Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Technological properties of grain of bread wheat depending on the variety

Author(s) Lubych V.V., Candidate of Agricultural Science, Lecturer of Department of Technology of Storage and Processing of Grain, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Yevchuk Y.V., , , Uman National University of Horticulture
Кононенко Л. М., , ,
Харитоненко Н. С., , ,
Анциферова О. В., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2020 issue Issue number 96. Part 1
pages 558-572 index UDK 664.64.016.8:631.526.3:633.11
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-558-572 (Link)
Abstract The results of the study of technological properties (content of anatomical components, size and uniformity, kernels density by compression and chipping) of soft winter wheat grain depending on the variety are presented. The content of anatomical components of kernels varied depending on the variety and wheat line. Thus, endosperm content in the grain of soft winter wheat varieties ranged from 81,7 to 87,2 %, but was significantly higher only in five varieties: Kokhana, Pannonikus, Emerino and NAK 46/12 introgressive line. Kernels of 80,8% variety had the lowest endosperm content. The content of membranes in the kernels varied from 10,8 to 17,1 %, and in the germ – from 1,4 to 2,1 % depending on the variety and wheat line. Grain size of wheat varieties ranged from 2,6–2,8 mm to 2,8–3,0, lines – from 2,4–2,6 to 2,6–2,8 mm. The grain of Podolianka, Kokhana, Pannonikus varieties had the highest uniformity – 70,4–73,0 %. In other forms of soft wheat, this figure varied from 57,9 to 67,4 % or was lower by 4,0–17,1 points compared to the standard (71,4 %). The grain of the Chornobrova variety had the lowest uniformity – 57,9 %. However, winter wheat varieties had a significant difference in the content of grain fractions. Thus, the highest content of large fraction had Podolianka and Pannonikus varieties – 71,4–73,0 %, the lowest – Emerino variety and NAK46 / 12 – 25,5–34,8 line, and in other varieties this figure was 50,5–67,4 %. The content of medium grain fraction in Emerino variety and NAK46/12 line was 63,7–70,6 %. The content of fine fraction was the lowest – 0,7–3,9 % depending on the variety and line. Grain of Podolianka, Pannonikus, Kokhana, Uzhynok wheat varieties had the highest content of large fraction – 67,4–73,0 %. However, the content of medium fraction in the grain of Emerino variety and NAK46/12 line was the highest – 63,7–70,6 %. The greatest effort was the one required for the destruction of kernels by compression in Pannonikus and Chornobrova wheat varieties – 139,4–144,2 N or more by 32–36 % compared to the standard variety of Podolianka (106,0 N). It was the smallest in Odeska Lastivka grain variety – 88,9 N. In the kernels of introgressive lines, it was at the level of control. In general, the effort required to break kernels by chipping was 27,6–110,2 points less than their compression. This figure in soft wheat varieties ranged from 32,5 to 61,3 N, and in lines – from 31,0 to 34,3 N. The greatest effort required to break kernels by chipping was in Odeska Lastivka variety– 61,3 N, which ranged from 48,0 to 74,5 N for V=14 %. The least effort is required for kernels of Chornobrova variety and NAK61/12 line – 31,0–31,7 N at V = 16 %.
Key words technological properties, grain, soft wheat, variety, strength
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