Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Cereal properties of spelt wheat grains depending on the variety

Author(s) Lubych V.V., Candidate of Agricultural Science, Lecturer of Department of Technology of Storage and Processing of Grain, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2021 issue Issue number 99. Part 1
pages 146-161 index UDK 664.743:633.11:641.53:683.958
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-1-146-161 (Link)
Abstract Purpose. To investigate the formation of cereal properties of spelt wheat grain depending on variety and line. Methods. Laboratory, mathematical and statistical, physicochemical. Results. As a result of studies it is found that technological properties of grain significantly vary depending on spelt variety and weather conditions. The protein content in spelt grain ranges from 11.0 to 21.3 % depending on the variety. A very high protein content in spelt grain (over 18.0 %) is in variety Zoria of Ukraine; rather high protein content (16.0–17.9 %) is in varieties Schwabenkorn (17.6 %), NSS 6/01 (17.3 %), Avstraliiska 1 (16.7 %) and LPP 3218 (16.7 %); low protein content (12.0–13.9 %) is in varieties LPP 3435 (13.1 %)and LPP 1224 (13.0 %); very low protein content is in varieties Shvedska 1 (11.0 %) and LPP 3117 (11.5 %); the rest of varieties has this indicator at the level of average – 14.0–15.9 %. Vitreous consistency of the endosperm has corn of varieties Zoria of Ukraine and Avstraliiska 1, semi vitreous consistency has grain of varieties NSS 6/01, Schwabenkorn, Frankenkorn and lines LPP 3218, LPP 3132, LPP 1305, LPP 1197, LPP 3124, LPP 3435, semi floury consistency has Shvedska 1 and LPP 3117. Culinary assessment of rolled spelt grains varies significantly depending on the variety. Total culinary assessment of rolled grain porridge of the spelt ranges from 6,8 to 9,0 points. Origin of spelt variety does not affect this indicator. The highest culinary assessment (8.9–9.0 points) has porridge obtained from grain of the variety Zoria of Ukraine and LPP 3132 line which makes it possible to use its grain to obtain cereal products. The lowest assessment of the porridge has variety Shvedska 1 and lines LPP 1224, LPP 3117 – 6.8–7.7 points. The other varieties have a culinary assessment of the porridge at a level of 8.1–8.8 points. For spelt grain indicator of protein content and grain vitreuesness can be used to evaluate the culinary properties of cereals. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted researches, it is established that Zoria Ukrainy, Schwabenkorn, NSS 6/01, Australian 1 varieties and LPP 3218 line are characterized by high protein content. Hard consistency of endosperm has the grain of Australian 1 and Zoria Ukrainy varieties in which the grain hardness is 73 and 84%, respectively. The origin of spelt wheat variety does not affect the color of cooked porridge. The general culinary evaluation of rolled spelt wheat porridge ranges from 6.8 to 9.0 points. Zoria Ukrainy spelt grain has the highest culinary evaluation which makes it possible to use it to produce cereals. To evaluate the culinary properties of spelt cereals, grain protein content and its hardness can be used.
Key words variety, spelt wheat, flattened groats, vitreous, protein
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