Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Optimization of the corn grain drying process in mine grain dryers

Author(s) Lubych V.V., Candidate of Agricultural Science, Lecturer of Department of Technology of Storage and Processing of Grain, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Єремеєва О. А., , ,
Паришкура Ю. В., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2024 issue Issue number 104. Part 1
pages 116-126 index UDK 664.723-048.34:633.15
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-116-126 (Link)
Abstract Goal. To optimize the process of drying corn grain in mine grain dryers. Methods. Analytical, physical-technological, production-research, calculation-statistical, according to the criterion of economic feasibility and production relevance with the use of automation systems and computer technology. The results. The mechanism of internal diffusion of moisture and the reasons for a significant increase in energy consumption during the extraction of physically bound moisture at the final stage of grain dehydration have been established. The thermal energy model of the controlled heat-moisture exchange of the VZS is substantiated, and energy-saving methods and modes of intensification of high-moisture TPOZ are developed. The influence of the moisture content of the surface layers of the VZS particles on its divisibility was studied, and energy-saving modes of improving the flowability of the VZS by changing the gradient of the layer-by-layer moisture content of the peripheral layers of its particles were developed. On the basis of studies of the influence of the moisture content of grain mixture particles on its flowability, the study of the physical nature of moisture diffusion in grain capillaries during convective drying, the mechanism of internal moisture diffusion and the reason for the increase in energy consumption from the extraction of physically bound moisture at the final stage of drying have been established, and a physical model has been developed intensification of moisture diffusion processes with less energy expenditure to overcome resistance to the movement of moisture in the capillaries of the body. The lack of mutual influence of temperature and moisture content gradients on the diffusion of capillary-bound moisture during grain drying in the range of variable parameters of objects of convective interaction of grain-drying units was established, and the descending regimes of grain drying were substantiated. Theoretical and practical technological solutions of practical application have been formed, which allow to intensify the processes of separation and heat-mass exchange of wet grain mixture or to reduce their energy intensity. Conclusions. The mechanism of internal diffusion of physico-chemically bound moisture for capillary-spared bodies with the convective method of heat and mass exchange has been theoretically substantiated and experimentally confirmed, and the reason for the increase in the energy of internal diffusion of moisture at the final stages of drying of such bodies, which is associated with the increase in the energy of intracapillary rarefaction (VKR) has been established). The value of RKR depends on the content of physical and mechanical moisture and the rate of interphase diffusion of moisture. Factors of influence were specified and a mathematical model of convective mass transfer was established, and technological methods of reducing energy consumption and intensifying grain drying by controlling heat, moisture and pressure gradients were substantiated. Semi-empirical equations of interphase interaction were obtained and regimes of given heat and moisture exchange were developed.
Key words drying, mine dryer, alternative fuels, corn, grain moisture
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