inwinter crops of sugar beet use of parental components of hybrids in basis CMS selection Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.527:633.63, pages 84-90, downloads (788)
568 Trush S.G. Ways and methods of sugar beet hybrids creating with improved technological quality of raw materials Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.527:633.63, pages 79-84, downloads (570)
569 Polishchuk V.V.
Polischuk O.V.
L.M. Karpuk
Selection of nutrient medium for sugar beet CMS component introduction and proliferation Issue #86 2014
UDK: 633.63:631.531.12.631.53.02, pages 72-79, downloads (568)
570 Polishchuk T.V.
Balanyuk L.O.
Tatarchuk V.M.
Methods of creating and ways of using linear materials of monoseed fodder beet in breeding for heterosis Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.527:633.416, pages 67-72, downloads (707)
571 Malijenko A.M.
Olepir R.V.
The impact of technology elements оn a competitive relationship and level of harmfulness of weeds in soybean crops Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.5:633.34:632.51, pages 61-66, downloads (428)
572 Mashchak Ya.
Kobirenko Yu.
Botanical composition of degraded grass depending on the fertilization system Issue #86 2014
UDK: 633.2.033:633.2.031, pages 57-61, downloads (442)
573 Zamorska I.L. The influence of the type of package on the qualitative indicators of frozen strawberries Issue #86 2014
UDK: 664.8.037:634.75, pages 52-57, downloads (770)
574 Poltoretskiy S.P. Optimization of sowing methods and sowing rates in millet sowings Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.53.01:633.17(477.46), pages 44-51, downloads (849)
575 Osokina N.M.
Kostetska K.V.
Yevchuk Y.V.
Technological properties of of maize hybrid PR39B58 Issue #86 2014
UDK: 664.788:633.16, pages 37-43, downloads (1364)
576 Chaploutskyi A.M.
Melnyk O.V.
Apple-tree crown light exposure depending on the method and the term of the pruning Issue #86 2014
UDK: 634.11:631.542:631.17(477.4), pages 32-36, downloads (573)
577 Diordieva I.
Pariy F.N.
Using of morfological sings of rye for selection wheat-rye chromosome substitution forms of triticale Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.527:575:633.1, pages 25-31, downloads (566)
578 Krykunov I. V.
Kravets І.S.
Bio-ecological peculiarities of development of an apple fruit sawfly (Hoplocampa testudinea Klug.) of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue #86 2014
UDK: 632.7, pages 18-24, downloads (537)
579 Hospodarenko G.M.
Lysianskyi O. L.
Influence types and doses of mineral fertilizers on the yield culture green manure in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.893:631.874.2 (477.46), pages 13-17, downloads (678)
580 Denysyuk V. M.
Eshchenko V.O.
Reaction to wheat spring minimization of autumn tillage after spring rape Issue #86 2014
UDK: 633.11: 631.51, pages 7-12, downloads (541)
581 Polenok A.V. Influence of methods of tillage and fertilization rates on the productivity of agricultural crops in the conditions of check irrigated systems. Issue #85 2014
UDK: 631.51:633.17, pages 130-135, downloads (613)
582 Stepenko T.A. The estimation of the general and the specific combining abilities of collection samples of source forms of sweet pepper (capsicum annuum) in a greenhouse in terms of early and total yield Issue #85 2014
UDK: 631.527.33:635.649, pages 124-129, downloads (629)
583 Chernetskyy V.M.
Vdovenko S. A.
Kostyuk O. A.
Features of formation of bean photosynthetic potential with different productivity under the conditions of Vinnytsya region Issue #85 2014
UDK: 581.132:635.65.003.13 (477.44), pages 118-123, downloads (745)
584 Svitovyy V.
Cherno O.D.
Boron in winter wheat, which is grown on podzolized black soil Issue #85 2014
UDK: 631.81.095.337: 631.453, pages 111-117, downloads (676)
585 Khakhula V.S. The influence of agro meteorological conditions on winter wheat growth and development Issue #85 2014
UDK: 633, pages 102-111, downloads (433)
586 Rozhko V.І.
Malinka L.V.
Barzo J. T.
