Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Application of microbial preparations in the technology of growing cultures

Author(s) Chynchyk O. S., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Podolsky State Agricultural and Technical University
Olifirovich S., , , Podilsky State Agrarian and Technical University
Olifirovich V., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Bukovina State Agricultural Experimental Station, NAAS
Kravchenko V. S., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2019 issue Issue number 95. Part 1
pages 207-216 index UDK 551.5:631.5:635.656:631.521:631.8
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-1-207-216 (Link)
Abstract To increase the efficiency of molecular nitrogen fixation, increase plant productivity and improve crop quality, the treatment of leguminous crops seeds with bacterial preparations based on active strains of nodule bacteria is important. Therefore, it is necessary to study the conditions for the effective functioning in the rhizosphere of leguminous crops of beneficial microorganisms. Scientific research was carried out by conducting field and laboratory experiments. Studies have shown that biological products based on nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-mobilizing bacteria can significantly increase soybean productivity. So, on average for 2016-2018, the soybean grain yield under control (Estafeta variety, seed treatment with water) amounted to 2.14 t / ha. However, this was not the best indicator and among the studied varieties on the variant without the use of biological products, the maximum yield was at the level of 2.59 t / ha in the soybean variety Suzirria. Bacterization of the seeds of Rizobofit contributed to the increase in the grain yield indicator for the Estafeta variety by 0.04 t / ha compared to the control, but the best grain yield level in this variant was observed in the Suzirria soybean variety and amounted to 2.86 t / ha, which was 0 , 27 t / ha more than in the control. The highest yields in the experiment were provided by the treatment of soybean seeds with Rizobofit, Phosphoenterin and Biopolicide. Thus, the yield of Estafeta soybean variety was 2.21 t / ha and was 0.07 t / ha more compared to the control option. The maximum yield during the indicated seed treatment was in Suzirria and Danaia soybean varieties and amounted to 2.95 and 2.93 t / ha, respectively. The main way that makes it possible to form a high productivity of soy plants is the selection of adapted varieties. In our studies on productivity, sorts of soybean Rogiznianka and Triada were distinguished, which, on the version without seed treatment with Rizoaktiv, provided a grain yield of 2.64 and 2.65 t / ha, respectively. Pre-sowing bacterization of seeds with Rizoaktiv provided an increase in grain yield of soybean varieties by 0.13-0.26 t / ha compared with the control. The best level of grain yield in this variant was noted in the Triad soybean variety and amounted to 2.91 t / ha. To a large extent, the inoculation of Rizobofit seeds influenced bean productivity: grain yield of Bukovynka varieties increased by 0.09 t / ha or 4%, Nata varieties - by 0.17 t / ha or 7%. So, in our studies, the bacterization of seed by biological products contributed to an increase in the grain productivity of soybean plants by 3-17% and ordinary beans by 4-7%.
Key words legumes, soybeans, common beans, microbiological preparations, grain yield.
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