Uman NUH | today: 01/30/2025

Yields of winter wheat on the Right-bank Forest-steppe podzolized black soil according to the different types and rates of fertilizer and their payback

Author(s) Hospodarenko G.M., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Eshchenko N.B., Postgraduate, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2013 issue Issue #82
pages 8-14 index UDK 631.8:631.582:631.445.4(477.46)
Abstract As a result of the conducted research was found that the yields of winter wheat on the right-bank forest-steppe podzolized black soil significantly depends on the level of fertilizer application during its cultivation. The highest yiels was in making N150P60K80 and averaged in two years 6.8 t/ha. The smallest decrease in yield observed in making of half-normal potassium on the background of full rates of nitrogen and phosphorus. High yields are also formed when making a full provisions of nitrogen and phosphorus without potassium at all. In terms of payback in both years were the best options with a half-rate nitrogen (N75) each kilogram of which was paid off in general in two years, 18.9 kg/kg. The nearest to these indicators was payback of fertilizers in the form of combined application of nitrogen and phosphorus. The lowest yield and payback of fertilizer was with combined application of phosphorus and potassium (P60K80) and averaged in two years 4.0 t/ha and 6.8 kg/ha. So, when growing winter wheat, first you need to provide the demand in nitrogen, then in phosphorus, and at least in potassium.
Key words winter wheat, chemical fertilizer, yield, payback.
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