Uman NUH | today: 01/09/2025

Features of yield formation of leek depending on mineral nutrition conditions

Author(s) Slobodianyk H. Ya., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Ternavskiy A.G., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Voysechovskiy V. I., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , National Agriculture University of Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2017 issue Issue number 90. Part 1
pages 121-128 index UDK 635.261
Abstract Factors that hinder the spread of leek in Ukraine are low yields of some varieties and lack of standardizated systems of its fertilizing. Recently, vegetable growers widely practiced application of complex mineral fertilizers but their efficiency for leek was not studied enough. Leek of Golias (control variant) and Columbus varieties without fertilizer and also with additional fertilizing with minerals ensuring applying of: N40Р10К10, N13Р40К13, N10Р10К40 were grown on the experimental fields of Uman National University of Horticulture during 2014–2016. Yield was harvested in early October. Leek plants of both varieties were significantly superior in terms of biometrics to the variants without mineral fertilizers by applying of N40Р10К10, N13Р40К13 and N10Р10К40. The height of plants was 85–91 cm and leaf area was 807–937cm2 in Golias variety. These indexes were mainly higher – 88–99 cm 934–1141 cm2 respectively in Columbus variety. Total weight of plants of Columbus variety under fertilizing with N13Р40К13 and N10Р10К40 had the advantage over the control variant at 2.2 and 2.5 times, and of Golias variety – 1.5 and 1.6 times. Plants weight by applying of N40Р10К10 was 40–57% more than without fertilizers. Regardless of the variety, less developed plants of leek were observed in 2016 when precipitation total during vegetation period of leek was only 74% of normal. It was proved that the weight of leek plants depended considerably on leaf area and diameter of a sheath (correlation coefficient was r = 0.96 ± 0.01 respectively and 0.81 ± 0.02 in the control variant). Regularity is saved during the period of research: the maximum yield of Columbus variety under applying of N10Р10K40 was 40.7 t/ha. Yield of Golias variety using fertilizer of N10Р10K40 was 25.1 t/ha on average that is 10,9 t/ha more than in the control variant. Growing of Columbus and Golias varieties while fertilizing with N40Р10К10 or N13Р40К13, also provided significantly high level of yield with increase of 11.2–15.3 t/ha and 9.2–10.6 t/ha. Analyzed conditions of growing had a considerable impact on the productivity of leek – variety to 40%, using of fertilizer to 49%. Conclusion about practicability of Columbus variety growing and the highest efficiency of leek fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers containing N10Р10K40 was formed in the result of this work.
Key words leek, variety, fertilizer, pseudostem, yield.
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