Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Yield of tobacco varieties and commodity of tobacco raw material under different plant placement schemes in the conditions of the central Forest Steppe of Ukraine

Author(s) Моргун А. В., , ,
Ketskalo V.V., Candidate of Agricultural Science, Associate Professor of Department of Vegetable Production, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Polishchuk T.V., , ,
Коваленко О. М., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2023 issue Issue number 103. Part 1
pages 206-216 index UDK 633.71:631.526.3:631.55:631.53.04(474.4)
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-206-216 (Link)
Abstract In order to obtain a high level of tobacco yield and high-quality tobacco raw materials in the conditions of the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, it is necessary to determine the optimal density of plantings and the scheme of placing plants during the growing season, having studied the influence of the specified factors on the growth, development, and productivity of plants. During 2021–2022, a comparative assessment of the biometric parameters of tobacco plants and its yield under the influence of different planting densities and varietal assortment was carried out, and the marketability of tobacco raw materials was determined. A significant influence of the density of plant plantations on their biometric indicators, yield and quality of tobacco raw materials of various varieties of tobacco was established. Therefore, it was established that in the soil and climatic conditions of the central forest-steppe of Ukraine, the influence of planting density on biometric indicators, plant yield and quality of tobacco raw materials of different types of tobacco is significant. Thus, the highest height of plants during the growing season was recorded for the planting scheme of 70 × 25 cm and, accordingly, the density of plantings was 40,000 units/ha. Under the same scheme and planting density, the largest size of plant leaves was also observed. According to the averaged data, the maximum yield of tobacco according to the experiment was obtained from the tall variety Virginia 27–3.1 t/ha. In the studied varieties, the marketability of tobacco raw materials of the first grade was 58.6–74.8 %, of the second grade – 20.6–35.1, and of the third grade – 2.2–11.7 %. The highest yield of raw materials of the first grade was in Virginia 27 and Brave 200 varieties at a plant density of 48 thousand units/ha, and the lowest in Burley 38 and Virginia 202 – 58.6 % and 59.8 %, respectively, at a planting density of 57 thousand units /Ha. The yield of tobacco seeds increased with an increase in the density of plantations. The varieties Virginia 202, Virginia 27 and Ternopilskyi 14 were characterized by high seed yield.
Key words tobacco, Nikotiana tabacum L., tobacco raw materials, planting density, placement scheme, Virginia 27, Virginia 202, Bravyy 200, Ternopilskyi 14, Berley 38, Berley 46.
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