Productivity, quality of marketable seeds and symbiotic activity of chickpea plants depending on inoculation and the use of mineral fertilizer Issue #85 2014
UDK: 633, pages 97-102, downloads (534)
587 Ovcharuk A.V. Agro-ecological characteristic of varieties of kidney beans, as well as their productivity in the conditions of Western Forest-Steppe. Issue #85 2014
UDK: 635.652/.654:631.558.3, pages 92-97, downloads (693)
588 Obrazhey S. Sowing infestation depending on the basic processing systems and levels of soil fertilization in the crop rotation in Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue #85 2014
UDK: 631.46/.51.021./.582, pages 84-92, downloads (454)
589 Kalenska S.M.
Novitska N.V.
Rozhko V.І.
Malinka L.V.
Barzo J. T.
Improving sowing quality of chickpea seed with the help of nanoparticles of biogenic metals Issue #85 2014
UDK: 633, pages 79-83, downloads (650)
590 Ulich L.I.
Ulych О.L.
Karazhbey G.M.
Gryniv S.M.
Tereshchenko Y.F.
Ecological plasticity of new varieties of winter wheat in different soil and climatic conditions Issue #85 2014
UDK: 633.11.631.5, pages 73-78, downloads (1100)
591 Barat Y.M.
Kulyk M.I.
Effect of before-planting processing of planting material on the yield of potato tubers Issue #85 2014
UDK: 635.21:631.559:631.53.027, pages 69-73, downloads (472)
592 Bagan A. Influence of varietal characteristics and fertilization on yield of winter wheat Issue #85 2014
UDK: 633.11: 631.526.3: 631.8: 631.559, pages 65-68, downloads (469)
593 Puyu V. The method of morphological analysis of scientific production name as a frame of its content and relevance Issue #85 2014
UDK: 167:001.8:004.912, pages 59-65, downloads (443)
594 Plaksa V.M.
Kuts R.O.
Dybko M.I.
Dudarchuk I.S.
Kolenda O.V.
Spring wheat productivity depending on fertilization in conditions of Western Polissya of Ukraine Issue #85 2014
UDK: 633.11”321”:631.559.8, pages 55-59, downloads (851)
595 Moskalevska Yu.P.
Patyka M.V.
Functional diversity of microbiota in typical chernozem at the cultivatin of sugar beet Issue #85 2014
UDK: 631.46:631.5:633.63, pages 47-54, downloads (436)
596 Moldovan Zh.A. The formation of the productivity of forage crops of late-terms sowing and their compatible sowings with soya depending on the ways of the basic cultivation of soil and fertilization Issue #85 2014
UDK: 633.2.03:631.411, pages 40-47, downloads (553)
597 Chernobay S.V.
Rozhkov A. A.
Yields of spring barley under the influence of seeding rate and application of foliar bio-fertilization and microfertilizers Issue #85 2014
UDK: 633.16„321”: 631.559]: [631.531.048+631.816.12, pages 35-39, downloads (551)
598 Kravets І.S.
Adamenko D.M.
Harmful entomoacaricomplex of industrial plantings of apple trees in Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue #85 2014
UDK: 634.11.:663.2593:663.1:653, pages 29-34, downloads (630)
599 Bohulska C. V. Approbation of agrobacterial transformation of sunflower by in planta method Issue #85 2014
UDK: 631.52.001.73:633.85, pages 25-29, downloads (490)
600 Dubin A.M.
Vasylenko O.V.
Environmental assessment of atmospheric air composition in the area of livestock complexes Issue #85 2014
UDK: 504.3:631.14:636.2, pages 20-25, downloads (721)
601 Poltoretskiy S.P. Features of formation of millet sowings structure depending on the term and method of sowing under the conditions of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Issue #85 2014
UDK: 631.53.01:633.17(477.46), pages 13-19, downloads (891)
602 Pariy F.N.
Ryabovol L.O.
Ryabovol Y.S.
The approbation of methods for creation of winter rye’s hybrids using the different genetical systems of controlled reproduction Issue #85 2014
UDK: 631.527.581.143:633.14, pages 8-12, downloads (866)
603 Ulanchuk V.
Kuz’menko O.
State if production and improving distribution channels of buckwheat in Kirovograd Region Issue #84 2014
UDK: 330.341.2:633.12(477.65), pages 178-184, downloads (658)
604 Лихацький В.І.
Cherednichenko V.M.
Growing of broccoli in a film greenhouse with the soil mulching and application of water-retaining granules Issue #84 2014
UDK: 635.35:631.544.4:631.58, pages 128-133, downloads (697)
605 L.M. Karpuk
Kykalo M.M.
