Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Placement of corn seeds in the seed bed and its influence on sprouts formation

Author(s) Tereshchenko Y.F., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2014 issue Issue #86
pages 128-131 index UDK 633.15:631.К53.01:003.13:631.5471
Abstract The results of the study on variants of vertical and horizontal placement of seeds in the seed bed are presented. The purpose of research is to identify the best variants of optimally oriented and optimally compromise seed placement in the seed bed and to identify the perspectives of its technical solution. The essential advantages of providing the formation of uniform, viable, competitive sprouts, of high-productive plants and sowings, optimally oriented seed placement in the seed bed with germinal roots down and germinal stalks up were substantiated. But, as the technical solution of optimally oriented placement of seeds in the seed bed is not finished yet, we suggest horizontal optimally compromise placement of seeds that can be achieved by the combination and usage of existing mechanisms of reliable sowing and tillage equipment. Seeds of varieties and hybrids with erect leaves during sowing on grain, silage and green fodder should be placed horizontally on a flat, dense, moist capillary bed, followed by banking with loose soil and compaction, and if the leaves are pendent – on the grooved bed.
Key words seed placement, seed bed, uniform sprouts, highly productive sowings
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