Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025


Author(s) Власов В., , ,
Ляшенко Г., , ,
Бузовська М., , ,
Булаєва Ю., , ,
Попова Г., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2023 issue Issue number 103. Part 1
pages 42-52 index UDK 634.8:004.65:631.1
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-42-52 (Link)
Abstract Management of the vineyard сadastre in Ukraine is an extremely important issue today. The vineyards censuses were done in 1953, 1979, 1985, 1998, and 2009. Methodical approaches for creating the vineyard cadastre in countries with developed viticulture were analyzed in the article. High requirements for the organization of a modern vineyard cadastre were presented to the new member states of the European Community (Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, etc.). According to these requirements, it was necessary to compile a new vineyard cadastre using GIS, which would include detailed information on each area used for vine growing. Modern approaches for creating the vineyard cadastre in Ukraine were substantiated. According to European practice Method of compiling the vineyard cadastre taking into account environmental conditions (Ukr. Patent 43810), Method for complex assessment of state of existing vineyard (Ukr. Patent 37552) and “Methodical recommendations for compiling the vineyard cadastre in Ukraine” were developed and patented by Tairov Institute. In 2020 researchers of Tairov Institute received the copyright to Vin-Cad-Ukr software. The characteristic features of compiling a new vineyard cadastre were described in the article. According to the methodology of Tairov Institute, the vineyard cadastre database is an information database of the economic organization and location of vineyards, their qualitative and quantitative status, varietal composition, and environmental conditions of the territory. The use of information from the vineyard cadastre makes it possible to obtain up-to-date data about plantations by state authorities, wine producers and consumers, and to realistically assess the possibilities of the industry and its development potential. The stages of compiling the vineyard cadastre based on ampeloecological assessment of the area were described on example of Odesa oblast. The results of detailed vineyard surveys (quantitative and qualitative data) were presented. Based on the conducted research, expeditionary inspections, and processing of the obtained information the data of 179 vineyard and winemaking farms in Odesa oblast were presented in Ukrainian vineyard cadastre database. 1669 vineyard plots with different vine varieties (around 17.8 thousand hectares) were georeferenced into Vin-Cad-Ukr electronic database based on the results of the geodetic surveys. Odesa oblast vine assortment presented with 40 wine, 56 table, and 4 rootstock varieties. There is a significant excess of the area occupied by wine varieties, and the ratio of dark and white-colored varieties is almost the same. The table vine varieties are mostly represented by a group of early (41 %) and late (36 %) ripening cultivars. Around 82 % of the vineyards are up to 25 years of age. 77 % of the vineyard area is used according to the generally accepted technology, and it provides a standard amount of yield (highly promising vineyards). Vineyard cadastre database, methodologies and software of Tairov institute could be used as a basis for all-Ukrainian Vineyard register creation, that will be maintenance according to EU standards and regulations.
Key words Vineyards, vineyard cadastre, Vin-Cad-Ukr, geodetic survey, environmental conditions, vineyard entreprise
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