Sugar beet growth and development features during sowing seeds prepared by different methods Issue #84 2014
UDK: 633.63:631.527.531.62, pages 124-127, downloads (670)
606 Adamenko D.M.
Polishchuk V.V.
Influence of different quality elite seeds of hybrids MS components on sowing qualities of sugar beet hybrid seeds Issue #84 2014
UDK: 633.63:631.531.12.631.53.02, pages 119-124, downloads (726)
607 Mykolayko V.P.
Morgun A.V.
Creation of initial material for heterosis breeding of common chicory under the conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue #84 2014
UDK: [635.54+623.57] (292.485), pages 113-119, downloads (678)
608 Ovcharuk A.V. Agro-ecological characterization of kidney beans varieties and their productivity in the conditions of Western Forest-Steppe. Issue #84 2014
UDK: 635.652/.654:631.558.3, pages 107-112, downloads (695)
609 Taranenko A.O. Soil biodiversity under the conditions of different soil-climatic zones of Poltava region. Issue #84 2014
UDK: 332.33:332.64:167.22, pages 100-107, downloads (616)
610 Krasnoperova E. E.
Novozhylov D.O.
Blume Y. B.
Isayenkov S. V.
Creating of the plasmid construction protein kinase AtKIN10, conjoint with RFP to study the cellular localization of this enzyme Issue #84 2014
UDK: 633, pages 95-100, downloads (612)
611 Chernetskyy V.M.
Palamarchuk I.I.
Summer squash yield capacity formation depending on the sowing terms in conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Issue #84 2014
UDK: 631. 559: 635. 621: 631. 53. 04 (477.4 – 292.485), pages 90-95, downloads (653)
612 Tsytsyura N.
Halahan O.
Polyvariation of the genus Thuja L. members in the cultural fitolandscapes of Volyn-Podillya Issue #84 2014
UDK: 582. 477. (477.8), pages 83-90, downloads (636)
613 Hrytsaenko Z.M.
Rozborska L.V.
Holodryga O.V.
Changes of biological-physiological indices in plants of winter wheat depending on the influence of Lontrim herbicides and plant growth regulator Emistym C Issue #84 2014
UDK: 632.954:631.811.98:633.11, pages 77-83, downloads (763)
614 Rovna O. V. Oil flax crop capacity formation depending on mineral nutrition in the conditions of the Western Forest Steppe Issue #84 2014
UDK: 633.52:632.952, pages 71-76, downloads (714)
615 Karnaukh O.B. Weed infestation of plantings and yielding capacity of maize depending on cropping sequences in rotation and main tillage operations Issue #84 2014
UDK: 632.51:633.15:631.582:631.51, pages 65-70, downloads (502)
616 Vasilishyna E.V. Simulation of the influence of factors on fruits of cherry during storage Issue #84 2014
UDK: 66.011: 634.23: 664.8.032, pages 59-65, downloads (616)
617 Morgun A.V.
Novak A.
Novak V.G.
Morgun I.A.
Interrelation of seeds size and productivity of sugar beet Issue #84 2014
UDK: 633.63:631.531.12, pages 53-58, downloads (441)
618 Poltoretskiy S.P. Influence estimation of combined effect of predecessors and fertilizers on sowing qualities and yielding properties of millet seeds Issue #84 2014
UDK: 633.16:631.582:631.8:631.53.02, pages 44-53, downloads (566)
619 Hrytsaenko Z.M.
Datsenko A. A.
Activity of antioxidant enzymes in the plants of buckwheat under the action of biological preparations Issue #84 2014
UDK: 577.15:633.12:631.811.98, pages 38-44, downloads (635)
620 Zhukov A.V.
Zadorozhnaya G. O.
Demidov A.A.
Rysina E.V.
Ecological importance of spatial variability of soil penetration resistance in the conditions of natural farming Issue #84 2014
UDK: 631.51:631.95, pages 21-38, downloads (524)
621 Hrytsaenko Z.M.
Voloshyna L.
Microbiological activity of winter wheat rhizosphere on the different growing backgrounds and applying of biologically active preparations Issue #84 2014
UDK: 631.427.2:633.11:631.811.98, pages 14-21, downloads (589)
622 Hospodarenko G.M.
Ткаченко І.Ю.
