Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Grits formation ability of milling blends of spelt and soft wheat grain

Author(s) Lubych V.V., Candidate of Agricultural Science, Lecturer of Department of Technology of Storage and Processing of Grain, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Vozyan V. V., , , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Єремєєва О. А., , ,
Войтовська В.І., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2020 issue Issue number 96. Part 1
pages 606-620 index UDK 664.7.004.12:633.111:631.526.3
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-606-620 (Link)
Abstract The article presents the study results of the effect of spelt wheat adding to milling blendes of soft wheat grain on the grits-forming ability when milling into flour. Studies have shown that large middligs after I, II, III break systems were most obtained from spelt wheat – 29,0 %, and the least from soft wheat – 23,54%. In composite mixtures, this indicator is the highest in samples 80:20 and 75:25 – 28,68 and 28,41 %, respectively, and the lowest – 85:15. It was found that the highest yield of medium middlings after break systems in soft wheat – 2,63 %. This indicator was the lowest when milling composite mixtures 90:10, 80:20 and 75:25 and in spelt wheat – 0,17 %. The yield of fine middlings after the I, II, III break systems was in the range of 14,5–16,0 %, depending on the experiment variant. The lowest yield of hard dunst was in spelt and soft wheat – 0,03 and 0,05 %, respectively, the highest – in the composite mixtures of 95:5 and 75:25 and was 2,50 and 2,88 %, respectively. The yield of soft dust varied between 13,0 and 20,42 %. Flour yield, depending on the composition of milling blend in samples varied from 5,22 % to 14, 09 %. The lowest flour yield was in soft wheat – 5,22 %, while in spelt wheat – 12,47 %, which is 2,4 times more. In composite mixtures, this figure also varied significantly from 5,98 to 14,09 %. It was found that the extraction of intermediate grits-dunst products of milling is 64,3–72,0 % depending on the experiment variant. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the introduction of 15 % spelt wheat grain into the milling blendes of soft wheat has a positive effect on the formation of grits-dunst products and flour extraction. Further increase in the share of spelt wheat leads to such changes in milling blendes, in which these figures are reduced.
Key words spelt wheat, soft wheat, flour, composite mixtures, milling blendes, yield of intermediate products, grits formation
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