Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Contamination of millet by using various kinds of herbicides and their tank mixtures

Author(s) Rudnyk-Ivashchenko O.I., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2013 issue Issue #82
pages 37-46 index UDK 633.631.526.32
Abstract Millet significantly reduce the grain yield because of high contamination. Within tense competition of weeds, millet plants didn’t have higher yields.The yields of millet on the control without herbicides ranged from 1.96 t /ha (2012) to 2.33t /ha (2010). Decrease of grain yield over the years of research on the weed was on average 63.1% of the maximum possible. Herbicides destroyed and partially suppressed weeds, which has substantially reduced their competitive ability. Under such conditions the plants of millet had the best conditions for growth and development. The use of herbicides ensured the preservation of crop yields in the range of 62.1% (crops of option 2) to 84.7% (option 6) of the average level of yield in option 7(handweeding). In the most optimal variant of chemical protection of crops from weeds (version Agritoks+Bazagran+Lontrel), the grain yield of millet exceed the control in 2.3 times.
Key words millet seed, weeds, herbicides, efficiency of action, the mass of weeds, grain yield.
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