Uman NUH | today: 12/01/2024



Novak I.
Revutskaya A.
Development of a strategic business plan and project management for sustainable development of the enterprise Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-391-404
UDK: 658.012, pages 391-404, downloads (112)
2 Соколюк С. Ю.
Бленда Н. О.
Чернега І. І.
Zharun E. V.
Коротєєв М. А.
Майданюк Р. П.
The global world crisis of 2020-2023 and its impact on the activities of business structures Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-383-391
UDK: 339.9 : 338.124.4 , pages 383-391, downloads (96)
3 Bechko P.K.
Huzar B.S.
Kolotukha S.M.
Lysa N.V.
Ptashnyk S.
Essence and development directions of modern financial management of the domestic agricultural industry Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-375-382
UDK: 336.01, pages 375-382, downloads (93)
4 Vlasyuk S.A.
Ролінський О. В.
Ясінський О. Р.
Features of financial risk insurance in modern conditions Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-358-367
UDK: 330.3:368, pages 358-367, downloads (91)
5 Ulyanych Y.V.
Бондаренко Н. В.
Дяченко М. О.
Ulyanych K.F.
Features and directions of implementation Of information technologies in modern conditions Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-352-357
UDK: 3365:007.005.1, pages 352-357, downloads (82)
6 Бондаренко Н. В.
Мігур І. О.
Лиманюк В. В.
Грицак О. І.
Заярна К. О.
The role of monetary policy instruments in regulating the Ukrainian economy Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-338-352
UDK: 336.143.2, pages 338-352, downloads (92)
7 Pitel N. Y.
Novak I.
Альошкіна Л. П.
Халахур Ю. Л.
The development of international management in the context of assessing the possibilities of Ukrainian business integration into the EU internal market Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-324-337
UDK: 005(100):334.72(477):332.135(061), pages 324-337, downloads (122)
8 Revutskaya A.
Smoliy L.V.
Strategy of the circular model of business development management: risks and prospects for Ukraine Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-317-323
UDK: 658.567:338.1 (292.4), pages 317-323, downloads (89)
9 Костюк В. С.
Сидоренко О. С.
The principle of the unity of centralised and decentralised principles in the formation and implementation of social policy Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-308-317
UDK: 316.4 , pages 308-317, downloads (88)
Горбатюк М. І.
Длугоборська Л. В.
Theoretical principles of ensuring the economic security of enterprises in modern conditions Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-297-307
UDK: 338.24.021.8, pages 297-307, downloads (98)
11 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Бондаренко Н. В.
Грицак О. І.
Transformation of the credit market of Ukraine in the crisis period Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-285-296
UDK: 336.771.22:339.17, pages 285-296, downloads (70)
12 Bechko P.K.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Kolotukha S.M.
Huzar B.S.
Lysa N.V.
Bank loans to agricultural entities under martial law Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-277-284
UDK: 631.162, pages 277-284, downloads (92)
13 Zharun E. V.
Соколюк К. Ю.
Бленда Н. О.
Уланчук В. І.
Жарун Р. Ф.
Погуляй В. М.
Digital business transformation in the midst of war Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-269-276
UDK: 338.3:658, pages 269-276, downloads (113)
14 Пономаренко О. В. Consumer Behavior and Demand Transformation in the Auto Insurance Market Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-254-268
UDK: 303.8, pages 254-268, downloads (74)
15 Варченко О. М.
Крисанов Д. Ф.
Вернюк Н. О.
Герасименко І. О.
Головашенко Ю. В.
Application of cognitive approach to modeling socio-economic integration of the forced immigrants in receiving communities Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-233-254
UDK: 314.72, pages 233-254, downloads (120)
16 Vlasyuk S.A.
Тиховський М. І.
Лебідь І. Ю.
Заярна В. О.
State financial support for the agricultural sector of Ukraine under martial law Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-223-232
UDK: 631.16:338.432, pages 223-232, downloads (97)
17 Bechko P.K.
Бондаренко Н. В.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Lysa N.V.
Ptashnyk S.
Financial forecasting of bankruptcy of small and medium-sized business entities Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-213-222
UDK: 347.7, pages 213-222, downloads (84)
18 Соколюк С. Ю.
Prokopchuk O.T.
Чернега І. І.
Tupchiy O.S.
Zharun E. V.
Коротєєв М. А.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-202-212
UDK: 331.1, pages 202-212, downloads (94)
Дмитрик І. О.
The role of BPM, CRM and ERP systems in the digital transformation of Ukrainian business Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-191-201
UDK: 658.5, pages 191-201, downloads (102)
20 Novak I.
Pitel N. Y.
Альошкіна Л. П.
Бондарчук М. І.
Business plan as a tool for planning and management of the economic activities of the enterprise Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-182-190
UDK: 338.2, pages 182-190, downloads (102)
21 Prokopchuk O.T.
Пономаренко О. В.
Гумен О. В.
Мирошниченко М. М.
Макарчук В. В.
Ulyanych K.F.
Consumer Behavior and Demand Transformation in the Auto Insurance Market Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-169-181
UDK: 339.113, pages 169-181, downloads (100)
22 Тимчук С. В.
Neshchadym l. M.
Optimization of stock management through the prism of commodity science: from design to efficient use of warehouse space Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-160-168
UDK: 658.7:681., pages 160-168, downloads (88)
23 Бондаренко Н. В.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Melnyk К. М.
Мігур І. О.
Formation of anti-crisis management of financial security of banks Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-150-159
UDK: 336.717, pages 150-159, downloads (96)
24 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Huzar B.S.
Кисельов І. А.
Гавриленко О. А.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-141-149
UDK: 336. 77, pages 141-149, downloads (80)
25 Nesterchuk J. A.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Цимбалюк Ю. А.
Ролінський О. В.
Гуртовенко А. І.
Practical aspects of business structure as an element of financial management Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-132-140
UDK: 658.15, pages 132-140, downloads (78)
26 Mudrak R.P.
Андрусяк Н. О.
Risks of social sustainability of agricultural production of Ukraine Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-116-131
UDK: 330.131.7:316.422.42:338.43(477), pages 116-131, downloads (105)
27 Шпичко Д. О. Classification features of the mushroom market Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-107-115
UDK: 339.146-028.67:635.8 , pages 107-115, downloads (73)
28 Грабек Я. А. Methodological aspects of the formation of the value chain in the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-95-107
UDK: 001.891:330.143.2:338.43(477), pages 95-107, downloads (81)
29 Яремчук В. С. Development of investment support for agricultural production in Ukraine Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-83-94
UDK: 330.322:631.15](477) , pages 83-94, downloads (63)
30 Варіс І. О.
Кравчук О. І.
Коновалова В. Ю.
Formation and optimization of the social and psychological climate in the staff of the organization Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-61-73
UDK: 005.32-048.34:331.101.5, pages 61-73, downloads (123)
31 Цимбалюк Ю. А.
Власюк С. А.
Полишвайко С. С.
Драчук О. В.
Peculiarities of lending to the agricultural sector of Ukraine under martial law Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-53-61
UDK: 336.77.067:631, pages 53-61, downloads (108)
32 Андрусяк Н. О.
Algorithms for the study of ecological and economic competitiveness of regions Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-46-52
UDK: 332.142.6.01, pages 46-52, downloads (85)
33 Сухецька К. В. Effective management of financial resources of agricultural enterprises in times of crisis Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-36-45
UDK: 005.3:338.434, pages 36-45, downloads (97)
34 Bechko P.K.
Ptashnyk S.
Мельник К. М.
Шеін В. В.
The role of marketing management in the prospective development of domestic banking institutions Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-28-35
UDK: 336.71:005.21, pages 28-35, downloads (78)
35 Prokopchuk O.T.
Клименко В. О.
Aspects of Functioning of Insurance Organizations in the Agricultural Insurance Market of Ukraine Issue number 104. Part 2 2024
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-17-28
UDK: 368.5, pages 17-28, downloads (96)
36 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Kolotukha S.M.
Пономаренко О. В.
Нагорний В. І.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-8-16
UDK: 336.7:330.4, pages 8-16, downloads (109)
37 Ulyanych Y.V.
Бондаренко Н. В.
Huzar B.S.
Analysis of current trends of the insurance market of Ukraine Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-180-187
UDK: 330.3, pages 180-187, downloads (170)
38 Barabash L.V.
Савчук І. І.
Empirical foundations of financial market development Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-174-180
UDK: 336.7, pages 174-180, downloads (136)
39 Huzar B.S.
Ptashnyk S.
Financial self-sufficience of territorial communities under decentralization conditions Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-166-180
UDK: 336.14.352, pages 166-180, downloads (175)
40 Бондаренко Н. В.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Пономаренко О. В.
Підопригора С. М.
Андрусішина І. В.
Peculiarities of health insurance in Ukraine Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-154-166
UDK: 368.98.054:336.76, pages 154-166, downloads (202)
41 Клименко В. О. Trends in the Development of Agricultural Insurance in Ukraine Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-140-153
UDK: 368.5, pages 140-153, downloads (150)
42 Vlasyuk S.A.
Цимбалюк Ю. А.
Ролінський О. В.
Левченко О. О.
The features of Ukraine’s agricultural sector financial support in modern conditions Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-129-139
UDK: 336:338.43, pages 129-139, downloads (200)
43 Варченко О. М.
Гаврик О. Ю.
Вернюк Н. О.
Варченко О. О.
Information supply of the analysis of the added value formation by the enterprise Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-117-128
UDK: 336.7, pages 117-128, downloads (209)
44 Bechko P.K.
Kolotukha S.M.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Пономаренко О. В.
Гавриленко О. А.
Development of lending channels in the context of transition to a digital economy Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-106-116
UDK: 336.7, pages 106-116, downloads (203)
45 Тимчук С. В.
Neshchadym l. M.
Джога О. В.
Product characteristics of food fats in the restaurant industry: impact of fat quality and properties on food productivity and consumers Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-97-105
UDK: 641.1; 641.561; 664.6; 613.2, pages 97-105, downloads (202)
46 Пономаренко О. В. Essential Business Transformation in the Digital Economy Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-82-96
UDK: 65.011.2-044.922, pages 82-96, downloads (107)
Непочатенко З. В.
Evolution of scientific views on anti-crisis state regulation of the economy Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-73-82
UDK: 338.24.01, pages 73-82, downloads (147)
48 Vlasyuk S.A.
Цимбалюк Ю. А.
Ролінський О. В.
Заярна К. О.
The prospects of agricultural insurance development in Ukraine Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-63-72
UDK: 338.4:631.1, pages 63-72, downloads (237)
49 Ulyanych Y.V.
Дяченко М. О.
Theoretical basics of information technologies of the financial and economic activities of enterprises Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-57-62
UDK: 330.65, pages 57-62, downloads (205)
50 Barabash L.V.
Щербань С. А.
Куліченко Р. В.
Development of personal income taxation in the context of evolution of the tax system of Ukraine Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-49-56
UDK: 336.2 (477), pages 49-56, downloads (186)
51 Драган О. О.
Ткаченко К. В.
Артімонова І. В.
Insurance of risks on the financial (banking) services market of Ukraine Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-39-49
UDK: 368.89: 336.7, pages 39-49, downloads (129)
52 Mudrak R.P.
Грабек Я. А.
Global value chains in food production and the place of Ukraine in them Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-16-29
UDK: 339.9:330.143.2:338.43(477, pages 16-29, downloads (136)
53 Prokopchuk O.T. Features of Insurance Business Digitalization in Ukraine Issue number 103. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-2-6-16
UDK: 368: 339, pages 6-16, downloads (247)
54 Nesterchuk J. A.
Ulanchuk V.
Соколюк С. Ю.
Zharun E. V.
Коротєєв М. А.
