Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Influence of storage time of linseed oil on its quality composition

Author(s) Kovalov V. B., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, ,
Derebon I. Yu., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, ,
Бучко К. Д., , ,
Федорчук С. В., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2020 issue Issue number 96. Part 1
pages 548-558 index UDK 635-521:631-531
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-548-558 (Link)
Abstract Flax is an important culture whose spectrum of use includes the pharmacological and food industries. In the last 2–3 years, the area under sown fiber-flax in Ukraine has been minimized and become about 2 thousand ha. At the same time, gross yield and sown area of flax curly increased significantly. A particularly valuable component of linseed oil is unsaturated fatty alpha-linoleic acid. According to literature sources, the quality of vegetable oils may deteriorate over time. Therefore, in our studies, we tried to trace the change in the quality of flaxseed oil, which was obtained from seeds of flax curly during storage, while we also set the task of comparing the quality of oil from seeds of flax curly and fiber-flax. Because of chromatography, it was established that oil obtained from flax curly contains a greater amount of unsaturated fatty alpha-linoleic acids. Therefore, the seeds of flax curly flax can be characterized as a more valuable raw material for processing in comparison with the seeds of flax. It was revealed that in the oil obtained from the flax curly form of flax, the content of especially valuable alpha-linoleic acid during storage decreases. When stored for a period of three months, the amount of such acid was 48,762 %. When stored for 6 months, the content of alpha-linoleic acid decreased and amounted to 34,187 % of the total amount of fatty acids. Such processes are explained by the oxidation of free double bonds between carbon atoms due to which part of alpha-linoleic acid is converted to linoleic acid. A certain decrease in the content of saturated fatty acids was found; the decrease was 0,361 % for the final storage term. The main types of saturated acids were determined by palmitic and stearic contents of which at the end of storage were 5,992 and 4,206 %, respectively. Because of the research, it can be concluded that the half-year storage period, under the recommended conditions, does not reduce the nutritional value of flaxseed oil. However, in pharmacology it is better to use freshly squeezed oil, since during storage, especially long-term, a significant decrease in the content of especially valuable alpha-linolenic acid occurs.
Key words flax curly, fiber-flax, linseed oil, fatty acids, storage time, mass fraction
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