Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Adaptive ability of varieties of endive vitluf in the conditions of the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine

Author(s) Ulyanych O.I., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of of Vegetable Production, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2018 issue Issue № 93. Part 1
pages 118-126 index UDK 635.55(477.4)
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-118-126 (Link)
Abstract The article presents the results of studying the adaptability of endive vitluf varieties Cesar, Voevoda, Cones and Leonardo. The influence of growing conditions on phenological and biometric indicators, yield and quality of fresh greens is proved. It is established that the biological characteristics of varieties affect the timing of the passage of phenological phases, the growth and development of plants of endive vitluf. Depending on the plant variety, the plants developed almost simultaneously, but there were certain differences in the onset of the main phenological phases and the difference was two to four days. The growth of leaf mass actively passed from the beginning of June and reached high indicators in late September - early October before harvesting of root crops. The amount of leaves on the endive plants changed during the growing season and 30 days after germination it was almost the same in all varieties of 3-4 pieces / plant, and at the end of vegetation reached 18-25 pieces / plant. It was found that the total area of the leaves of endive vitluf before harvesting would be more in the Voevoda variety - 22.1 thousand m2 / ha and significantly exceeded the control. Somewhat less this indicator was in the varieties Conus and Leonardo - 15.9-17.2 thousand m2 / ha, respectively. Ending of the root crops formation was observed in the II-III-the decade of October. In the control of the Cesar variety, the phase came earlier - on October 15, later - at the Conus variety on October 24. Technical ripeness in the varieties of Voevoda and Leonardo came somewhat earlier (172-177 days respectively), which is explained by somewhat better growth and development of plants altogether. Technical ripeness of plants in the Conus variety was observed later - on 181 days. It is proved that in the conditions of the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine on black podzolized soils the best for productivity of root crops among the varieties under study, was the variety of Voevoda and Leonardo, high yield of chicon was after the forcing of endive Voevoda. The carried out researches have shown that in the conditions of the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine on black podzolized soils are suitable for endive cultivation. According to the productivity of the endive vitluf varieties from high yielding to less productive, you can place in the following order: Voevoda, Leonardo, Conus, and Cesar. Based on the results of the research, we recommend the cultivation of endive vitluf of Leonardo and Voevoda varieties with a yield of 15.0-15.8 tons per hectare, which will additionally yield 1.3 tons / ha with high quality indicators.
Key words chicory salad, vitluf, adaptability, variety, yield, quality.
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