Бленда Н. О.
MАNАGEMENT OF INNOVАTION RISKS Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-234-243
UDK: 005.591.6:334.72, pages 234-243, downloads (353)
55 Kolotukha S.M.
Мельник К. М.
Переполка В. Ю.
Trends in the development of credit relations in the agricultural sector of the economy Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-222-234
UDK: 338.433, pages 222-234, downloads (257)
56 Bondarenko N.V.
Ролінський О. В.
Гумен О. В.
Андрусішина Т. В.
Current Status and Development Prospects of Social Insurance in Ukraine Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-213-221
UDK: [336.717.061(477):336.76](043.3), pages 213-221, downloads (266)
57 Penkova O. G.
Kharenko A.A.
Trends in the development of advertising technologies in the real estate market Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-202-212
UDK: 659.1:332.8-027.1, pages 202-212, downloads (263)
58 Цимбалюк Ю. А.
Холявіцька К. С.
Prospects of Ukraine’s stock market development in the conditions of power decentralization Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-194-201
UDK: 330.1, pages 194-201, downloads (187)
59 Bechko P.K.
Nepochatenko E.A.
Lysa N.V.
Пономаренко О. В.
Трушевський О. О.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-182-193
UDK: 368.5, pages 182-193, downloads (292)
60 Huzar B.S.
Ptashnyk S.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Budgeting as an effective tool for organizing financial controlling at Ukrainian enterprises Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-167-181
UDK: 658.012.32:338.24, pages 167-181, downloads (215)
61 Vlasyuk S.A.
Tsymbaliuk Y.A.
Ролінський О. В.
Kolotukha S.M.
Переполка В. Ю.
Bank lending as an instrument for ensuring investment and innovation development of business structures in the agrarian sphere Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-156-167
UDK: 336.77, pages 156-167, downloads (197)
62 Радченя О. М.
Клименко Л. В.
Мусієнко С. І.
Export potential of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine under the conditions of marital state Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-145-155
UDK: 339.5:432, pages 145-155, downloads (228)
63 Prokopchuk O.T.
Bondarenko N.V.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Froter O.S.
Андрусішина І. В.
Peculiarities of the Ukrainian Social Protection System Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-131-145
UDK: 364, pages 131-145, downloads (323)
64 Холявіцька К. С. The ability of the development strategy of the united territorial communities of the Cherkasy region Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-120-130
UDK: 352 (332.1), pages 120-130, downloads (169)
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-112-119
UDK: 339.9, pages 112-119, downloads (289)
66 Bechko P.K.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Anishchenko G.Yu.
Lysa N.V.
Шумило Т. В.
The principle of justice in the taxation of individuals in the national tax system Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-101-111
UDK: 336.2:338.246.025.2, pages 101-111, downloads (264)
67 Nesterchuk J. A.
Синенко І. М.
Features of information and communication technology market development Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-92-100
UDK: 004.9, pages 92-100, downloads (339)
68 Bondarenko N.V.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Деркач Т. А.
Андрусішина Н. В.
The pension system in Ukraine Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-82-91
UDK: 349.3, pages 82-91, downloads (231)
69 Bechko P.K.
Bondarenko N.V.
Ptashnyk S.
Nepochatenko E.A.
Гавриленко О. А.
The role of diversification in the development of the market of credit resources for agricultural business entities Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-48-59
UDK: 338.33:631:15, pages 48-59, downloads (257)
70 Пономаренко О. В. Transformation of insurance culture in insurance market Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-36-47
UDK: 368.013:138, pages 36-47, downloads (256)
71 Грабек Я. А. Value chain: essence of the category and methodological significance Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-26-35
UDK: 330.143.2, pages 26-35, downloads (206)
72 Клименко Л. В.
Длугоборська Л. В.
Халахур Ю. Л.
Мусієнко С. І.
Сross-cultural management of international agreements Issue number 102. Part 2 2023
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-17-26
UDK: 339.92:339.137, pages 17-26, downloads (331)
73 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Bondarenko N.V.
Ptashnyk S.
Пономаренко О. В.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-7-16
UDK: 001:336.77, pages 7-16, downloads (236)
74 Nesterchuk J. A.
Юрченко О.С.
The impact of the factor of war on the domestic pig production (march—august 2022) Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-292-301
UDK: 339.9.01 , pages 292-301, downloads (238)
75 Журавель Р. О. Risk and uncertainty in the functioning of the agricultural economy Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-283-292
UDK: 332.365, pages 283-292, downloads (123)
76 Bechko P.K.
Бондаренко Н. В.
Пономаренко О. В.
Трушевський О. О.
The development of agricultural insurance under modern conditions Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-275-282
UDK: 368:338.436, pages 275-282, downloads (292)
77 Barabash L.V.
Ролінський О. В.
Efficiency of functioning of the tax system of ukraine in the area of budgets of local government bodies Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-263-274
UDK: 336.2: 336.1:352(477), pages 263-274, downloads (196)
78 Кононенко Л. Л. Foreign experience of bank lending to agricultural enterprises Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-255-262
UDK: 336.77, pages 255-262, downloads (210)
79 А. А. ОСІПОВА The impact of social networks on business development Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-246-255
UDK: 316.472.4:334.72 , pages 246-255, downloads (143)
80 Жадан Т. А.
Жадан Ю. В.
Соколова Є. Б.
Current trends and main problems of the development of hospitality enterprises in Ukraine Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-234-246
UDK: 338.48, pages 234-246, downloads (225)
81 Bechko P.K.
Бондаренко Н. В.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Ролінський О. В.
Нагорний В. І.
Anticipation of market development of credit resources for agrarian businesses Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-219-233
UDK: 368:338.436, pages 219-233, downloads (147)
82 Пономаренко О. В. Economic conditions for the functioning of the insurance industry of Ukraine Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-208-218
UDK: 368.1:336.1, pages 208-218, downloads (462)
83 Malyovanyi M.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Підлубна О. Д.
Professional and social adaptation of military officers, veterans and their family members in Ukraine Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-197-207
UDK: 316.4, pages 197-207, downloads (136)
84 Шуст О. А.
Варченко О. М.
Крисанов Д. Ф.
Варченко О. О.
Вернюк Н. О.
Foreign economic activities of ukraine's agriculture subjects under the conditions of growing threats and upgrades Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-172-197
UDK: 330.439 (477), pages 172-197, downloads (184)
85 Bechko P.K.
Ptashnyk S.
Lysa N.V.
Нагорна Ю. І.
Methodological approaches to tax incentives of agricultural business entities Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-164-172
UDK: 336.22, pages 164-172, downloads (370)
86 Prokopchuk O.T.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Мирошниченко М. М.
Digital Transformation of the Insurance Market of Ukraine Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-152-164
UDK: 368: 339, pages 152-164, downloads (139)
87 Mudrak R.P.
Лагодієнко В. В.
Демченко О. В.
The economic component of the sustainable development of the agriculture of Ukraine Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-141-152
UDK: 338.436-021.387(477), pages 141-152, downloads (155)
88 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Ptashnyk S.
Гавриленко О. А.
Methodological approaches to assessing the cluster potential of subjects of the agrarian industry of the region Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-130-141
UDK: 332.14, pages 130-141, downloads (129)
89 Prokopchuk O.T.
Penkova O. G.
Kharenko A.A.
Theoretical Principles of Management of Marketing Activities in Insurance Business Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-120-130
UDK: 368: 339, pages 120-130, downloads (302)
90 Кутова О. О. Investment supply of the economy of Ukraine: modern state and prospects Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-109-120
UDK: 658.152(477), pages 109-120, downloads (473)
91 Ulanchuk V.
Zharun E. V.
Соколюк С. Ю.
Коротєєв М. А.
Уланчук В. І.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-100-108
UDK: 332.122, pages 100-108, downloads (271)
92 Цимбалюк Ю. А.
Бондаренко Н. В.
Андрусішина Т. В.
State of investment activity of Ukrainian enterprises Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-91-100
UDK: 338.439, pages 91-100, downloads (301)
93 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Шумило Т. В.
Taxation fairness in economic theory and modern native practice Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-79-91
UDK: 336.2:338.246.025.2, pages 79-91, downloads (215)
94 Варченко О. М.
Варченко О. О.
Вернюк Н. О.
Priority directions of the development of cooperation in the supply chains of agricultural products Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-65-78
UDK: 632.05, pages 65-78, downloads (215)
95 Мельник К. М.
Kolotukha S.M.
Contemporary trends of development of the individual mortgage crediting in Ukraine Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-54-64
UDK: 336.77:332, pages 54-64, downloads (275)
96 Novak I.
Сухецька К. В.
Place of anticipative management at agricultural enterprises during the russian-ukrainian war Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-45-53
UDK: 658:330.3:355.01, pages 45-53, downloads (273)
97 Благополучна А. Г. Economic influence on implementation of total energy economy on functioning of place of restrount househol Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-38-44
UDK: 725.71: 697.94, pages 38-44, downloads (222)
98 Bechko P.K.
Бондаренко Н. В.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Nepochatenko E.A.
Huzar B.S.
Comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of commercial banks Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-30-37
UDK: 332.14, pages 30-37, downloads (125)
99 Варченко О. М.
Ткаченко К. В.
Варченко О. О.
Свиноус Н. І.
Вернюк Н. О.
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-16-30
UDK: 332.05, pages 16-30, downloads (200)
100 Zmist Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
UDK: , pages , downloads (3)
101 Холявіцька К. С.
Nepochatenko Olena O.
Analysis of the implementation and formation of the development strategy of the Cherkask region Issue number 101. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-7-16
UDK: 332.1, pages 7-16, downloads (136)
102 Гоменюк М. О.
Instruments of planning of working time of manager Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-412-420
UDK: 331.103, pages 412-420, downloads (276)
Длугоборська Л. В.
Пархоменко Л. А.
Клименко Л. В.
Assessment of the current state of horticulture in the context of investment attractiveness management branch enterprises Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-402-411
UDK: 635: 330.322, pages 402-411, downloads (144)
104 Kostyuk W. S. Theory of human development as a methodological basis for the classification of countries of the world Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-391-401
UDK: 331.101, pages 391-401, downloads (213)
105 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Huzar B.S.
Ptashnyk S.
Current problems of filling local budgets and their expenditure in the conditions of maritime Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-382-391
UDK: 336.145.1:336.2(477), pages 382-391, downloads (175)
106 Цімоха Р. Р. Improving the promotion of labor behavior of employees, taking into account international experience Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-370-382
UDK: 333.101.3:330.34:658.3, pages 370-382, downloads (211)
107 Бондар С. С. Economic justification of measures to increase the effectiveness of motivational policy in the organization Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-360-370
UDK: 37.03:378.1, pages 360-370, downloads (119)
Barabash L.V.
The role of psychological and behavioral aspects in the development of a business plan Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-352-360
UDK: 330.16:005.511(083.92), pages 352-360, downloads (287)
109 Nesterchuk J. A.
Соколюк С. Ю.
Tupchiy O.S.
Zharun E. V.
Соколюк К. Ю.
Customs control in ensuring economic security of Ukraine Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-339-352
UDK: 339.543, pages 339-352, downloads (199)
110 Худолій Л. М.
Танклевська Н. С.
Barabash L.V.
Financial-economic and psychological-behavioral accents of foreign experience of reconstruction of the country after the war Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-329-339
UDK: 330.35(4/9)«19/20»:336:330.16, pages 329-339, downloads (208)
111 Bechko P.K.
Bondarenko N.V.
Ролінський О. В.
Bechko V.P.
Пономаренко О. В.
Bank management as the foundation of efficient managing of a commercial bank Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-320-329
UDK: 658:336.7, pages 320-329, downloads (339)
112 Penkova O. G.
Kharenko A.A.