Formation of wheat spelta quality under the influence of nitrogen nutrition Issue #84 2014
UDK: 633.11:631.84, pages 7-14, downloads (769)
623 Vakulenko P.I. Selection of monograin high-sugar pollinators-fixers of sugar beet sterility Issue #82 2013
UDK: 633.63:631.52:575.125, pages 185-189, downloads (791)
624 Chapovalenko O.I.
Ulyanych I.F.
Effect of different concentrations of vegetable components on the process of extrusion of corn Issue #82 2013
UDK: 664.784:935.1.001.73, pages 179-185, downloads (1232)
625 Stelmakh A.F. Genetic studies at PBGI-NCSCI from “lysenkoism” to nowadays. Issue #82 2013
UDK: 595.631.52, pages 171-178, downloads (907)
626 Svitovyy V.
Herkіyal O.M.
Krupskaya V.
Danylenko О.
Estimation of quality of cleaning of the humus matters by means of FTIR spectroscopy. Issue #82 2013
UDK: 543.054:543.421/424 , pages 167-171, downloads (1115)
627 Ninieva A. K. Breeding value of spelt in the conditions of eastern part of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe Issue #82 2013
UDK: 633. 111. 5, pages 159-166, downloads (699)
628 Nedvyha N.V.
Halasun Yu.P.
Evaluation of potential capacity of podzolized black soil to aggregation in durable application of fertilizers in field rotation Issue #82 2013
UDK: 631.434 , pages 153-159, downloads (699)
629 Kornienko S.I.
Gorovaya T.K.
Mitenko I.N.
Stovbir O.P.
The use of the effect of a heterosis in breeding of a table beet Issue #82 2013
UDK: 631.527.5:631.527:635.11, pages 146-152, downloads (1222)
630 Korneeva M.O.
Маtsuк М.B.
Chемеrys L.N.
Nаvrоtsка Е.E.
Variability of combinational ability for productivity of pollinators for the selection of triploid hybrids with adaptive potential Issue #82 2013
UDK: 633.63:631.52, pages 140-145, downloads (717)
631 Bohulska C. V. Agrobacterial transformation of spring rape without phase of regeneration in vitro Issue #82 2013
UDK: 631.147:633.85, pages 135-139, downloads (1279)
632 Vorobyova N.V. Yield of early ripened potato depending on the application of plant growth regulators Issue #82 2013
UDK: 635.21:635 – 1/ – 2, pages 130-135, downloads (810)
633 Zhuk O.Y.
Zhuk V.E.
Features of seeds produce of decorative kale. Issue #82 2013
UDK: 631.53.01:635.34:635.9, pages 125-130, downloads (764)
634 Hospodarenko G.M.
Ptashnyk M.M.
Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on productivity of winter rye on ashed black soil Issue #82 2013
UDK: 633.14:631.55:631.84, pages 120-125, downloads (1084)
635 Kucherenko E.P.
Sabluk V.T.
Causative agents of gray rot and peculiar properties of their development of the long-term storage of roots of sugar beet Issue #82 2013
UDK: 63.4:632.4.01/.08, pages 113-119, downloads (941)
636 L.M. Karpuk The placement uniformity, the characteristics of sugar beet growth and development depending on the density of plantings Issue #82 2013
UDK: 633.63:631., pages 107-112, downloads (868)
637 Karnaukh O.B. Weed infestation of plantings and yielding capacity of spring barley under various tillage operations Issue #82 2013
UDK: 633.16:631.153.3, pages 100-106, downloads (1333)
638 Pyzhyanova A.A.
Balabak A.F.
Introduction and perspectives of growing varieties of Highbush blueberry in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Issue #82 2013
UDK: 582.688.3: 631.535:634.1, pages 94-100, downloads (1125)
639 Cherednichenko V.M. Yield and quality of cauliflower production depending on the size of cell and age of seedlings under the conditions of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe Issue #82 2013
UDK: 635.35:631.559(477 – 292.485), pages 88-93, downloads (1035)
640 Sichkar A.A.
Vyshnevska L.V.
Savranska L.M.
Chetyrko S.A.
Formation of alfalfa productivity for green fodder depending on loosening of soil in grass density during the third year of usage Issue #82 2013
UDK: 633.2.033, pages 83-88, downloads (1219)
641 Furmanets M.H. Productivity of spiked grain crops in short-term crop rotations of Western Forest-Steppe Issue #82 2013
UDK: 631.559:633.1.631.582, pages 79-83, downloads (909)
642 Usyk S.V. Reserve of available moisture under sowing of sugar-beets during saturation of short-term crop rotation with different grains of fodder crops Issue #82 2013
UDK: 631.582:631.423.2, pages 74-79, downloads (748)
643 Nenka O.V.
Korneeva M.O.
