Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Difine of basic indexes technological estimation of sheets of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertonі)

Author(s) Royk M., , ,
Kuznetchova I., , ,
Hetman M., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2014 issue Issue #86
pages 107-113 index UDK 633.3:658.562
Abstract Stevia today is the practically not studied plant which does not provide the use in a complete measure it multicomponent composition. Overwhelming part of mined-out in the world sheet stevia as raw material has low technological quality, which complicates his redoing considerably, worsens quality of the prepared product and reduces economic efficiency of production. In addition, today practically absent is given in relation to the technological estimation of sheets which are a decision criterion for planning of depositories and processing enterprises, and also for the calculation of charges of basic and auxiliary materials. The production of shallow dispersible faction of sheets stevia (to powder) as sources of glycosedes acquires demand, flavanoids, аmino- and fat acids, mikro – and macronutrients and others like that. The known tabletic products of medical plants to composition, which powder of the dried sheets stevia enters (Stevia rebaudiana Bertonі). Taking into account that demand on this culture and products of its redoing in grows the world, actual is determination of technological estimation of the dried sheets (Stevia rebaudiana Bertonі) of whole and different them dispersion composition. In research utillized the dry sheets stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertonі) harvests 2012 and 2013. Determined the middle size of sheet and factions and degree of grinding down of sheets stevia [7, p.22]. Defined dispersion composition of mixture of sheet stevia the method of replete [8, p. 56]. The estimation of efficiency of factions of dry sheets stevia was carried out applying the method of determination degree of destruction vegetable fabric [7, p.67], which consists in a relation amounts withdrawn of matter deterpenic glycosedes [9, p.5] from vegetable fabric, which pass from the ground up vegetable fabric in extracting solution during a minute. A pour closeness, friableness, corner of actual slope, asorptance and swelling degree, was determined in obedience to operating methods [4, ñ.161-165, 10, ñ.77]. The technological estimation of the dried whole sheet of stevia and his different factions is set. Certainly middle size for dry sheets (20,36 mm) and factions of different dispersion (14,97 mm). Made the degree of growing shallow 1,36. It is rotined that the greatest factions have a degree of destruction of cages (71%) by dispersion (δ) from 0,63 to 2,5 mm. Whole sheets (0,074 g/sm3) have a greater poure closeness and by dispersion from 0,63 to 1 mm (0,053 g/sm3). Whole sheets have greater friableness (16,78 g/s) and from 0,63 to 1 mm. is ground (15,81 g/s) up dispersion. The ground up sheets have the least value of poure closeness (0,032 g/sm3) by dispersion less than 0,05 and to friableness (14,51 g/s) at dispersion from 0,25 to 0,315 mm. The corner of actual slope is first set for the sheets of stevia, which makes 32-38°. It is well-proven on the basis of the experimentally got technological description, that sheets with dispersion more than 0,63 mm can be utillized for the production of concentrates or deterpenic glicosede of different degree of cleaning, and powders in quality biotaddition or at tabletting in mixture with medical plants.
Key words stevia, technological evaluation, dispersion, diterpene glycosides, quality
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