Uman NUH | today: 01/13/2025

Basic biotechnical measures of feeding fauna in hunting areas of «Uman forestry» state enterprise

Author(s) Kozachenko I.V., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2017 issue Issue number 90. Part 1
pages 281-289 index UDK 639.1.04
Abstract An assessment of Uman forestry is given and a classification of the most common representatives of its fauna is suggested. The character of mineral feeding of the main species of game animals is defined. Salt licks for wild cloven-hoofed animals and hare are planned in the proportion: one salt lick for 20 heads of the roe deer or hare, and for 10 heads of the wild boar. Uninterrupted feeding of the European brown hare with sodium chloride (salt) throughout the year is obligatory when it is an object of the economy. Annual consumption of salt for one salt lick is 10 kg for artiodactyls and 3 kg for the European brown hare . The intensity and nature of feeding of wild animals is determined and taken into account. The nutritional value of forage in feed units is taken into account according to the daily rate which can be increased or decreased due to a number of factors such as natural forage land value, the total number of game animals and fowl, their density per unit area of land area, the severity of winter etc. The calculations of the annual fodder requirements for winter feeding are made for each major type of game species of the enterprise taking into account their yearly gain. It is found out that the scope of biotechnical activities in the enterprise aimed at increasing the number of hunting fauna is sufficient.
Key words fauna, forestry, wild boar, European roe deer, hare, biotechnical measures, accounting, increase rates.
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