Lementovskaya V.A.
Economic mechanism of marketing of domestic medium-sized enterprises of agro-business Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-311-319
UDK: 631.1: 339.138:338.43, pages 311-319, downloads (270)
113 Nesterchuk J. A.
Соколюк С. Ю.
Коротєєв М. А.
Zharun E. V.
Tupchiy O.S.
Соколюк К. Ю.
Development of e-commerce in the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-299-310
UDK: 004.738.5:339, pages 299-310, downloads (205)
114 Malyovanyi M.
Prokopchuk O.T.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Digital technologies in social security Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-291-298
UDK: 364.07, pages 291-298, downloads (222)
115 Burlyay A.P.
Burlyay A.L.
Poberezhets I.I.
Журавель Р. О.
Analysis of migration processes: risks for Ukrainian agriculture Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-284-290
UDK: 331.56.57, pages 284-290, downloads (208)
116 Охрименко Б. О. Genesis of modernization theories and their role in the development of Ukrainian economy Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-275-283
UDK: 330.837, pages 275-283, downloads (125)
117 Pitel N. Y.
Novak I.
Greening of Ukraine's agricultural production in the context of joining the European Green Course Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-262-275
UDK: 005:504:338.3, pages 262-275, downloads (382)
118 Кустріч Л. О. Innovative methods of personnel management at enterprises Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-250-262
UDK: 338.512, pages 250-262, downloads (320)
119 Петренко Н. О.
Kovalenko L. H.
Conceptual provisions of serviceology and service management Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-238-249
UDK: 330.16:338.46, pages 238-249, downloads (216)
120 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Холявіцька К. С.
Assessment of financial sustainability of socio-economic development of the local budget of Uman district Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-227-238
UDK: 336.1:352, pages 227-238, downloads (196)
121 Revutskaya A. Theoretical components of strategic management of enterprise development Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-219-226
UDK: 330.34:334.716, pages 219-226, downloads (292)
122 Bechko P.K.
Bechko V.P.
Lysa N.V.
Ptashnyk S.
Шумило Т. В.
The principle of justice as a determinant of modern taxation of agricultural products Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-209-218
UDK: 338.264, pages 209-218, downloads (303)
123 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Malyovanyi M.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Kolotukha S.M.
Bondarenko N.V.
Special features of financial and lending provision for agrarian manufacturers in Ukraine Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-197-208
UDK: 338.434:334.72, pages 197-208, downloads (220)
124 Vlasyuk S.A. Crowdfunding as an alternative source of financing the operation of business entities Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-187-196
UDK: 336 : 330.341.11, pages 187-196, downloads (145)
125 Bechko P.K.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Bondarenko N.V.
Nepochatenko E.A.
Regulatory mechanism in the system of business insurance in the agrarian sector Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-179-187
UDK: 368:338.436, pages 179-187, downloads (248)
126 Ulanchuk V.
Соколюк С. Ю.
Zharun E. V.
Коротєєв М. А.
Tupchiy O.S.
Analysis of the problem of unemployment in ukraine in the aspect of socio-economic security Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-170-178
UDK: 331.56.57, pages 170-178, downloads (255)
127 Василенко О. І. Characteristics of the functioning of higher agricultural educational institutions in the market of educational services Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-157-169
UDK: 378.1, pages 157-169, downloads (127)
128 Kolotukha S.M.
Мельник К. М.
Land market development of agrarian sector of the economy in a context of financial instability Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-142-156
UDK: 332.72:631.11 , pages 142-156, downloads (193)
129 Соколюк С. Ю.
Zharun E. V.
Коротєєв М. А.
Tupchiy O.S.
Соколюк К. Ю.
Measures to encourage internal pork consumption in Ukraine Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-132-141
UDK: 311:338.439.6:637.52(477) , pages 132-141, downloads (213)
130 Prokopchuk O.T. Management of advertising activities of an insurance organization Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-121-131
UDK: 368: 659.1, pages 121-131, downloads (131)
131 Варченко О. М.
Ткаченко К. В.
Варченко О. О.
Вернюк Н. О.
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-107-121
UDK: 332.1, pages 107-121, downloads (250)
132 Благополучна А. Г. War as the driving force of labor migration Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-101-107
UDK: 331.556.46, pages 101-107, downloads (204)
133 Revutskaya A.
Дибенко Г. І.
Strategies for managing small and medium business enterprises Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-91-100
UDK: 330.334.73, pages 91-100, downloads (239)
134 Novak I.
Сухецька К. В.
Сrisis situation management for weak signals Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-84-90
UDK: 005.334:338.24, pages 84-90, downloads (358)
135 Васильковська К. В.
Андрієнко О. О.
Малаховська В. О.
Dynamics of sugar beet production in Ukraine and analysis of sugar exports Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-74-84
UDK: 339.564:631.11:633:1, pages 74-84, downloads (310)
136 Андрющенко А. М.
Довгань О. М.
The grain industry of Ukraine in the conditions of the russian-ukrainian war: state and prospects Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-66-73
UDK: 631.15:633.1(477):355.01(470+477)«20», pages 66-73, downloads (229)
137 Bechko P.K.
Bondarenko N.V.
Huzar B.S.
Цимбалюк Ю. А.
Нагорний В. І.
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-56-65
UDK: 336.132.1, pages 56-65, downloads (340)
138 Mudrak R.P. Economic availability of food in the conditions russian-ukrainian war Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-43-55
UDK: 338.439.053-021.161:355.01(470+477)«20», pages 43-55, downloads (311)
139 Варченко О. М.
Варченко О. О.
Вернюк Н. О.
Rationale for the development of models of marketing activities of agricultural enterprises in conditions of uncertainty Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-28-43
UDK: 659.3, pages 28-43, downloads (206)
140 Prokopchuk O.T.
Malyovanyi M.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Innovations in the SociaL Protection System Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-18-28
UDK: 338.24, pages 18-28, downloads (461)
141 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Bondarenko N.V.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Трушевський О. О.
The necessity of the creation and operation of the agricultural insurance market Issue number 100. Part 2 2022
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-8-17
UDK: 368:338.436, pages 8-17, downloads (214)
142 Соколюк С. Ю.
Tupchiy O.S.
Zharun E. V.
Analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the concept of "customs regimes" 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-361-372
UDK: 338.001.36; 338.242.2, pages 361-372, downloads (233)
143 Burlyay A.P.
Burlyay A.L.
Іваненко О. О.
The essence of competition: microeconomic aspects 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-353-360
UDK: 658.81:665.9, pages 353-360, downloads (282)
144 Варченко О. М.
Артімонова І. В.
Ткаченко К. В.
Investor behavior patterns in the financial market 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-337-352
UDK: 336.76, pages 337-352, downloads (305)
145 Соколюк С. Ю.
Коротєєв М. А.
Zharun E. V.
Tupchiy O.S.
Бленда Н. О.
Diversification as a strategic direction for sustainable development of enterprises in the agricultural sector of the economy 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-326-336
UDK: 338.33.634, pages 326-336, downloads (168)
146 А. А. ОСІПОВА Fundamentals of business planning of agricultural enterprises 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-319-326
UDK: 658.14, pages 319-326, downloads (215)
147 Barabash L.V.
Ролінський О. В.
Impact of the tax system of Ukraine on the functioning of local finance 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-309-318
UDK: 336.22:336.14, pages 309-318, downloads (160)
148 Бленда Н. О.
Чернега І. І.
Algorithm for developing and implementing enterprise strategy 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-302-309
UDK: 005.3:658.5, pages 302-309, downloads (144)
149 Pitel N. Y.
Novak I.
Organization of ecologically oriented production management 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-291-302
UDK: 005:504:338.3, pages 291-302, downloads (354)
150 Варченко О. М.
Паска І. М.
Артімонова І. В.
Драган О. О.
Information support for research of financial behavior of households 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-275-290
UDK: 004.9:631.115.11, pages 275-290, downloads (187)
151 Ролінський О. В.
Huzar B.S.
Ptashnyk S.
Financial self-sufficiency of local budgets in the context of realization of financial decentralization reform 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-259-275
UDK: 336.14:338.244.47, pages 259-275, downloads (405)
152 Bechko P.K.
Бондаренко Н. В.
Bechko V.P.
Власюк С. А.
Пономаренко О. В.
Simplified taxation as an element of tax incentives for agricultural entities. 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-247-259
UDK: 336.2:338.246.025.2 , pages 247-259, downloads (289)
153 Novak I.
Сухецька К. В.
Methods for diagnostics of bankruptcy of agricultural enterprises 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-240-247
UDK: 336.672, pages 240-247, downloads (343)
154 Nesterchuk J. A.
Бленда Н. О.
Чернега І. І.
State support of activities of entrepreneurial structures of the agricultural sector of Ukraine 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-232-239
UDK: 338.431.4, pages 232-239, downloads (328)
155 Костюк В. С.
Smoliy L.V.
International labor migration and its impact on human development 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-223-231
UDK: 331.556.46, pages 223-231, downloads (215)
156 Prokopchuk O.T. Communications in insurance management 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-211-222
UDK: 368, pages 211-222, downloads (273)
157 Соколюк С. Ю.
Zharun E. V.
Tupchiy O.S.
Principles of performing foreign economic transactions and contracts 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-204-210
UDK: 339.9.01 , pages 204-210, downloads (276)
158 Сочінська М. В. Features of health insurance: an analysis of the German experience 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-195-203
UDK: 368:61(430):001.82, pages 195-203, downloads (180)
159 Prokopchuk O.T.
Malyovanyi M.
Цимбалюк Ю. А.
Formation of the investment market in Ukraine 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-182-194
UDK: 330. 322, pages 182-194, downloads (278)
160 Bechko P.K.
Бондаренко Н. В.
Lysa N.V.
Huzar B.S.
Шумило Т. В.
Counteraction to misfeasance in taxation as a defense mechanism in the issue of tax fairnessCounteraction to misfeasance in taxation as a defense mechanism in the issue of tax fairness 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-172-181
UDK: 336:225 , pages 172-181, downloads (226)
161 Ulanchuk V.
Zharun E. V.
Коротєєв М. А.
Nepochatenko E.A.
Соколюк С. Ю.
Econometric approaches to forecasting financial support of socio-economic development of the region 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-163-171
UDK: 330.43:502.4, pages 163-171, downloads (217)
162 Пономаренко О. В. Economic conditions for the development of world educational systems in the context of globalization 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-151-162
UDK: 371.2 (09), pages 151-162, downloads (195)
163 Черничко Т. В.
Рибчак В. І.
Черничко С. Ф.
Logistic approaches to the organization of sales activities of the enterprise 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-143-150
UDK: 658.8:65.01, pages 143-150, downloads (139)
164 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Пономаренко О. В.
Нагорна Ю. І.
Development prospects of incentive taxation mechanisms of business entities in agricultural sector of the economy 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-132-143
UDK: 336.2:338.246.025.2, pages 132-143, downloads (278)
165 Бленда Н. О.
Коротєєв М. А.
Sokovnina D.M.
Соколюк С. Ю.
Zharun E. V.
Strategic analysis of the external environment is the basis for determining the strategic direction of the development of business structures 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-124-131
UDK: 005.33:338.1, pages 124-131, downloads (599)
166 Благополучна А. Г. Using of cryptocurrency in the sphere of the hotel and restaurant state to tourism 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-115-123
UDK: 338.46, pages 115-123, downloads (259)
167 Mudrak R.P.
Revutskaya A.
Пархоменко Л. А.
