Uman NUH | today: 01/09/2025

Weed infestation of plantings and yielding capacity of maize depending on cropping sequences in rotation and main tillage operations

Author(s) Karnaukh O.B., Candidate of Agricultural Science, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2014 issue Issue #84
pages 65-70 index UDK 632.51:633.15:631.582:631.51
Abstract The issues of the selection of the best previous crops and main tillage operations of the soil under maize are of current interest because there is no consensus among scholars and because of considerable expanding of areas under cultivation of this crop. This prompted us to undertake this research. Research methods. During the period of 2011 – 2013 the influence of various previous crops on the weed infestation of plantings of maize and its yielding capacity under various tillage methods was studied on the experimental field of Uman National University of Horticulture in the stationary experiment of the Department of arable farming. The level of weed infestation was evaluated using quantitative method and yielding capacity was analyzed by weighing the ear mass from the investigated area. Results of the research. According to the results of three-year research it has been established that the lowest level of weed infestation of maize plantings was observed when it was placed after winter wheat in both cases of the experiment. When the investigated crop followed spring barley under plowing there was inconsiderable amount of weeds and under the subsurface cultivating this increase was more significant that can be explained by the higher level of infestation of the previous crop plantings under the application of this tillage method. The placement of maize in repeated plantings in both cases of the experiment was accompanied by significant increase in weed infestation of its plantings. The yielding capacity of investigated crop in both cases of the experiment was almost the same after previous spiked grains and there was its considerable decrease in repeated plantings. Conclusions. The results of our research show that the best previous crops for grain maize in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine are spiked grains regardless of the tillage method. It should be noted that the amount of weeds under plowing was significantly lower than under subsurface cultivating of the soil. The growing of maize in repeated plantings was accompanied by the increase in the weed infestation which resulted in a considerable decrease of yielding capacity. Therefore such cropping sequence is inexpedient.
Key words crop rotation, maize, soil cultivation, productivity
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