Uman NUH | today: 01/22/2025

Study on economic character and germination ability of seeds of many-seeded pollinator of sugar beet under low temperatures

Author(s) Polishchuk V.V., , , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2013 issue Issue #82
pages 46-50 index UDK 633.63:631.531.12.631.53.02
Abstract It was established that presented selective numbers taken from materials have high sugar content, namely 16,6 – 18,8%. It is observed that variety samples №36 have high sugar content — 18,8 which ensured the yield of sugar at 7,76 t/ha. The weight of 1000 seeds fluctuated within 21,1 – 31,1 g. The maximum value of this index was noted in variety sample № 173. As to the quality indicators of seeds of many-seeded pollinator germinated under different temperatures, certain stability of energy and germination ability during germination under 10°C should be noted. Thus, all variety samples ensured relatively high energy of seed germination, with the exception of numbers 140 and 173, for which this indicator is 43,0 and 29,0%. Under conditions of germination according to the temperature accepted in techniques the energy of germination and germination ability of seeds of studied genotypes was 40,0 -81,0% for number 140 and 38,0 – 80,1 for sample 173. We should mention that the high germination ability of seeds was under temperature of germination of 10°C, that fluctuated within 23,0 – 49,0%. According to the quality indicators of seeds during germination (temperature 20°C) seeds of the above mentioned genotypes have high germination ability — 72,6 – 89,2%. In this case sample 167 with relatively low indicator of germinative energy — 37,0% ensured the highest germination ability of seeds in this experiment. Investigated materials react rather actively to the conditions of germination. Germinative energy and germination ability of seeds are directly dependant from the temperature. In the selection of hybrids suitable for growing according to intensive technologies, important properties of initial materials, it is important to ensure high indicators of germinative energy and germination ability of seeds under low temperatures. This enables to sow heterotic hybrids of sugar beet at an earlier stage.
Key words hybrid, beet sugar, polyspermous pollinator, performance, vigor, germination, low temperature.
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