Macroeconomic instability – unemployment 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-103-115
UDK: 330.101.541:331.56/57, pages 103-115, downloads (185)
168 Холявіцька К. С. Foreign experience of decentralization of power and prospects for Ukraine 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-94-103
UDK: 332.33., pages 94-103, downloads (156)
169 Revutskaya A.
Burlyay A.P.
Smoliy L.V.
Innovation strategy as a means of enterprise business management and development in the conditions of globalization 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-81-94
UDK: 658.012.2, pages 81-94, downloads (204)
170 Пархоменко Л. А.
Длугоборська Л. В.
Methods of cost management at the enterprise 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-69-81
UDK: 338.512, pages 69-81, downloads (155)
171 Revutskaya A.
Tsymbaliuk Y.A.
Strategic management of innovative and investment business development in crisis of economic conditions 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-59-69
UDK: 330.332.1, pages 59-69, downloads (231)
172 Ткаченко А. М.
Буслаєва Н. Г.
Assessment features of the management processes effectiveness for an agricultural enterprise 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-49-58
UDK: 334.716:330.357 , pages 49-58, downloads (150)
173 Драган О. О.
Герасименко І. О.
Вернюк Н. О.
Anti-crisis management of the bank in the conditions of financial market instability 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-40-49
UDK: 336.71:005.34, pages 40-49, downloads (506)
174 Burlyay A.P.
Burlyay A.L.
Revutskaya A.
Іваненко О. О.
Methodological principles of verification of the concept of "competition": microeconomic aspect 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-18-28
UDK: 339.137.2, pages 18-28, downloads (280)
175 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Ptashnyk S.
Нагорний В. І.
Development of the bank lending system of agricultural business 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-7-17
UDK: 338.264, pages 7-17, downloads (224)
176 Зміст 2021
UDK: , pages , downloads (143)
177 Редколегія 2021
UDK: , pages , downloads (180)
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-254-262
UDK: 330.16:336.221.4 (477), pages 254-262, downloads (229)
179 Соколюк С. Ю.
Tupchiy O.S.
Zharun E. V.
Коротєєв М. А.
The essence and theoretical principles of risk management in customs affairs Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-244-253
UDK: 339.544, pages 244-253, downloads (275)
180 Тюшкевич О. С. Theoretical fundamentals of development of the innovation theory Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-232-244
UDK: 330:332, pages 232-244, downloads (199)
181 Burlyay A.P.
Костюк В. С.
Modern theories of economic development: social aspects Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-221-231
UDK: 330.88, pages 221-231, downloads (228)
182 Лукашенко Л. В.
Дем"янишина О. А.
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-211-221
UDK: 373.5.014.543, pages 211-221, downloads (219)
183 Соколюк С. Ю.
Чернега І. І.
Zharun E. V.
Коротєєв М. А.
Tupchiy O.S.
Formation of an innovative project by making effective management decisions Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-203-211
UDK: 658, pages 203-211, downloads (166)
184 Бондаренко Н. В.
Власюк С. А.
Деркач Т. А.
Investment attractiveness of Ukrainian agrarian sector Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-195-203
UDK: 338.43:330.322, pages 195-203, downloads (358)
185 Ролінський О. В.
Гузар Б. С.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Пономаренко О. В.
Information technology development on the Ukrainian insurance market Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-186-194
UDK: 368.021, pages 186-194, downloads (193)
186 Холявіцька К. С. Territorial community as a subject of socio-economic development of the territory Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-177-186
UDK: 332.33, pages 177-186, downloads (235)
187 Васильковська К. В.
Андрієнко О. О.
Малаховська В. О.
Trends and prospects of oilseeds production in Ukraine and analysis of oil exports Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-166-177
UDK: 339.564:631.11:633:1, pages 166-177, downloads (386)
188 Penkova O. G.
Харенко А. О.
Кулішенко Є. М.
Organization of marketing activities management of an agricultural engineering enterprise in the domestic and foreign markets Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-153-165
UDK: 005:658.8:[621:631.31:339.13], pages 153-165, downloads (302)
189 Bechko P.K.
Lysa N.V.
Bechko V.P.
Ptashnyk S.
Tax control in the conditions of modification of relations between tax authorities and taxpayers Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-143-153
UDK: 351.713:336.02, pages 143-153, downloads (224)
190 Пономаренко О. В. Main features of Business English communication in modern financial and economic area Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-134-143
UDK: 81’271:372 881.111.1, pages 134-143, downloads (149)
191 Колотуха С. М.
Melnyk К. М.
Пономаренко О. В.
Problems of financial and lending support for the agricultural sector of the economy Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-123-134
UDK: 338.433, pages 123-134, downloads (160)
192 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Lysa N.V.
Ptashnyk S.
Tax incentives for industrial production in the system of public financial support Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-110-123
UDK: 336.2:338.246.025 , pages 110-123, downloads (322)
193 Huzar B.S.
Trus O.M.
An estimation and analysis of a budgetary decentralization in Ukraine Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-89-110
UDK: 336.22:338.244.4, pages 89-110, downloads (193)
Гоменюк М. О.
Corporate time management: a modern scientific concept Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-81-89
UDK: 331.103.6 , pages 81-89, downloads (495)
195 Ulanchuk V.
Соколюк С. Ю.
Zharun E. V.
Коротєєв М. А.
Tupchiy O.S.
Analysis of economic and statistical indicators of entrepreneurship development in Ukraine Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-69-80
UDK: 658.1, pages 69-80, downloads (350)
196 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Bechko V.P.
Ptashnyk S.
Aggressive tax planning Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-57-68
UDK: 336.2:338.246.025.2, pages 57-58, downloads (235)
197 Neshchadym l. M.
Тимчук С. В.
Терещук Н. В.
Tourist zoning of the territory of Cherkasy region Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-51-57
UDK: 911.3 , pages 51-57, downloads (200)
198 Bechko P.K.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Пономаренко О. В.
Нагорний В. І.
The economic essence of credit and its role in the development of bank lending to agricultural business Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-41-50
UDK: 336.77: 338.43, pages 41-50, downloads (377)
199 Malyovanyi M.
Prokopchuk O.T.
Conceptual framework of the development of microinsurance programs in Ukraine Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-29-40
UDK: 336.027, pages 29-40, downloads (198)
200 Bechko P.K.
Бондаренко Н. В.
Bechko V.P.
Наталич О. С.
Innovative development of a credit market Issue number 98. Part 2 2021
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-20-29
UDK: 336.77.067, pages 20-29, downloads (184)
201 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Prokopchuk O.T.
Malyovanyi M.
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-6-20
UDK: 368.5:631.16 , pages 6-20, downloads (317)
202 Тюшкевич О. С. Investigation the problems of development the protection system of intellectual property and their influence on innovative activity in agro-industrial enterprises of Ukraine Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-276-286
UDK: 330:332, pages 276-286, downloads (167)
203 Nesterchuk J. A.
Mudrak R.P.
Bechko V.P.
Nepochatenko E.A.
The influence of cooperation on the development of the credit resources market for agricultural business entities Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-263-275
UDK: 338.436: 336.77: 338.43: 631.11, pages 263-275, downloads (259)
204 Ptashnyk S.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Ролінський О. В.
Financial security of local self-government in the conditions of financial decentralization in Ukraine Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-243-262
UDK: 336.132.1, pages 243-262, downloads (259)
205 Світовий О. М.
Дяченко М. І.
Theoretical aspects of the category "value added planning" on the example of enterprises of the grain product subcomplex of the AIC of Ukraine Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-234-243
UDK: 338.439:633.1:330.143: 338.984, pages 234-243, downloads (169)
206 Bechko P.K.
Nepochatenko E.A.
Ptashnyk S.
Кобилянський М. О.
Strategic planning as one of the regulatory mechanisms of development of entrepreneurial activity of the agricultural sphere of economy Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-227-234
UDK: 338.264, pages 227-234, downloads (195)
207 Школьний О. О.
Novak I.
Risk management in export-oriented supply chains of agrifood commodities Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-219-226
UDK: 330.131.7:338.433:339.564, pages 219-226, downloads (401)
208 Ролінський О. В.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Ptashnyk S.
The current state of the agricultural insurance market of Ukraine Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-208-218
UDK: 368.54, pages 208-218, downloads (223)
209 Смертенюк І. І. Assessment of the innovative development of the economy of Ukrainian regions Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-199-208
UDK: 330.4:338.24:519.86, pages 199-208, downloads (142)
210 Mudrak R.P. Increasing the competitiveness of agricultural producers and developing of the cooperation Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-187-198
UDK: 005.332.4:[338.432:631.115.8], pages 187-198, downloads (160)
211 Власюк С. А.
Ролінський О. В.
Цимбалюк Ю. А.
Entrepreneurship as a special type of agricultural activity Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-178-187
UDK: 334.72:338.432, pages 178-187, downloads (322)
212 Nesterchuk J. A.
Бленда Н. О.
Development of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of food complex research Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-169-177
UDK: 338.439.01, pages 169-177, downloads (236)
213 Кустріч Л. О. Management of financial support for innovative activities of agricultural enterprises Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-157-168
UDK: 631. 162:[005.591.6:631.11], pages 157-168, downloads (227)
214 А. А. ОСІПОВА Models of systematic formation and implementation of state regulation of the development of agricultural production Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-143-156
UDK: 351.131.7:631.15, pages 143-156, downloads (241)
215 Білошкурська З. П.
Поліщук О. А.
Economic and legal responsibility for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of contractual obligations Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-126-142
UDK: 347.44, pages 126-142, downloads (406)
216 Tymchuk S.V.
Neshchadym l. M.
Monitoring of the current situation and prospects of tourism development in the regions of Ukraine Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-116-125
UDK: 656.224.072.44, pages 116-125, downloads (306)
217 Prokopchuk O.T.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Ptashnyk S.
Problems of formation of the income component of local budgets within the administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-108-115
UDK: 336.132.1, pages 108-115, downloads (151)
218 Barabash L.V. Deviant actions of taxpayers through the prism of behavioral finance Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-98-108
UDK: 330.83:336.2, pages 98-108, downloads (229)
219 Петренко Н. О.
Гоменюк М. О.
Mazur Yu.
Management of innovative projects of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of digitalization Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-88-98
UDK: 332.024.2:338.280, pages 88-98, downloads (234)
220 Костюк В. С. The problem of inequality in access to quality health care and ways to resolve it Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-75-87
UDK: 351.77 , pages 75-87, downloads (318)
221 Колотуха С. М.
Melnyk К. М.
Гузар Б. С.
Improving of economic mechanism for regulating the system of land mortgage lending Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-53-64
UDK: 338.433, pages 53-64, downloads (212)
222 Чумаченко О. М.
Кривов’яз Є. В.
The impact of degradation processes on the monetary evaluation of agricultural land Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-45-52
UDK: 332.7;330.131.5, pages 45-52, downloads (450)
223 Ulanchuk V.
Zharun E. V.
Соколюк С. Ю.
Tupchiy O.S.
Theoretical aspect economic and mathematical model of establishing the optimal plan for the development of agricultural production in cherkasy region Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-35-44
UDK: 519.87: 631.11, pages 35-44, downloads (192)
224 Prokopchuk O.T. Insurance Principles as a Methodological Basis for the Formation of Insurance Relations in the Agricultural Sector of the Economy Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-22-35
UDK: 368: 338: 63 (477), pages 22-35, downloads (206)
225 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Ptashnyk S.
Нагорна Ю. І.
Fairness of taxation in modern economic theory Issue number 97. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-2-7-21
UDK: 336.2:338.246.025.2, pages 7-21, downloads (336)
226 Neshchadym l. M.
Тимчук С. В.
