Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

The effect of fertilizer on the yield of bare barley

Author(s) Гавриленко В. С., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2023 issue Issue number 103. Part 1
pages 225-231 index UDK 631.816:631.559:633.16
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-225-231 (Link)
Abstract Introduction. The introduction of new varieties of bare barley requires the clarification of a number of peculiarities regarding its cultivation and the development of a fertilization system. Therefore, the study of the impact of different types and doses of fertilizers on the cultivation of bare barley is relevant. Goal. To determine the influence of fertilizer on the formation of the yield of bare barley. Methods. The research was conducted in the conditions of the stationary field experiment of the Uman NUH, located in the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. The experiment was launched in 2011. The following crops are grown in the four-field field crop rotation: winter wheat, corn, spring barley, soybeans. The scheme of the experiment includes 11 variants of combinations and separate application of mineral fertilizers and, including, a control variant without fertilizer. The results. On average, over two years of research, improving the conditions of mineral nutrition of bare barley contributed to a significant increase in grain yield by 14–23 % (excluding plots with P60K70 application). Of the types of mineral fertilizers, nitrogen fertilizers had the greatest impact on crop formation, which against the background of P60K70 in the dose of N70 provided 19 % of its increase. Reducing the dose of fertilizers by two times (to N35P30K35) did not significantly reduce the yield of spring barley. Productivity in areas with incomplete return of phosphorus and potash fertilizers was almost no different from full mineral fertilizer. The yield varied significantly depending on the year of the study. It should be noted that in 2021, the application of N35 provided the highest grain yield - 3.35 t/ha versus 3.28 t/ha in the variant without fertilizers, but it was unreliable. Laying bare barley plants reduced it to 2.86–3.17 t/ha, depending on the fertilization system, or by 5–13%. In 2022, the yield of Gol Ozerny barley increased from 1.95 to 2.60 t/ha with the application of N35 or by 33 %. When applying a double dose of nitrogen fertilizers, it was 3.11 t/ha or more by 59 %. The use of N35P30K35 ensured the formation of 2.78 t/ha of grain, which was only 7% more compared to N35. With the use of N70P60K70, the yield increased to 3.45 t/ha or by 11 % compared to N70. It was established that bare barley plants had different lodging resistance depending on fertilization systems in 2021. Yes, it was the highest in the variant without fertilizers and in the phosphorus-potassium background – 5–7 points. In the remaining variants of the experiment, this indicator was the lowest - 3 points, which affected the formation of the bare barley crop. Conclusions. It was established that the nitrogen component of the complete mineral fertilizer has the greatest effect on the yield of bare barley. The effectiveness of fertilizer application varies depending on the weather conditions of the growing season. At the same time, in conditions with a better supply of moisture to plants, dormancy is possible. In the conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe, the use of N35P30K35 is effective for growing barley of the Achilles lake variety.
Key words spring barley, Achilles variety, crop rotation, yield, plant resistance to dormancy
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