Uman NUH | today: 01/13/2025

Sugar beet growth and development features during sowing seeds prepared by different methods

Author(s) L.M. Karpuk, Candidate of Agricultural Science, ,
Kykalo M.M., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2014 issue Issue #84
pages 124-127 index UDK 633.63:631.527.531.62
Abstract The research results on sugar beet growth and development features during sowing seeds prepared by different methods are shown. It is proved that sugar beet germination depends on seeds preparation methods. Seed categories: encrusted, encapsulated and pelleted provide its accurate sowing in a row, heightened field germination and intensive plants sprouting in the field. Analysis of obtained data shows that, over research years in average, intensive sprouting were in encrusted and encapsulated seeds compared with pelleted. Thus, in the 1st accounting period of sprouting during encrusted seeds sowing was observed 53.0%, on the 6th day – 100%, during pelleted seed sowing 45.8 and 97.7% respectively. In the researches was shown that encapsulated and encrusted seeds sowing provides the highest field germination, compared with treated and especially pelleted seeds sowing. Over the years on average, in the first case it was 75%, in the second – 67-73%. Directly proportional dependence between sugar beet plants density and field germination is set. Density analysis during the complete germination period showed that it ranged between variants on average for three years, from 6.5 to 7.4 pcs of plants per 1 m of row. It was the lowest during pelleted seeds sowing (6.5 pcs/m), highest – by encapsulated (7.4 pcs/m) and encrusted (7.3 pcs/m). Under the control, the sprouts number amounted 7.1 pcs/m.
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