Boyko I.I.
Andreeva L.S.
Krotyuk L.A.
Manifastation of yielding capacity of single-cross sterile hybrids of sugar beets depending on genotype and feeding area Issue #82 2013
UDK: 633.63.631.52, pages 61-67, downloads (702)
644 Fomenko L.A. A comparison of the biochemical parameters of winter triticale hybrid offsprins of the second generation with the parent form Issue #82 2013
UDK: 633.112, pages 67-74, downloads (934)
645 Pariy F.N.
Ryabovol Y.S.
Creating of sterility fixers of winter rye CMS system of Ratra type Issue #82 2013
UDK: 631.527.581.143:633.14, pages 57-61, downloads (1236)
646 Polishchuk V.V. Study on economic character and germination ability of seeds of many-seeded pollinator of sugar beet under low temperatures Issue #82 2013
UDK: 633.63:631.531.12.631.53.02, pages 46-50, downloads (668)
647 Rudnyk-Ivashchenko O.I. Contamination of millet by using various kinds of herbicides and their tank mixtures Issue #82 2013
UDK: 633.631.526.32, pages 37-46, downloads (1321)
648 Poltoretskiy S.P. Features of the formation of the density of stalks of seed crops of millet varieties, depending on the period and method of sowing in the conditions of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Issue #82 2013
UDK: 631.53.01:633.17(477.46), pages 29-37, downloads (856)
649 Hrytsaenko Z.M.
Voloshyna L.
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria of winter wheat rhizosphere depending on the influence of biologically active substances against different predecessers Issue #82 2013
UDK: 579.841.2:633.111:632.954:631.811.98, pages 51-56, downloads (861)
650 Zamorska I.L.
Zamorskyi V.V.
Phenolic substances in strawberries Issue #82 2013
UDK: 634.75:577.1, pages 18-23, downloads (1066)
651 Prytulyak R.M.
Chernega A.
The content of protein and gluten in triticale winter seed when using biologically active substances Issue #82 2013
UDK: 632.954:631.811.98:633.19, pages 14-18, downloads (768)
652 Rudnyk-Ivashchenko O.I.
Dudka D.V.
History of breedeng achievements of Ukraine with fruit crops and the results of variety testing Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 582.734.3:575.86, pages 177-181, downloads (764)
UDK: 633.63.631.531.12, pages 172-177, downloads (429)
654 Novak A. Agro-meteorological conditions for 2011 – 2012 crop year for major field crops Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 551.515631.559, pages 168-172, downloads (674)
655 Korneeva M.O.
Nenka O.V.
Genetic value of sugar beet pollinators of uman selection as to sugar content and their phenotypic display in topcrossed F1 hybrids Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 633.63.631.52, pages 162-168, downloads (410)
656 Zozulya O. V.
Ryabovol L.O.
Lyubchenko A.I.
Use of haploidy in creation of source material of rape Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 633.8:631.527, pages 154-162, downloads (864)
657 Zinchenko O.I.
Chetyrko S.A.
UDK: 631.5, pages 145-154, downloads (669)
658 Eiges N.S.
Volchenko G.A.
Volchenko S.G.
Resistance to phytopathogens obtained using the method of chemical mutagenesis on winter wheat Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 631.528.2.23.582.28, pages 135-145, downloads (444)
659 Hospodarenko G.M.
Ткаченко І.Ю.
Features of spelt wheat fertilizing by nitrogen fertilizers Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 633.11:631.814, pages 127-135, downloads (708)
660 Chekanova А. Reaction of maize lines with erect placing of leaves on CMS of M and C-types Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 631.527:633.15, pages 122-127, downloads (666)
661 Подгаєцький А.А.
Kravchenko N.V.
Potential of potato interspecific hybrids by the ability to tie marketable tubers Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 635.21:631.5, pages 116-122, downloads (804)
662 Perfilyeva L.P. Cytoembryological peculiarities of aneuploids in the population of tetraploid forms of sugar beet as a source of genetically renewed materials Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 633.63:581.3, pages 110-116, downloads (261)
663 Lukyanyuk N.A.
Ostanin A.V.
