Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Wheat and proteinatic complex of spelt wheat grain varieties depending on fertilizers

Author(s) Hospodarenko G.M., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Lubych V.V., Candidate of Agricultural Science, Lecturer of Department of Technology of Storage and Processing of Grain, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Novikov V.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, ,
Zheliezna V. V., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2019 issue Issue number 94. Part 1
pages 8-16 index UDK УДК577.112:664.71–11:631.526.3
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-8-16 (Link)
Abstract As a result of the conducted research, it has been found out that spelt wheat grain varieties was characterized by a high content of protein, the content of which significantly increased with the usage of nitrogen fertilizers. Thus, the protein content of grain of Zoria Ukrayiny variety in non-fertilized areas was 19.9% and increased to 23.4–24.0% for one-time usage, or 18–21% and to 24.5–25.1% with gradual use of nitrogen fertilizers or by 23–26% compared with controlled usage. The application of nitrogen fertilizers increased the stability of protein content in grain from 0.88 to 0.95. Protein content in spelt wheat grain of Yevropa variety was significantly lower than that of Zoria Ukrayiny, and increased from 18.7% during the control to 21.7–22.3 with a single usage of nitrogen fertilizers at a dose of 120 kg/ha and up to 22,6–23.2% with gradual usage. Usage of nitrogen fertilizers increased the content of aminoacids in spelt wheat grain. It has been found out that the content of isoleucine was the highest in the composition of the essential amino acids – 1.23% in case of no fertilizers usage, and 1.37–1.38% with the input of phosphoric nitrogen and potassium nitrogen fertilizers, or higher by 11–12% and 1.40–1,42% with gradual usage of nitrogen fertilizers, or more by 14–15%. The content of the substituted amino acids varied from 12.27 to 15.27% depending on the fertilizer and increased by 9–44% with the improvement of nitrogen supply. Their highest content provided N60 S35 + N60 with P60K60 usage. In addition, the content of methionine increased by 3.3 times, and cystine – 1.7 times compared with unchecked areas. The amount of amino acids in spelt wheat grain of Yevropa variety was smaller by 19-20% compared with Zoria Ukrayiny variety. Spelt wheat grain of Zoria Ukrayiny variety has the highest biological value in terms of the content of essential amino acids, because its score was self-supporting. Improvement of nitrogen nutrition of spelt wheat grain increased the amino acid score. Biological value of spelt wheat grain of Yevropa variety was lower, because amino acid score of lysine was deficient – 66–89%. The amino acid score of the essential amino acids was self-supporting. The integral score of amino acid also varies greatly depending on the usage of nitrogen fertilizers. The greatest biological need was met by 100g of spelt wheat grain of Zoria Ukrayiny variety with isoleucine and tryptophan, somewhat less with valine, histidine, glutamic acid and proline – by 30–43%, and the least with methionine, aspartic acid and alanine, by 7–27% depending on the experiment option. Provision of daily needs by amino acids 100 g of spelt wheat grain of Yevropa variety was smaller compared to Zoria Ukrayiny variety.
Key words spelt wheat, fertilizers, protein content, amino acid content, amino acid score.
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