Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Effectiveness of Logran herbicide on weediness of different types of lawns

Author(s) Заморський О. О., , ,
Prytulyak R.M., Candidate of Agricultural Science, Associate Professor of Department of Biology, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Красноштан І. В., , ,
Войцехівська О. В., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2023 issue Issue number 103. Part 1
pages 189-195 index UDK 632.954-027.236: [632.51:712.42]
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-189-195 (Link)
Abstract Problem statement. A bright and well-groomed lawn is an adornment of any garden plot. At the same time, to keep the lawn looking presentable and the grass bright green and thick, it is important to control the number of weeds. If there are a lot of weeds, the heterogeneity of the lawn becomes visible from afar: tall or flowering weeds can ruin the appearance of the site. Weeds grow and develop faster than lawn grass, creating competition for nutrients in the soil, moisture and sunlight. As a result, the lawn grass becomes flabby, turns yellow, dies and leaves behind bare or weed-covered bald spots. That's why it's important to clear your green lawn of such competing plants in a timely manner. Research methodology. Three mixtures of Eurograss lawn grasses were used for the research: ordinary, sports and shade-tolerant. The herbicide Logran (active ingredient triasulfuron) manufactured by Syngenta was chosen for the research because it is effective against dominant annual dicotyledonous weeds, including those resistant to the 2,4-D and 2M-4X groups, has a side soil effect that provides long-term protection of crops from weeds that germinate from seeds after treatment, and the term of use is from the 3 leaf stage to the flag leaf inclusive. Among the variants of the experiment, we studied variants without the application of the product (control) and with the rate of Logran herbicide 6 and 8 g/ha. Research results. Herbicide Logran has a significant effect on dicotyledonous weeds in crops of different lawn mixtures, but the highest effect is observed in variants with its application at a rate of 8 g/ha, where the effectiveness of the drug on both purslane and couch grass was noted, which led not only to the destruction of dicotyledonous weeds, but also suppressed the germination of cereal weeds, in particular, mouse. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to recommend the application of Logran herbicide at a rate of 8 g/ha on mixtures of lawn grasses that have passed the tillering stage.
Key words lawn, herbicide, weediness, effectiveness
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