Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Content of chemical components and productivity of winter rapes depending on variety features in the right bank forest steppe of Ukraine

Author(s) Kononenko L.M., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Панфілова А. В., , ,
Манзій О. П., , ,
Polianetska I.О., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2022 issue Issue 100. Part 1
pages 231-241 index UDK 631.82.02:633
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-231-241 (Link)
Abstract The article presents the formation of productivity of winter rape varieties. The purpose of the study – to determine the productivity and oil content and content of glucosinolates in winter oilseed rape, depending on varietal characteristics Studies have shown that under the same growing conditions, the productivity of winter rape varieties was different. The highest yield of Cheremosh variety was determined, which was 3.76 t / ha. It was investigating that rapeseed oil content was 46.9 %. However, depending on the varietal characteristics and compared to the standard, the highest percentage of oil content was in the varieties Cheremosh (1.3 %) and Anna (1.0 %). The lowest percentage of oil content was determined in the Champion of Ukraine variety, which was 0.4 by the standard. It was founding that the highest percentage of oil in winter rapeseeds was observing in the variety Cheremosh – 47.8 %, slightly lower was in the variety Anna – 47.5 %, and Antariia (St) and the Champion of Ukraine contained – 46.5 and 46,1 % respectively. The content of erucic acid in the oil did not vary significantly depending on the varietal characteristics and ranged from 0.3 to 0.4 %. On average, over the years of research, the content of glucosinolates in winter oilseed rape varied from 11.0 μmol/g to 25.0 μmol/g. The highest content of glucosinolates was in the variety Antaria (St) – 25.0 μmol/g, and the lowest in the variety Anna – 11.0 μmol/g. The level of profitability in the studied varieties was high and varied on average depending on the varietal characteristics of winter rape from 110 % to 155 %. The highest percentage of profitability in spring rape was founding in the variety Cheremosh – 155 %. Therefore, it is worth noting that the yield in the experiments and high seed prices allow to have a profit of one ha in winter oilseed rape and get a high percentage of crop profitability.
Key words yield, oil content, glucosinolates, product cost, costs
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