Ecologization of tourist services of agricultural enterprises Issue number 96. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-2-190-198
UDK: 338.484:477.84, pages 190-198, downloads (189)
227 Нагернюк Д. В. Peculiarities of development of extreme tourism in Ukraine Issue number 96. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-2-178-190
UDK: 796.51 , pages 178-190, downloads (499)
228 Bechko P.K.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Barabash L.V.
Бондаренко Н. В.
Нагорна Ю. І.
Office tax audits and the methods of their implementation under the conditions of IT development Issue number 96. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-2-159-177
UDK: 336.221.4, pages 159-177, downloads (205)
229 Длугоборська Л. В.
Клименко Л. В.
Conceptual approaches to overcome the systemic crisis and the formation of the trajectory of economic development of Ukrainian enterprises in the context of globalization Issue number 96. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-2-141-159
UDK: 330.34(477):339.924, pages 141-159, downloads (370)
230 МАЛЮГА Л. М.
Crisis management of hotel and restaurant business enterprises Issue number 96. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-2-131-141
UDK: 338.46, pages 131-141, downloads (235)
231 Mudrak R.P.
Current issues of the global economy: changes in the global production in the post-pandemic period Issue number 96. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-2-116-131
UDK: 339:338.34.055:616-036.22, pages 116-131, downloads (297)
232 Malyovanyi M.
Prokopchuk O.T.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Information technologies in the innovative activity of the insurance market of Ukraine Issue number 96. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-2-103-115
UDK: 334.012, pages 103-115, downloads (316)
233 А. А. ОСІПОВА State support as a tool for the stabilization of the development of livestock in Ukraine Issue number 96. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-2-84-103
UDK: 338.43.0, pages 84-103, downloads (309)
234 Revutskaya A. Institutionalization of intellectual property in the agricultural sector of Ukraine's economy Issue number 96. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-2-69-83
UDK: 347.78:631.1(477), pages 69-83, downloads (222)
235 Burlyay A.L.
Burlyay A.P.
Methodological aspects of conducting economic analysis of greening of agriculture Issue number 96. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-2-54-69
UDK: 303.519, pages 54-69, downloads (434)
236 Malyovanyi M.
Prokopchuk O.T.
Functioning of a single social contribution: challenges and prospectsFunctioning of a single social contribution: challenges and prospects Issue number 96. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-2-34-53
UDK: 336.027, pages 34-53, downloads (326)
237 Ulanchuk V.
Zharun E. V.
Длугоборська Л. В.
Бленда Н. О.
Foreign investment development in Ukraine Issue number 96. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-2-21-34
UDK: 330.322, pages 21-34, downloads (579)
238 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Barabash L.V.
Нагорна Ю. І.
Tax Stimulation of Agricultural Production in Ukraine Issue number 96. Part 2 2020
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-2-5-20
UDK: 336.02:631.15(477), pages 5-20, downloads (409)
239 Mashkantseva S. Conceptual and categorical apparatus for the study of the system of multimodal transportation in the region Issue number 95. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-198-205
UDK: 339.168.6:338.47, pages 198-205, downloads (393)
240 Revutskaya A.
Froter O.S.
Efficiency of functioning of agrarian formations as a source of their social responsibility Issue number 95. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-185-197
UDK: 332.155:631.11:005.35, pages 185-197, downloads (308)
241 Shvets O. V. Stimulating regional economic activity of the population: an integral dimension Issue number 95. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-174-185
UDK: 311.21:331.56, pages 174-185, downloads (254)
242 Коваленко О. Г. Analysis of the agricultural market development current situation Issue number 95. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-161-174
UDK: 631.3, pages 161-174, downloads (341)
243 Завгородній А. В. Features of foreign economic activities of the black sea region Issue number 95. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-151-160
UDK: 339.9.01, pages 151-160, downloads (247)
244 Pitel N. Y. The main causes, factors and preconditions of the development of agrarian export industry in Ukraine Issue number 95. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-138-151
UDK: 339.564:631.1, pages 128-151, downloads (326)
245 Lagodiienko N.
Turlenko N.
Alekseychuk O.
The need and role of state protectionism in the investment support for the sustainable development of the agro-industrial sectors: national and regional aspects Issue number 95. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-128-137
UDK: 339.168.6:338.47, pages 128-137, downloads (258)
246 Smoliy L.V. Formation of the results of economic activity of agricultural enterprises Issue number 95. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-115-128
UDK: 338.24, pages 115-128, downloads (241)
247 Burlyay A.P. Climatic conditions as a natural ecological factor in agricultural development Issue number 95. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-98-115
UDK: 658.003.1:65.28, pages 98-115, downloads (304)
248 Malyovanyi M.
Bechko P.K.
Bondarenko N.V.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Regulatory mechanisms of state financial support that influence the financial results of the activity of agricultural enterprises Issue number 95. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-80-98
UDK: 336.027, pages 80-98, downloads (308)
249 Tymchuk S.V.
Neshchadym l. M.
Sakovska E.N.
Tourism attractiveness of central Ukraine Issue number 95. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-69-79
UDK: 338.46, pages 69-79, downloads (221)
250 Shkolnyi O.O. The development of export-oriented activities of agrarian sector’s enterprises Issue number 95. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-58-69
UDK: 338.433:339.564, pages 58-69, downloads (208)
251 Novak I.
Novak Y.W.
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-42-58
UDK: 330:322, pages 42-58, downloads (407)
252 Prokopchuk O.T. The Risk Specific and their Management in Agriculture Issue number 95. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-24-41
UDK: 368 (477) , pages 24-41, downloads (312)
253 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Barabash L.V.
Impact of the taxation system on the financial performance of agricultural enterprises. Issue number 95. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-5-24
UDK: 336.228:631.16, pages 5-24, downloads (412)
254 Analysis of local budget expenses in the context of decentralization of financial resources (in approach to the budget of the Тal'nivskogo of district of Сherkasy area) Issue 94. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-190-199
UDK: 336.1:352, pages 190-199, downloads (374)
255 Kolotukha S.M.
Gvozdey N.I.
Aspects of increasing the efficiency of the use of current assets in agricultural enterprises Issue 94. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-176-189
UDK: 631.11:658.153, pages 176-189, downloads (195)
256 Tranchenko L.V.
Tranchenko A.M.
Modern financial tools for predictive modeling of the agricultural sector Issue 94. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-160-176
UDK: 338.27, pages 160-176, downloads (228)
257 Huzar B.S.
Prokopchuk O.T.
Melnyk К. М.
Innovative and investment providing of development of an agrarian sector of national economy of Ukraine Issue 94. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-141-160
UDK: 330.322:341.338, pages 141-160, downloads (500)
258 Mudrak R.P. Development of rural areas and country’s food security Issue 94. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-131-140
UDK: 711.437/.438:338.439-049.5(477), pages 131-140, downloads (307)
259 Melnyk К. М.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Prokopchuk O.T.
Development of agriculture in Ukraine Issue 94. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-121-130
UDK: 368.022-043.86. (477), pages 121-130, downloads (371)
260 Grain industry of the agrarian sphere in the economy of Ukraine: state and development prospects Issue 94. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-108-121
UDK: 633:338.439(477), pages 108-121, downloads (264)
261 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Barabash L.V.
Role of the corporate tax planning in the activity of business entities Issue 94. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-95-108
UDK: 336.225, pages 95-108, downloads (496)
262 Nesterchuk J. A. Strategic role of agrarian sector in formation of competitiveness of national economy Issue 94. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-85-94
UDK: 338.1, pages 85-94, downloads (273)
263 Prokopchuk O.T. Development of the Ukrainian Market of Insurance Services in the Context of Provision of Economic Security of the Country Issue 94. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-69-85
UDK: 368 (477) , pages 69-85, downloads (302)
264 Рysarenko P.
Samoylik M.S.
Dychenko O.
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-58-69
UDK: 504.03, pages 58-69, downloads (189)
265 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Bondarenko N.V.
The modern state of ecological insurance under the conditions of intensifying of ecological situation in Ukraine Issue 94. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-45-58
UDK: 504:368, pages 45-58, downloads (389)
266 Andriushchenko A. M.,
Dovhan O. V.
The economy of residential construction: state, problems and prospects of development Issue 94. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-32-45
UDK: 332.8(477), pages 32-45, downloads (224)
267 Bechko P.K.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Tax administration in the system of regulatory mechanisms for the entrepreneurship development Issue 94. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-17-32
UDK: 336.22, pages 17-32, downloads (414)
268 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Melnyk К. М.
Huzar B.S.
Current problems and prospects of the development of bank crediting of small business in Ukraine Issue 94. Part 2 2019
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-5-16
UDK: 336.77:334.012.61, pages 5-16, downloads (296)
269 Milovanov E.V. Development of organic agricultural production in the context of balanced land use Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-198-216
UDK: 332.3:631.147, pages 198-216, downloads (298)
270 Kotvytska N. M.
Kostyuk W. S.
Fytsyk L. A.
World food problem Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-189-198
UDK: 339.972, pages 189-198, downloads (307)
271 Kostyuk W. S.
Kotvytska N. M.
Fytsyk L. A.
The latest experience in measuring the quality of life for development planning Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-178-189
UDK: 330.59, pages 178-189, downloads (406)
272 Shkolnyi O.O. Developing export diversification strategy for agri-food products Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-168-177
UDK: 338.433:339.564, pages 168-177, downloads (576)
273 Shevchenko N.O. Formation of effective systems of development of serving cooperation in Ukraine: the state and prospects Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-158-167
UDK: 334.732 : 336.221, pages 158-168, downloads (243)
274 Ulanchuk V.
Anishchenko G.Yu.
Products of agricultural production as a special object of accounting, analysis and planning Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-145-158
UDK: 657: 631.1 : 338.43 , pages 145-158, downloads (231)
275 Pitel N. Y. Innovative approach to managing the logistics system of the enterprise Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-131-145
UDK: 005.591.6:164:005.936.3, pages 131-145, downloads (424)
276 Lemeshchenko N.M.
Burlyay A.L.
Burlyay A.P.
Diversification of production as a direction of sustainable development of agricultural enterprises Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-114-130
UDK: 332.1: 620.9, pages 114-131, downloads (224)
277 Penkova O. G.
Kharenko A.A.
Tsymbaliuk Y.A.
Marketing analysis of the activity of agricultural enterprises in Uman district, Cherasy region Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-98-114
UDK: 303.72: [631.11(477.46)], pages 98-114, downloads (256)
278 Новицький І. В. Current state and development trends of the national grain production Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-86-98
UDK: 338.43:633.1, pages 86-98, downloads (286)
279 Kovalenko L. H.
Tymchuk S.V.
Estimation methods of innovative potential of enterprises in hotel industry Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-74-85
UDK: 338.48:640.4, pages 74-86, downloads (365)
280 Klimenko L. V. The strategy of reforming the national grain industry in accordance with the requirements of the international market Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-63-73
UDK: 339.97:633.1, pages 63-74, downloads (347)
281 Prokopchuk O.T. International practice of state support for agricultural risks insurance Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-41-63
UDK: 368.5:339.7, pages 41-63, downloads (333)
282 Vlasyuk S.A.
Bondarenko N.V.
Bank lending of the real sector of economy Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-32-40
UDK: 336.71, pages 32-41, downloads (245)
283 Doronin А.V. The Competitiveness of bioethanol and biodiesel production in Ukraine Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-20-32
UDK: 338.43:664.1, pages 20-32, downloads (191)
284 Bechko P.K.
Barabash L.O.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Bondarenko N.V.
