Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Sugar beet productivity under different doses of mineral and organic fertilizers and fertilizer systems in field crop rotation

Author(s) Martynyuk A.T., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Новак Ю. В., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2020 issue Issue number 96. Part 1
pages 368-382 index UDK 633.63:631.8:631.153.3:631.582
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-368-382 (Link)
Abstract The results of a five-year study of the influence of doses of mineral and organic fertilizers on the formation of sugar beet productivity on podzolic black soil after long-term (since 1964) use of mineral, organic, and organomineral fertilizer systems in field crop rotation are presented. The research has established that higher doses of mineral and organic fertilizers resulted in an increase of sugar beets yield regardless of fertilizer systems in the crop rotation. On average, over five years of research, a higher root crop yield (48,8 t/ha) was obtained when applying mineral fertilizers at a dose of N180P180K180 to sugar beet with mineral fertilizer system in the crop rotation, while 45,7 t/ha was obtained when applying 60 t/ha of manure with the organic fertilizer system. The use of an organomineral fertilizer system in the rotation, if compared with the organic and mineral ones, allowed to obtain higher root crop yields from the experimental version of manure 45 t/ha + N90P202K45, which averaged 50,7 t/ha over five years. The lowest sugar content of sugar beet root crops was observed under mineral and organomineral fertilizer systems in crop rotation, which on average over five-year period amounted to 18,5 and 18,6 % respectively after applying fertilizers at a dose of N180P180K180 and manure – 45 t/ha + N90P202K45. Direct application of manure to sugar beets at a dose of 30, 45 and 60 t per hectare with the organic fertilizer system in the crop rotation reduced the sugar content of root crops by 0,1–0,5 %. Among the studied fertilizer systems, a higher sugar yield per unit of area (7,86–9,42 t/ha) is provided by the organomineral fertilizer system in the field crop rotation. When using mineral fertilizes system, the application of mineral fertilizers to sugar beets at doses of N90P90K90, N135P135K135 and N180P180K180 resulted in the sugar yield amountingto 7,65, 8,57 and 9,04 t/ha respectively. While under organic system the application of manure at doses of manure 30, 45 and 60 t/ha resulted in estimated sugar yield amounting to 7,51, 8,15 and 8,63 t/ha. On average, over the five years of research, the largest estimated sugar yield was obtained when manure and mineral fertilizers were applied to sugar beets at a dose of N90P202K45 – 9,42 t/ha.
Key words : sugar beet, manure, mineral fertilizers, crop rotation, yield, sugar yield, sugar content, sugar yield
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