The influence of methods of soil basic preparation, type of mulch and norms of nitrogen fertilizer on the diffusion of sugar beet root rot during the growing season Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 633.63:631.531.12 , pages 107-110, downloads (243)
664 Kopytko P.G.
Yakovenko R.V.
Petryshyna I.P.
Research on optimization of mineral nutrition of pear plantation Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 634.13.003.13:631.82/.85.001.26 (477.46), pages 101-107, downloads (763)
665 Herkіyal O.M. The influence of fertilizer application system in the field crop rotation on certain physical and chemical properties of podzolized black soil Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 631.81:631.582:631.445.4, pages 63-101, downloads (773)
666 Zhuk O.Y.
Fedosiy I.A.
The variability of morphological features in Savoy cabbage Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 635.343:517.951, pages 89-93, downloads (745)
667 Duskabilova Т.I.
Duskabilov Т.
The mobilization of genetic resources of horticultural crops in the South of Central Siberia Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 634.2:631.526, pages 84-89, downloads (304)
668 Borysenko V.V. Leaf area and photosynthetic potential of the sunflower crops depending on the conditions of cultivation Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 581.132:633.85:631.5, pages 79-84, downloads (1272)
669 Abramovich I.K. Influence of microelements and fungicides on the storage of roots in clamps Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 633.63:631.531.12, pages 75-79, downloads (398)
670 Kirienko A.S. The effectiveness of fertilizer in cultivation technology of malting barley in Western Steppe Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 631.816; 631.87, pages 70-75, downloads (655)
671 Ivanovа T.V.
Melnychuk M.D.
Antipov I.A.
Grynchuk К.V.
Diagnosis and PCR identification of mushrooms MVX mikovirus (Agaricus bisporus (J. Lge) Imbach) Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 632.38:577.213/.216:635.82, pages 63-70, downloads (851)
672 Pariy M.F.
Pariy Y.F.
Pariy F.N.
Control of alleles of sterility gene in maize breeding of sterile forms on the basis of two gene of male sterility and the marker gene. Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 633.15:575.224, pages 56-63, downloads (310)
673 Rozhkov A. A. The composition and the ratio of photosynthetic pigments in leaves of spring triticale depending on fertilizing crops with urea and micro fertilizers. Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: [631.559:633.11:631.5], pages 49-56, downloads (556)
674 Tereshchenko Y.F.
Ulich L.I.
Formation of high-yield crops of soft winter wheat Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 631.58:633.111, pages 44-49, downloads (967)
675 Osokina N.M.
Kostetska K.V.
Physical and thermophysical properties of fruit green-stuffs depending on sort and degree of ripeness Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 57.018.4:635.64:631.526.3:631.547.6, pages 38-44, downloads (1177)
676 Ovcharuk V.I.
Ovcharuk A.V.
Bilyk T.L.
Phenological stages of growth and development of the common bean plants and their duration in the Western Forest-steppe Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 636.652/654:631.531.048, pages 34-38, downloads (1213)
677 Poltoretskiy S.P. Terms of growing influence on formation process properties of grain varieties millet Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 633./635:631.543:664.788, pages 25-34, downloads (546)
678 Prytulyak R.M.
Chernega A.
The activity of some antioxidant enzymes oxidoreductases class for herbicide Calibre 75 and plant growth regulator Biolan Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 581.1:633.16:632.954:631.811.98, pages 19-25, downloads (556)
679 Hospodarenko G.M.
Prokopchuk S.V.
Impact of fertilization and inoculation on grain quality indicators of chickpea Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 631.82/.85:635.657:631.445.4(477.46), pages 12-19, downloads (590)
680 Eshchenko V.O.
Koval S.P.
Weed infestation of flax after various preceding crops in the nonherbicide technology Issue number 83, part 1 2013
UDK: 632.51:631.582, pages 8-12, downloads (549)
681 Kozubenko O.S.
Kostohryz P.V.
Moisture supply of sugar beet plants, spring barley and maize under different primary tillage in crop rotation Issue #82 2013
UDK: 631.51.021:631.423.2, pages 23-29, downloads (1070)
682 Hospodarenko G.M.
Eshchenko N.B.
Yields of winter wheat on the Right-bank Forest-steppe podzolized black soil according to the different types and rates of fertilizer and their payback Issue #82 2013
UDK: 631.8:631.582:631.445.4(477.46), pages 8-14, downloads (1293)