Way for improving financial and credit support of farming enterprises Issue № 93. Part 2 2018
DOI: 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-5-20
UDK: 336.71, pages 5-20, downloads (323)
285 Dyachenko М.I. Agro holdings and their consequences for the village Issue № 92. Part 2 2018
UDK: 658.114.5:63(1-22), pages 126-135, downloads (614)
286 Bohachyk P.P. Diversification in the context of multi-strategy for agricultural enterprises Issue № 92. Part 2 2018
UDK: 332.154: 631.11:339.1, pages 116-126, downloads (208)
287 Nevlad, V.F. Competitiveness of agricultural production and products of its processing under the terms of euro integrating processes Issue № 92. Part 2 2018
UDK: 338.436(477), pages 107-116, downloads (430)
288 Penkova O. G.
Tsymbaliuk Y.A.
Estimation of consumer income impact on the purchase of organic products Issue № 92. Part 2 2018
UDK: 338.439.52:330.564.2, pages 98-107, downloads (328)
289 Shkolnyi O.O. Logistic aspects in development of the global market for environmentally friendly foodstuffs Issue № 92. Part 2 2018
UDK: 338.46: 339.5:631.95, pages 88-98, downloads (465)
290 Mudrak R.P. Agrarian provision integration in the sector of livestock production: state, tendencies and results Issue № 92. Part 2 2018
UDK: 334.012.82:338.439.4:637, pages 78-88, downloads (382)
291 Regional development diversity in Poland Issue № 92. Part 2 2018
UDK: 631.24.243, pages 67-78, downloads (168)
292 Prokopchuk O.T. Insurance of agricultural products as an integrated risk management in agricultural production Issue № 92. Part 2 2018
UDK: 368:368.54(477), pages 52-67, downloads (304)
293 Borovyk P.M. The strengthening of the role of value added tax in forming of budget Issue № 92. Part 2 2018
UDK: 336.2.026, pages 32-43, downloads (286)
294 Bechko P.K.
Kolotukha S.M.
Bechko V.P.
Development of land relations and mortgage lending Issue № 92. Part 2 2018
UDK: 631.893:631.874.2, pages 32-43, downloads (310)
295 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Barabash L.V.
Ways to optimize the state support of agricultural commodity producers Issue № 92. Part 2 2018
UDK: 338.43.02+338.434, pages 18-32, downloads (430)
296 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Melnyk К. М.
Prokopchuk O.T.
Capitalization of the banking system as the basis of the stability of the national economy Issue № 92. Part 2 2018
UDK: 336.71, pages 6-18, downloads (315)
297 Kharenko A.A.
Tsymbaliuk Y.A.
The state and ways of vegetables marketing improvement in agricultural enterprises Issue № 91. Part 2 2017
UDK: 631.1.027:631.115.13:635.1/.8, pages 152-162, downloads (411)
298 Lozova O.A.
Mamotenko D.Y.
Current state and development trends in the sanatorium and resort industry in Ukraine Issue № 91. Part 2 2017
UDK: 338.484, pages 143-152, downloads (1100)
299 Kolotukha S.M.
Bechko V.P.
Melnyk К. М.
The mechanism of improving of bank crediting of agricultural enterprises Issue № 91. Part 2 2017
UDK: 631.893:631.874.2, pages 128-143, downloads (483)
300 Zharun E. V. Problems of attracting foreign investments Issue № 91. Part 2 2017
UDK: 339.727.22 (477), pages 120-128, downloads (655)
301 Tulush L.D. Kvaziakumulyatsiya VAT as a tool to stimulate the development of priority types of agricultural activities Issue № 91. Part 2 2017
UDK: 336.22 : 631.16, pages 100-120, downloads (828)
302 Prokopchuk O.T. Current state and development trends of the system of insurance of agricultural crops in Ukraine Issue № 91. Part 2 2017
UDK: 368:368.54(477), pages 86-100, downloads (643)
303 Borovyk P.M.
Slipchenko V.V.
Transformation of a charging mechanism of a uniform tax for small and agricultural businesses Issue № 91. Part 2 2017
UDK: 336.226.1: 631.16, pages 75-86, downloads (454)
304 Bondarenko N.V.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Korneha A.O.
The role of loan in the system of the expanded reproduction of entities of the agricultural sector Issue № 91. Part 2 2017
UDK: 336. 77., pages 65-75, downloads (654)
305 Bechko P.K.
Lysa N.V.
Popychenko D.A.
Theroleof financial policy in the management system of the current assets of agrarian sector business entities Issue № 91. Part 2 2017
UDK: 631.16:658.153, pages 53-65, downloads (398)
306 Prokopchuk O.T.
Melnyk К. М.
Huzar B.S.
Features of insurance products for the agricultural sector of the economy Issue № 91. Part 2 2017
UDK: 368:368.5.631(477) , pages 32-44, downloads (710)
307 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Barabash L.V.
Features of development and functioning of the credit market in Ukraine Issue № 91. Part 2 2017
UDK: 336. (477), pages 22-32, downloads (420)
308 Shkolnyi O.O. The development of “green” logistics in the European cities Issue № 91. Part 2 2017
UDK: 338.49:502.315:658.7, pages 14-22, downloads (613)
309 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Bondarenko N.V.
Reality and prospects of bank lending Issue № 91. Part 2 2017
UDK: 336.71, pages 6-14, downloads (671)
310 Bieńkowska-Gołasa W. Electricity consumption in agriculture against other sectors of Poland’s national economy Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 631.24.243, pages 195-201, downloads (356)
311 Semenda D. K.
Semenda O. V.
Production problems in Ukraine beef Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 338.43:636.033, pages 187-195, downloads (396)
312 Royenko O.A.
Dyachenko М.I.
Methodical approaches determine the rent for the property in administrative territorial units Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 65.012:339.187.6 (1-22), pages 181-187, downloads (591)
313 Zawadka J. Agritourism lodgings in Poland and their utilization in 2011-2015 Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 338.23, pages 174-181, downloads (370)
314 Melnyk V.V.
Bobko V. V.
Polischuk O.N.
Topical problem of small innovative business development in Ukraine Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 321.01, pages 167-174, downloads (450)
315 Bohachyk P.P. Economic perspective to the assessment of the competitive strategy in sales activities of agricultural enterprises Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 332.154:631.11:339.16, pages 155-167, downloads (469)
316 Novak I. Structural imbalances of the development of the investment process Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 330.322, pages 148-155, downloads (568)
317 Nevlad, V.F.
Nevlad V.I.
Marketing analysis of assortment policy of agricultural production of Ukraine Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 339.138+339.13:658.628:338.439.4, pages 140-148, downloads (503)
318 Prokopchuk O.T. Market of agroinsurance of Ukraine : the modern state and prospects of development Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 368.5, pages 127-140, downloads (636)
319 Mudrak R.P. Food security in conditions of the economic crisis Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 338.439.62:338.124.4, pages 115-127, downloads (379)
320 Melnyk К. М.
Kolotukha S.M.
The formation and the impact of the credit portfolio on the credit risk of commercial bank (on the example of "Privatbank" PJSP CB) Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 336.71, pages 105-115, downloads (713)
321 Bechko V.P. Factor analysis of financial and economic results of the activity of agricultural enterprises Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 631.162:657.15.003.13, pages 92-105, downloads (1403)
322 Harbar V.V. The implementation of reasonable development strategies as a guarantee of the successful functioning of farms Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 631.1.016 : 303.43, pages 83-92, downloads (281)
323 Bechko P.K.
Melnyk К. М.
Barabash L.V.
Credit bureau as the primary means of minimizing credit risks Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 336.773, pages 72-83, downloads (482)
324 Huzar B.S. Modern state and directions of activation of investment activity in the agrarian sector of economy of Ukraine Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 330. 322. : 338. 43 (477), pages 61-72, downloads (369)
325 Bechko V.P.
Prokopchuk O.T.
The valuation of the current state of financial assurance of enterprises of agricultural sector Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 336.1:352, pages 46-61, downloads (518)
326 Grzywacz J. Factoring and cash pooling as a company’s liquidity stimulators Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 657, pages 33-46, downloads (448)
327 Tulush L.D. Fiscal incentives for personal transformation krestyansih farms in business structures Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 336.22 : 631.16, pages 16-33, downloads (287)
328 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bondarenko N.V.
Vlasyuk S.A.
Bank lending as an important factor of economic stabilization of the country Issue number 90. Part 2 2017
UDK: 336.71, pages 7-16, downloads (548)
329 Title page 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: , pages , downloads (284)
330 Content 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: , pages 3-5, downloads (351)
331 Shemiakina O. M. Peculiarities of using agricultural lands in Cherkasy region 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 332.3:63(477.46), pages 261-269, downloads (593)
332 Parubok N.V. The evaluation of activities of sugar factories in Cherkasy region 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 664.1:65.015.3(477.46), pages 254-261, downloads (711)
333 Semenda O. V. Improving economic land use mechanism in the agricultural enterprises 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 338.43:332.33:631.11, pages 242-254, downloads (547)
334 Melnyk V.V. Human capital asset formation as the guarantee of labor intellectualization 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 321.01, pages 234-242, downloads (589)
335 Bechko V.P. Ways of increasing of efficiency of management of the credit portfolio of commercial banks 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 631.162:338.434, pages 224-234, downloads (592)
336 Chuhriy N.A. The economic essence and problems of identification of intangible assets in accounting 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 657.421.3, pages 217-224, downloads (683)
337 Mazur Yu.
Sokovnina D.M.
Marketing activities of agricultural enterprises of the region concerning crop production 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 631.1.027:631.11:633(477.46), pages 210-217, downloads (476)
338 Lozova O.A.
Mamotenko D.Y.
The current state and prospects of development of a recreational complex of Ukraine 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 338.484, pages 203-210, downloads (886)
339 Golovchenko O.M.
Stepanenko O.A.
Gostrik O.M.
Methods of predicting the probability of payments at providing bank factoring services 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 338.27:336.71, pages 191-203, downloads (589)
340 Vlasyuk S.A. Financial and credit supply to agricultural commodity producers under the conditions of the European integration processes 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 631.162:338.434, pages 183-191, downloads (653)
341 Bobko V. V.
Anishchenko G.Yu.
The ways of production processes’ accounting in horticulture 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 657 : 634.1, pages 175-183, downloads (641)
342 Barabash L.V.
Klymenko N.V.
Development of financial market in Ukraine 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 336.7, pages 166-175, downloads (824)
343 Shchetyna M. A. Formation of ecologically safe land use in agricultural production 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 631.95, pages 158-166, downloads (858)
344 Kharenko A.A.
Tsymbaliuk Y.A.
Marketing mix of agricultural enterprises 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 631.1.027, pages 146-158, downloads (1026)
345 Skochylias S.M. Peculiarities of the implementation of integrated logistics based on the supply chain 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 65.012.34, pages 138-146, downloads (666)
346 Melnyk К. М. Investment credits of commercial banks for financing the agrarian sector of economics in Ukraine 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 354:338, pages 127-138, downloads (411)
347 Ratushna O.P. The role of management reporting in the formation of enterprise information flow 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 657.47, pages 120-127, downloads (516)
348 Mudrak R.P.
Sokovnina D.M.
The elasticity of consumer demand for gardening products 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 64.03:339.163:634.002.6, pages 111-120, downloads (611)
349 Kolotukha S.M.
Kravtsova L.L.
Theoretical aspects of the economic content of financial resources of agricultural enterprises 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 338.432:658, pages 100-111, downloads (712)
350 Huzar B.S.
Shupylo O.V.
Problems of functioning of the market of consulting services in Ukraine 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 338.467(477), pages 92-100, downloads (1250)
351 Burlyay A.L.
Kovalenko A.S
Pidoprygora O.V.
The competitiveness of the Ukrainian products of gardening under the conditions of deepening of integration processes 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 658.8 : 634, pages 73-92, downloads (633)
352 Prokopchuk O.T. Peculiarities of the UK tax system 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 336.221.4, pages 61-73, downloads (1728)
353 Lysa N.V.
Nepochatenko V.O.
