Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

The influence of vegetable additives on the quality indicators of healthy bread

Author(s) Yevchuk Y.V., , , Uman National University of Horticulture
Кононенко Л. М., , ,
Вишинський А. В., , ,
Бобров В.С., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2023 issue Issue number 103. Part 1
pages 281-291 index UDK 664.681
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-281-291 (Link)
Abstract The purpose of the research is to analyze the quality indicators of bread with the addition of additives of plant origin - chia, sesame, walnut, and lentil and bean flour. Studies on the enrichment of vegetable substances allow us to indicate that the products will be additionally saturated with different amounts of nutrients, since chia, sesame and walnuts contain many useful substances, and lentil and bean flour contain a significant part of protein. Research results indicate that with the addition of supplements of plant origin, the products will be enriched with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, iron and vitamin PP. It was found that the highest baking rate of 10.2 % was noted in the options with the study of seeds and nuts on 7 out of 3.0 – chia and walnut and 1.0 sesame, and the lowest this indicator was for option 2 – with the addition of 0.5 chia and 0.5 sesame and 1.0 walnuts. Studies indicate that the shrinkage of the products varied from 3.7 to 5.8 % on experimental variants. On the control version, the shrinkage was 3.3 %, and the highest was 5.8% in the ninth version. Compared to the control variant, the experimental one was superior in terms of shrinkage to the 2nd variant – 0.2 %, 3rd – 0.6 %, 4th – 0.8 %, 5th variant – 1.0 %, the sixth – 1.3 %, and the seventh by 1.8 %. The conducted studies on the study of the volume of products allow us to indicate that it varied from 510 to 452 cm3. The highest volume was in the control version – 510 cm3, and the smallest in the version with the addition of 3.0 - chia and walnut and 1.0 sesame – 452 cm3. Porosity studies indicate that it was 60–70 %. Porosity of 70 % was noted on the control variant. The highest porosity was on the control version of 70 %. The acidity in the studied products ranged from 1.5 to 2.8 %. The acidity was the lowest in the control option – 1.5 %, and the highest in option 7 with 3.0 – chia and walnut and 1.0 sesame, and 2.7 and 2.8 % with the addition of leguminous flour. In all other variants, the acidity compared to the control increased from 1.6 to 2.2 %.
Key words flour, lentils, beans, chia, sesame, products
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