Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Technological features of Catalpa bignonioides Walt planting

Author(s) Токмань В. С., , ,
Мельник А. В., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2020 issue Issue number 96. Part 1
pages 478-497 index UDK 635.032/.034
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-478-497 (Link)
Abstract The article describes the main stages of production of Catalpa bignonioides Walt planting material in the conditions of the closed and open ground in Sumy National Agrarian University educational and scientific production complex (Ukraine), and also some elements of technology for cultivation of seedlings have been improved. The purpose of the study was to identify the effect of: sowing depth on seed germination; pot volume on growth and development of seedlings; type of substrate on biometric indicators of plants; shading conditions, container volume on plant growth and development. Each variant of the experiment included 100 pots or 100 plants. The research revealed that the optimum sowing depth of Catalpa bignonioides Walt seeds is 0,5–2,0 cm. The best biometric parameters as plants height, diameter of the root neck, above-ground biomass and root mass of C. bignonioides seedlings were obtained using 1,2 liter containers. Seedlings after potting begin to grow faster and better form branched root system until autumn. The significant impact of the volume of the plant pot on growing one-year seedlings of ornamental species has been set. That obtained results testify that using pots with volume of 3,0 liters could be more useful. The seedlings grown in closed root system are formed strong root system, having a positive effect on the assimilation of nutrients, as well as further growth and development of plants. One-year seedlings were planted in two different growth substrate: 1) loam 2) mixture of peat moss, sand and black soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 0,5. The height of plants was 3 times higher with mixture and above-ground biomass weight was more than 7 times that for loam substrate. It was found out that shading is imractical to use at the stage of growing up of C. bignonioides seedlings in closed ground. The average leaf surface area has reduced under shading by 8 times compared to the plants growing without shading.
Key words open root system, closed root system, seedlings, seeds, potting, Catalpa bignonioides Walt
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