Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Productivity of spiked grain crops in short-term crop rotations of Western Forest-Steppe

Author(s) Furmanets M.H., Candidate of Agricultural Science, ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2013 issue Issue #82
pages 79-83 index UDK 631.559:633.1.631.582
Abstract In the conditions of the development of competitive intensive agricultural production there is a necessity of growing crops in replanting and saturation of crop rotations with principal crops. The main way to stop and prevent the development of negative processes and crises phenomena in agriculture is scientifically grounded location of grain crops in crop rotation. While applying this, arable lands and fertilizers are used more productively, the amount of weeds is reduced, the influence of pest sand diseases on sown crops decreases with the minimal use of preparations. The aim of the research is to define the influence of various preceding crops on crop capacity of winter wheat and spring barley in short-term crop rotations with various grain crops saturation. General scientific and specific methods were applied in the research work. The main method was the field one which was supplemented by analyses carried out according to generally accepted agricultural, agrochemical and plan cultivation methods. It has been ascertained that the highest yield of winter wheat (5,17 – 5,19 t per hectare) was obtained after such preceding crops as winter rape and maize for silage. Crop capacity significantly decreased after stubble preceding crops: spring barley — by 1,07 t per hectare, oatmeal — by 0,94 t per hectare, winter wheat — by 1,45 t per hectare. The highest yield of spring barley (4,34 t per hectare) was obtained after maize for silage in four-field crop rotation saturated with grain crops up to 75%.
Key words crop rotation, preceding crop, yield, crop producing capacity, grain crops.
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