Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Milling properties of spelt wheat grain depending on variety and line

Author(s) Lubych V.V., Candidate of Agricultural Science, Lecturer of Department of Technology of Storage and Processing of Grain, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2020 issue Issue number 96. Part 1
pages 520-534 index UDK 664.761:631.526.3:633.11
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-520-534 (Link)
Abstract The article presents the study results of flour milling properties (flour yield, ash content and its colour) of spelt wheat grain depending on the variety and line. The grain of spelt wheat varieties and lines was characterized by a very high yield of flour, as it exceeded 76 % and varied from 78,7 to 8,3 %. The grain of Zoria of Ukraine and Swedish 1 varieties had the highest flour yield of 85,7 and 85,2 %, respectively. LPP 1304, LPP 3373, LPP 3117, LPP 1197 grain lines, obtained by hybridization of Triticum aestivum/Triticum spelta, had a flour yield from 84.1 to 87, 3%. From the spelt wheat grain of NAK 22/12 and TV 1100 introgressive lines the flour yield was 86.1 and 86,2 %, respectively. The content of studied elements in high-grade flour decreased by 0,37–15,7 mg/kg of grain or by 1,8–2,8 times compared to grain. In spelt wheat flour, their content decreased by 0,05–5,5 mg/kg or by 1,1–1,4 times, which indicates a more uniform distribution of chemical elements in the membranes and endosperm. The ash content in Zoria of Ukraine membrane flour was 0,73 % in dry matter. In the grain flour of NSS 6/01, Schwabenkorn varieties and LPP 1221 and LPP 3132 lines, the ash content was at the standard level, and in LPP 1197 line - significantly higher – 0.84 %. Flour from grain of LPP 3117, LPP 1304, LPP 1224, LPP 3122/2, P 3, LPP 3373, TV 1100, NAK 22/12 lines and the Swedish 1 variety was characterized by the lowest indicators – 0,60–0,69 % (NIP05 = 0.04). The flour colour index of Zoria of Ukraine spelt wheat grain (st) was 45 units of instrument. In the grain flour of P 3, LPP 3132, LPP 3373, LPP 1197, TV 1100 lines, the flour colour was significantly higher (LSD05 = 2) by 7–14 % than the standard value. The rest of the studied numbers were in the range of 43–45 units of instrument. Thus, the grain of all studied forms provides a very high flour yield. The highest indicators are provided by grain processing of Zoria of Ukraine, Swedish 1 varieties and LPP 1304, LPP 3373, LPP 3117, LPP 1197 lines, obtained by hybridization of Triticum aestivum/Triticum spelta, NAK 22/12, TV 1100, obtained by introgression with amphiploid (Triticum duru /Ae. tauschii) and Triticum kiharae. According to the ash content in the grain of spelt wheat varieties and lines, its flour-milling properties vary from medium to very high levels.
Key words milling properties, spelt wheat, grain, variety, line
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