Korneha A.O.
Principles of bank crediting 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 336.77, pages 53-61, downloads (931)
354 Vdovenko L.O.
Chernenko O.S.
Information component of ensuring the financial security of business entities of the agrarian sector 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 658.14/.17:631.11, pages 45-53, downloads (912)
355 Tulush L.D. Increased revenue opportunities of local government budgets by distributing the tax proceeds on personal income 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 336.22 : 631.16, pages 28-45, downloads (564)
356 Borovyk P.M.
Nepochatenko E.A.
Slipchenko V.V.
Tax support of agricultural production in Ukraine through a mechanism of VAT implementation 89. Pat 2 2016
UDK: 336.226.1: 631.16, pages 19-28, downloads (517)
357 Musica B. B. Current state and prospects of developing slaughter livestock and poultry units of producers of the agricultural sphere in Ukraine 88 2016
UDK: 637.513.1:338.432(477), pages 334, downloads (566)
358 Kharenko A.A.
Bobko V. V.
The peculiarities of agricultural sales: regional aspect 88 2016
UDK: 657.471.66:338.43, pages 319-334, downloads (679)
359 Semenda D. K.
Tupchiy O.S.
Froter O.S.
Role of agricultural producers in ensuring development of rural areas 88 2016
UDK: 63:712.24, pages 311-319, downloads (634)
360 Ratushna O.P. Formation and use of information resources for business management purposes 88 2016
UDK: 657, pages 304-311, downloads (646)
361 Pankratova L.A. Accounting methodology of factoring transactions in commercial banking institutions 88 2016
UDK: 657:339, pages 297-304, downloads (529)
362 Grinchak O.V.
Davletkhanova O.H.
Marin B.M.
Information technologies implementation in teaching process as means of education quality increasing 88 2016
UDK: 378: 681.518, pages 287-297, downloads (729)
363 Koreniuk L.M. Diversification of production and economic activities of agricultural enterprises 88 2016
UDK: 338.33:631.11, pages 279-287, downloads (739)
364 Doroshenko O.O. The transformation of public institutions balance sheet structure in the context of the modernization of the accounting system in the public sector 88 2016
UDK: 657.6, pages 272-279, downloads (658)
365 Bondarets V.V. Peculiarities of functioning dairy product subcomplex in Cherkasy region 88 2016
UDK: 637.134 (477.46), pages 265-272, downloads (589)
366 Novak I. Effective investment of economy of Ukraine through the stock market instruments 88 2016
UDK: 330.322.1, pages 257-265, downloads (896)
367 Lemeshchenko N.M.
Burlyay A.L.
Land potential of developing agricultural enterprises of Cherkasy region 88 2016
UDK: 338.433, pages 246-257, downloads (612)
368 Kravtsova L.L. Problems of forming financial resources of agricultural producers in the context of current conditions 88 2016
UDK: 657.92:338.431 , pages 238-246, downloads (544)
369 Brychko A.M. Adaptation of the regional economic system to constantly changing factors of internal and external environment 88 2016
UDK: 332.15, pages 230-238, downloads (531)
370 Vlasyuk S.A. Alternative forms of financial support of agricultural enterprises 88 2016
UDK: 631.162:338.434, pages 219-230, downloads (643)
371 Barabash L.O. State and prospects of development of pome fruit production in Ukraine and the world 88 2016
UDK: 330.3:631.576:634.10, pages 213-219, downloads (599)
372 Shchetyna M. A. Ecological and economic evaluation of land resources іn Cherkasy region 88 2016
UDK: 504.062(477.46), pages 206-213, downloads (560)
373 Olyadnichuk N.V. Information systems in accounting 88 2016
UDK: 657, pages 198-206, downloads (611)
374 Nevlad, V.F.
Makushok, О.V.
Market relations formation in agrarian sphere оf economic of Ukraine 88 2016
UDK: 338.43:633.85, pages 189-198, downloads (591)
375 Nechyporenko V.V. Evaluation of competitiveness of AIC systems of national and regional levels: methodological aspects 88 2016
UDK: 634.8:339, pages 182-189, downloads (638)
376 Melnyk V.V. State regulation of long-term innovation policy in Ukraine 88 2016
UDK: 321.01., pages 175-182, downloads (704)
377 Krzetowska A.
Jagodziński A.
Key factors of employees motivation on the example of the voivodeship of Mazowieckie 88 2016
UDK: 336.23, pages 169-175, downloads (743)
378 Kolotukha S.M.
Kovalenko I.F.
Forming level of wages in the context of financial support 88 2016
UDK: 338.24:331., pages 159-169, downloads (651)
379 Denys O.B. Trends of development of banking system in Ukraine 88 2016
UDK: 336.71 (477), pages 150-159, downloads ()
380 Ulyanych Y.V.
Gvozdey N.I.
Financial support of investment activity of agricultural enterprises 88 2016
UDK: 336.144.2, pages 142-150, downloads (589)
381 Davletkhanova O.H.
Organization of information and communication software for production management in agricultural enterprises 88 2016
UDK: 334., pages 134-142, downloads (498)
382 Barabash L.V.
Tsviliuk, R.M.
Directions for social course intensification of tax regulation in Ukraine 88 2016
UDK: 336.22(477), pages 125-134, downloads (723)
383 Anishchenko G.Yu. Accounting aspects of the evaluation of budgetary institution property 88 2016
UDK: 657 : 330.5 : 332.012.324, pages 116-125, downloads (702)
384 Tokar A.Yu.
Ruda N.S.
Competitiveness of canned products from fruits and vegetables 88 2016
UDK: 664.8.009.12 , pages 109-116, downloads (695)
385 Semenda D. K.
Semenda O. V.
Ecological and economic ways of increasing fertility and protection of the soil quality in agricultural enterprises 88 2016
UDK: 631.41:33, pages 99-109, downloads (593)
386 Prokopchuk O.T. Experience of creating tax system in Сanada 88 2016
UDK: 336.221.4, pages 89-99, downloads (502)
387 Grzywacz J.
Jarkowska K.
The role of bank loan in financing investments of polish enterprises 88 2016
UDK: 336.273, pages 80-89, downloads (663)
388 Chernenko A.F.
Afonina O.A.
Costing in directive activity planning 88 2016
UDK: 657.1+657.47, pages 70-80, downloads (550)
389 Kowalski S. Тhe agricultural producer groups as a form of consolidation of the producers and agricultural production 88 2016
UDK: 330.1, pages 63-70, downloads (629)
390 Shkolnyi O.O. Logistics and infrastructure support for the agricultural sector 88 2016
UDK: 339.18: 338.49: 338.436.32, pages 48-55, downloads (576)
391 Nesterchuk J. A.
Melnyk К. М.
The directions of providing a financial security strategy of agricultural enterprises 88 2016
UDK: 330.342:631.16, pages 39-48, downloads (667)
392 Borovyk P.M.
Huzar B.S.
Lysa N.V.
Improving withdrawal mechanisms of local taxes in Ukraine 88 2016
UDK: 336.226.1 : 631.16, pages 55-63, downloads (616)
393 Kucherenko T. E. IAS 16 “Fixed assets” in the context of national standards and tax laws 88 2016
UDK: 657:006.053, pages 33-39, downloads (739)
394 Tulush L.D. Tax reform in agriculture: risks and prospects. 88 2016
UDK: 336.226.1 : 631.16, pages 20-33, downloads (995)
395 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Bechko P.K.
Korneha A.O.
Credit risks in the system of bank lending to farmers 88 2016
UDK: 631.893:631.874.2, pages 7-20, downloads (867)
396 Felic B.
Krzętowska A.
Grabowska M.
Key problems for export tendency among enterprises from the region of Płock Issue #86 2014
UDK: 339.564.2, pages 136-147, downloads (588)
397 Vlasyuk S.A. Modern aspects of financial work organization in agricultural enterprises Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.162:338.434, pages 128-135, downloads (964)
398 Bondarenko N.V. Prioritysources offinancial andcredit supportof agricultural enterprises Issue #86 2014
UDK: 336.77:338.43, pages 122-128, downloads (654)
399 Barabash L.V. Fundamentals of improvingthe social orientation of personal income tax Issue #86 2014
UDK: 336.22:336.226.11(477), pages 116-121, downloads (510)
400 Tokar A.Yu.
Ruda N.S.
Food security and the significance of processing fruits and vegetables in its implementation Issue #86 2014
UDK: 338.439.02:634.1:635, pages 111-116, downloads (748)
401 Ivanova N.
Slavgorodskaya A.
Belyavskaya L.
Improving accounting calculations on payment of workers in agricultural enterprises Issue #86 2014
UDK: 657+657.6:331.32, pages 105-110, downloads (1015)
402 Pshenychniuk T. V. Assessment and efficiency of insurance in agriculture Issue #86 2014
UDK: 368.54:368.021(477), pages 98-104, downloads (626)
403 Musica B. B. Meat production in Ukraine: the state and tendencies Issue #86 2014
UDK: 338.439.4:637.5(477), pages 90-97, downloads (567)
404 Determining the level of development of transport infrastructure in rural areas Issue #86 2014
UDK: 65.011.2:656.078:338.49 (1 – 22), pages 81-90, downloads (539)
405 Zhelyezna M.F. Іmprove farm planning through better planning-economic department farms Issue #86 2014
UDK: 331.101.3:631.15, pages 148-153, downloads (525)
406 Olyadnichuk N.V. The record-keeping of immaterial assets and its improvement Issue #86 2014
UDK: 657, pages 75-80, downloads (1229)
407 Kutkovetska T. O. Evaluation of the environmental and economic level of fruit and berry production efficiency Issue #86 2014
UDK: 003.12:631.95:322.15:634, pages 65-74, downloads (440)
408 Semenda D. K.
Semenda O. V.
Investments and their role in ensuring sustainable land use for agricultural enterprises Issue #86 2014
UDK: 330.322:332.34:63, pages 57-65, downloads (621)
409 Kharenko A.A.
Bobko V. V.
Agricultural enterprizes' production and supply activity relatively to soybean production Issue #86 2014
UDK: 338.43:631.11:633.34, pages 48-57, downloads (789)
410 Zagrebelna N.I.
Anishchenko G.Yu.
Practical aspects of management accounting organization at the enterprises Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.162:63, pages 40-47, downloads (1304)
411 Chernenko Yu. Yu. The essence and the content of the concept of intensification of open ground vegetable production Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.151.2:635.1/.8, pages 35-40, downloads (731)
412 Melnyk V.V. An activation and an active holding of the innovation policy in the agriculture of Ukraine Issue #86 2014
UDK: 338.2, pages 28-35, downloads (654)
413 Melnyk К. М. Tendencies and prospects of consumer lending development in Ukraine Issue #86 2014
UDK: 336.77: 330.567.22 (477), pages 19-27, downloads (655)
414 Mudrak R.P. The development of the storage infrastructure of grain industry as a key condition of full value operating of the national food market Issue #86 2014
UDK: 631.24:633.1:338.439.5, pages 14-19, downloads (725)
415 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Barabash L.V.
