Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Realization of genetic potential of hybrids of beet saccharine is in the conditions of right-bank forest-steppe of ukraine

Author(s) Vyshnevska L.V., Candidate of Agricultural Science, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Sichkar A.A., Candidate of Agricultural Science, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Rogalskyy S. V., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Kravchenko V. S., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2019 issue Issue number 94. Part 1
pages 127-134 index UDK 632.25:633.63
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-127-134 (Link)
Abstract The current stage of development of world agricultural production is increasingly acquiring the organo-biological direction, when the basis of the mineral nutrition of field crops are various sources of organic matter - pus, as the most important source of organic matter in farms with developed animal husbandry and the marketable products of field crops, green manures in pairs and intermediate crops, and other local organic raw materials [1, 2]. Nitrogen produced in crop rotation due to rhizobial and associative nitrogen fixation, precipitation nitrogen and, of course, effective and efficient use of the actual soil fertility should be taken into account in the balance of nutrition of crops. Under these conditions, it is quite important to investigate the growth and productivity of different hybrids of sugar beet on organic food sources. Therefore, the growth and yield of different hybrids of sugar beet were investigated in crop rotation, where all cultures are grown at the expense of the nutrients of the organic mass of non-salable products of precursors, green fallow and post harvest green manure. Analysis of the nutritional balance in the crop rotation shows that nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil layer 0–60 cm is sufficient for the implementation of the moisture output, which cultures receive due to precipitation and permanent reserves of moisture in the soil in the lower soil layers (0–150–200 cm ). The yield of sugar beet hybrids depends on a combination of the influence of genetic and agrotechnological factors. The genetic potential of the hybrid is revealed when they are grown using elements of intensive technology, including the use of mineral fertilizers and plant protection products [3]. The best yields on average in two years were the hybrids Ukrainian ChS – 70 - 37.2 t / ha and Belotserkovsky ChS – 57 –37.3 t / ha (Table 4). The other six hybrids had a lower yield by 1.5–2.0 t / ha. The Yaltushkivsky emergency response — 72, which increased the yield from 28.0 t / ha in 2017 to 41.8 t / ha in 2018, best responds to the improvement of growing conditions. On average, in two years, hybrids Umansky ES-76 and Slavyansky ES-94 showed the highest sugar content - 16.2%. The Belotserkovsky Emergency Situation – 57 hybrid had the lowest sugar content — 14.4%. Accordingly, during this period, the sugar harvest in the hybrid Ukrainian Emergency Situation –70 - 5.92 t / ha, Slavyansk Emergency –94 - 5.68 and Umansky Emergency Response – 76 - 5.71 t / ha. On the basis of the research conducted, it is recommended to use hybrids that are adapted to the appropriate growing conditions. These are hybrids Umansky ES-76, Ukrainian ES-73 and Slavic ES-94.
Key words hybrid, crop capacity, producing capacity, technology of growing, sugar beet.
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