Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Approbation of agrobacterial transformation of sunflower by in planta method

Author(s) Bohulska C. V., Postgraduate, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2014 issue Issue #85
pages 25-29 index UDK 631.52.001.73:633.85
Abstract High weediness of crops and weed infestation of soil create intense competition to sunflower plants, lead to significant losses of nutrients and moisture, their shading and suppression, and finally to reduction of yields of sunflower hybrids and varieties. Usage of non-selective herbicides is highly efficient method of combating dicotyledonous, monocotyledonous, annual and perennial weeds. The aim of the research was the approbation of agrobacterial transformation of sunflower by in planta method. As the recipient sterile parent forms of sunflower hybrid Ukrainskyi F1, Ukrainskyi skorostyglyi, Ukrainske sonechko, registered in the State Register of Ukraine, were taken. We took sterile forms because it gives the possibility to control the process of pollination and fertilization by isolating these forms and further pollination. That’s why for agrobacterial transformation of plants with bisexual flowers sterile forms were used, which makes it possible to synchronize the process of fertilization and incorporation of T-DNA into the genome of plants. By individuals a relatively equal ratio of quantity of herbicide resistant and nonresistant offsprings were revealed. This shows the expression gene bar and heterozygosity of initial transgenic materials with dominant transgene. According to the genetic patterns by sterile forms T1 between plants that died and stable ratio is 1:1.
Key words sunflower, agrobacteria, transformation, in planta method, phosphinothricin
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