Influence of customs policy of Ukraine on volumes of export-import operations Issue #86 2014
UDK: 339.9.012.23(477), pages 6-13, downloads (1161)
416 Sarafonova I.S. Structural and dynamic parameters of oilseeds product processing market in the current economic conditions Issue #85 2014
UDK: 338.3:492, pages 265-274, downloads (869)
417 I.V. Kopytina Problems and prospects of local budgets formation considering the economic development of the country Issue #85 2014
UDK: 336.1/.5, pages 260-264, downloads (633)
418 Bondarets V.V. Trends of development of milk processing enterprises Issue #85 2014
UDK: 339.137.2:334.716 – 035.57, pages 255-260, downloads (963)
419 Vlasyuk S.A. Financing of agriculture in the context of modern conditions Issue #85 2014
UDK: 631.162:338.434, pages 249-254, downloads (683)
420 Bondarenko N.V. Modern state of lending by commercial banks of individuals in Ukraine Issue #85 2014
UDK: 336.71:336.74, pages 242-248, downloads (604)
421 Barabash L.V. Theoretical foundations of mechanisms of practical realization of state tax system Issue #85 2014
UDK: 338.436:001.891.3, pages 235-242, downloads (846)
422 Parubok N.V. Theoretical aspects of integration development in Agro-Industrial Complex Issue #85 2014
UDK: 338.436:001.891.3, pages 228-234, downloads (545)
423 Mudrak R.P. Food market of ukraine: risks and new possibilities in the context of european integration Issue #85 2014
UDK: 338.439.5:330., pages 219-228, downloads (263)
424 Grynchak O.V.
Marin B.M.
Applied Information Technology For Solving The Problem Of Agricultural Machinery And Equipment Replacement Issue #85 2014
UDK: 62-93:631.171:658.587, pages 213-218, downloads (918)
425 Lozova O.A. Management activities in tourism business and its problems Issue #85 2014
UDK: 338.484, pages 209-213, downloads (706)
426 Martynyuk І.
Romanyshyn S.
Effect of concentration of agricultural production and its diversification to development of small-scale enterprises Issue #85 2014
UDK: 338.33:334.72, pages 203-209, downloads (639)
427 Kontseba S.M. Correction of errors in application of initial remnants of fixed tools in the "1c: Enterprise 8.2" Issue #85 2014
UDK: 681.518:657.421, pages 196-203, downloads (704)
428 Gumeniuk A. The concept of environmental marketing of agricultural enterprise Issue #85 2014
UDK: 631.147.001.11:631.1.027, pages 193-196, downloads (955)
429 Vuychenko M.A. Construction of the models of regulation of the consequences of deepening of labor market segmentation in the agrarian sphere Issue #85 2014
UDK: 338.43.331.3, pages 186-192, downloads (870)
430 Tupchiy O.S. Reproduction of perennial plantations as a precondition for effective functioning of Horticulture Issue #85 2014
UDK: 631.538:634.003.13, pages 181-186, downloads (470)
431 Gospodarenko S.G. Features of formation of enterprise development strategy of milk producers Issue #85 2014
UDK: 334.72:631.14:636.034, pages 173-180, downloads (494)
432 Koval L.M. Key forms and features of land tenure in the context of history of human civilization Issue #85 2014
UDK: 349.412.4:930.85, pages 163-172, downloads (789)
433 Slatvynska L.A. The systemating essence of a dairy production investing Issue #85 2014
UDK: 631.164.23, pages 156-163, downloads (581)
434 Buryk A.F.
Zhelyezna M.F.
Improving financial incentives in the agricultural units in market conditions Issue #85 2014
UDK: 331.101.3:631.15, pages 149-156, downloads (933)
435 Prylipko S.M. Sources of investment resources and funding for socio-economic development of rural areas of Cherkasy region. Issue #85 2014
UDK: 330.322.1:316.42:330.34, pages 137-148, downloads (763)
436 Samoylik M.S. Strategic directions of development of hard wastes management sphere in the region Issue #84 2014
UDK: 330.15:504.06, pages 271-280, downloads (616)
437 Fomenko L.G. The genesis of system of sales agricultural cooperation as the newest conception to increase competitiveness of small agricultural companies Issue #84 2014
UDK: 658.8:63, pages 264-271, downloads (699)
438 Nemish P.D. Fundamentals of energy saving mechanism of AIC and its multi-faceted nature Issue #84 2014
UDK: 330.131.7, pages 256-264, downloads (679)
439 Prokopchuk O.T.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Bechko V.P.
Features of indirect taxation in Ukraine: the formation and development prospects Issue #84 2014
UDK: 336.22, pages 249-256, downloads (739)
440 Mazur Yu. Factors of productivity increase of knowledge of accounting subjects Issue #84 2014
UDK: 657:378, pages 243-248, downloads (501)
441 Mudrak R.P. Production of biofuels and food security of country Issue #84 2014
UDK: 620.952:338.439.02(477), pages 236-243, downloads (704)
442 Kipioro I.M. Methodological approaches of investment projects evaluation of agricultural enterprises Issue #84 2014
UDK: 631.164.23, pages 230-236, downloads (1044)
443 Tupchiy O.S. Estimating methods of economic development of horticultural enterprises Issue #84 2014
UDK: 631.14:631.164.6:634, pages 222-230, downloads (542)
444 Harbar V.V. Present state and trends of development of farm enterprises Issue #84 2014
UDK: 631.22:631.1.016, pages 214-221, downloads (699)
445 Balyan A.V. Regional features of investment activity in agriculture Issue #84 2014
UDK: 631.164.23, pages 207-213, downloads (618)
446 Doronin А.V. Ecological and economic aspects of sugar beet seed growing in Ukraine Issue #84 2014
UDK: 338.43:633.63, pages 197-207, downloads (949)
447 Sakovska E.N. Problems and prospects of cooperative structures development in agricultural production Issue #84 2014
UDK: 338.436, pages 193-197, downloads (551)
448 Melnyk V.V. The economic problems of development as a main reason of socio-demographic crisis in Ukraine Issue #84 2014
UDK: 321.01, pages 185-193, downloads (821)
449 Vuychenko M.A. Financial aspects of control of the formation of the enterprises of tourist business Issue #84 2014
UDK: 338.48:336.67 , pages 172-177, downloads (780)
450 Nepochatenko V.O. The market value of the business as the factor of investment safety of the food industry enterprises Issue #84 2014
UDK: 658.15, pages 162-172, downloads (811)
451 Shevchenko N.O. Problems and ways of improvement accounting of fixed assets in agricultural enterprises Issue #84 2014
UDK: 657:634.1, pages 155-162, downloads (1896)
452 Olyadnichuk N.V. Accounting of settlements for the payments to employees and its improvement Issue #84 2014
UDK: 657, pages 149-155, downloads (969)
453 Tkachenko T.A. Management of marketing activity at agricultural enterprises Issue #84 2014
UDK: 658.8.012.12: 631.1: 339.187, pages 143-148, downloads (838)
454 Nepochatenko Olena O.
Prokopchuk O.T.
Current state and prospects of development of agricultural service cooperatives in Ukraine Issue #84 2014
UDK: 334.732, pages 135-143, downloads (885)
455 Bortnyk T.I.
Lementovskaya V.A.
Kharenko A.A.
Environmental marketing as a part of the formation of rational land use Issue number 82. Part 2 2013
UDK: 658.8:504:338, pages 276-283, downloads (584)
456 Borovyk P.M.
Kolotukha S.M.
Bechko V.P.
Improving tax adjustment mechanism of production and circulation of excisable commodities Issue number 82. Part 2 2013
UDK: 336.226.1: 631.16, pages 270-276, downloads (949)
457 Barabash L.O. State support of the horticulture Issue number 82. Part 2 2013
UDK: 334.012.33:338.434:634, pages 264-270, downloads (555)
458 Bechko P.K.
Kulik K.O.
Problems of financial recovery of agricultural enterprises Issue number 82. Part 2 2013
UDK: 338.434:631.11, pages 260-264, downloads (1041)
459 Burlyay A.L.
Burlyay A.P.
Kharenko A.A.
The current state of development of horticulture in Ukraine Issue number 82. Part 2 2013
UDK: 65.325, pages 249-259, downloads (1544)
460 Komissarenko E.N. The priorities of a regional policy of development of grain production. Issue number 82. Part 2 2013
UDK: 332.13:338.43:633.1, pages 243-248, downloads (727)
461 Barabash L.V.
Kontseba S.M.
Evaluation of the functioning of the tax on personal income in Ukraine at present time. Issue number 82. Part 2 2013
UDK: 336.225.621.11.003.13, pages 233-242, downloads (644)
462 Poberezhets N.B. Tendencies of the conjuncture of internal oilseeds market under influence of external factors Issue number 82. Part 2 2013
UDK: 339.13:665.344.2, pages 225-233, downloads (675)
463 Movchanyuk A.V. Formation features of the production costs in dairy farming Issue number 82. Part 2 2013
UDK: 338.512:636.2, pages 217-225, downloads (492)
464 Mazur G.F. Development of agricultural production in Ukraine in the context of its investment problems. Issue number 82. Part 2 2013
UDK: 330.342:631.16, pages 210-217, downloads (704)
465 Prokopchuk O.T. Theoretical bases of adjusting of system insurance in agriculture Issue number 82. Part 2 2013
UDK: 368.54 (477), pages 197-210, downloads (508)
466 Shkolnyi O.O. The methodological research issues related to the world agrifood markets Issue number 82. Part 2 2013
UDK: 001.890:339.9+338.43, pages 191-197, downloads (947)
467 Khrypun V.M. Motivation and stimulation of the labour activity of employees of agrarian companies by managers Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 331.101.3 – 057.212:331.105.24:631.145, pages 282-289, downloads (1436)
468 Zhuchenko D.B. Preconditions for effective functioning of the apiculture industry Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 338.43:638.1, pages 275-82, downloads (488)
469 Brusenko N.A. Structuring of agricultural policy (strategy) of the State in terms of the key elements of national security Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 351.746.1:338.432:332.021, pages 269-275, downloads (526)
470 Kravchenko T.O. The genesis of scientific views on the concept of "the human capital" in the economic theory Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 167:330.14:330.8, pages 261-269, downloads (482)
471 Stetsyuk S.S. A cost management mechanism of meat processing enterprises Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 338.435, pages 253-261, downloads (628)
472 Ulyanych K.F. Informatization as a condition for the effective functioning of the agricultural enterprises Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 65.012.45, pages 248-253, downloads (701)
473 Tymchuk S.V. Development of foreign trade activity in the conditions of wood market of Ukraine Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 339.56: 691.11, pages 240-248, downloads (987)
474 Svitovyi O. M. The role of fixed assets in the formation of added value in grain production Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 338.43:633.1, pages 234-240, downloads (665)
475 Prokopchuk O.T.
Ulyanych Y.V.
Ulyanych K.F.
Foreign experience of insurance of agrarian risks and expedience of its application in Ukraine Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 368.5, pages 227-234, downloads (1066)
476 Marynyuk A.Yu. Innovative no-till technology in agriculture as a basis for improving the efficiency of agricultural production Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 33.338.432, pages 219-227, downloads (963)
477 Karychkovskyy V.D.
Khomenko M.A.
Situation of berry production in Ukraine Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 338.43:633/635, pages 215-219, downloads (460)
478 Butylo I.A. Economical and ecological aspects of the production of pellets Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 662.6/9:662.663:662.63, pages 209-215, downloads (826)
479 Holovchuk L. A. State regulation of dairy food subcomplex of agricultural production Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 35.075.5: 338.432, pages 203-209, downloads (957)
480 Butylo R.I. Situation of dairy farming development in Ukraine Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 330.131, pages 197-203, downloads (555)
481 Bayrak O.N. Theoretical aspects of financial resources management of agricultural enterprises Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 336.717.18:338.43, pages 189-197, downloads (1031)
482 Vuychenko M.A. Regulating ways of segmentation labour market processes in agrarian sphere Issue number 83. Рart 2 2013
UDK: 338.43.331.3 , pages 183-189, downloads (857)