Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Efficiency of influence of preparations Vimpel and Rizostim on assimilation processes of sweet pepper and it`s productivity

Author(s) Gaviy V.M., Candidate of Biological Sciences, , Nizhyn State University named after Nikolai Gogol
Pryplavko S.А., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Nizhyn State University named after Nikolai Gogol
Kovalenko S.A., , , Nizhyn State University named after Nikolai Gogol
Category The Agronomy
year 2020 issue Issue number 96. Part 1
pages 343-355 index UDK 581.143:577.175.1.05
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-1-343-355 (Link)
Abstract One of the most important vegetable crops is pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). A measure that can increase pepper yields is the use of plant growth regulators. They are needed in small quantities to activate and regulate the physiological and morphological programs of plant ontogenesis. Therefore, the study of the comparative effect of pre-sowing seed treatment with Vimpel and Rizostim preparations on the assimilation processes of pepper on the main phases of ontogeny and it`s yield is an urgent problem of the present. It was found that the preparations of Vimpel and Rizostim influenced the increase of leaf surface in the phase of 2–3 true leaves, in the phase of 8 true leaves and in the flowering phase. The maximum values of this indicator in all investigated phases were observed during treatment with Vimpel. It was found that in the phase of 2–3 leaves in the control the content of the sum of chlorophylls a and b was 0.66 mg / g crude mass, chlorophyll a – 0,45 mg/g crude mass, chlorophyll b – 0,21 mg/g crude mass. The pre-sowing treatment of the seeds of sweet pepper allowed to increase the content of the amount of chlorophylls a and b in the leaves of pepper to 0,82 mg/g of crude mass, which exceeded the control indicators by 24,2 %. Also, this biological product effectively stimulated the formation of chlorophyll a in the leaves of sweet pepper, exceeding the control indicators by 24,5 %, and chlorophyll b – by 28,3 %. In the flowering phase, the chlorophyll a and b content of the Vimpel treatment were very close to control. Under the action of Rizostim, the content of the sum of chlorophylls a and b was 8,03 mg/g dry weight, which was 23,7 % higher than the control value, the content of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b – 5,23 mg/g dry weight and 2,80 mg/g of dry weight, which is by 24,7 % and 21,6 % more than the control indicators, respectively. The highest yield of sweet pepper was found in the processing of seeds of Rizostim and 39,4 t/ha were obtained, which in turn exceeded the value of control by 59,5 % respectively. Thus, a more effective growth regulator for growing sweet peppers is the preparation Rizostim. It may be recommended for agricultural practice for the pre-sowing treatment of pepper seeds
Key words : preparates, leaf blade area, photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll content, yield
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