Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Comparison of morphometric parameters of Сatalpa Вignonioides Walt. plants under different conditions of urbogenic load

Author(s) Булат А. Г., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2024 issue Issue 105 part 1
pages 73-83 index UDK 581.143+581.951.8/543.26
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-73-83 (Link)
Abstract Aims. The issue of expanding the range of plants resistant to negative growth factors that characterize large industrial centers is not rhetorical. The selection of plants for landscaping urban areas should primarily be determined by their resistance to a set of negative conditions. Taking into account the importance of the problem of greening large urban centers and taking into account the data obtained from the analysis of the results of experimental studies conducted in different regions of Ukraine and under different growth conditions, the aim of our work was to study changes in the morphometric characteristics of plants of the genus Catalpa Scop. in green spaces of Kharkiv with different levels of urban load and to make a comparative analysis of the degree of damage to the assimilation apparatus of trees under different conditions of growth in urban areas. Results. Our studies have shown that the influence of growth conditions has a strong effect on the biometric parameters of the annual growth of C. bignonioides shoots. The values of the growth parameters of the annual shoot in plants are significantly reduced depending on the conditions of the urban ecosystem. The diameter of shoots under the influence of intensive urban load changes compared to the control. The difference between the control and experimental values of this indicator is 58 %. As our research has shown, the number of internodes per shoot, under conditions of maximum urban pollution, is significantly reduced and amounts to 63.16 % of the control value in monitoring point I and 64.55 % in point II. The analysis of morphometric parameters of C. bignonioides leaves indicates a general tendency towards a decrease in the size of leaf blades – width and length – on trees that grew under conditions of environmental pollution by vehicle emissions. The area of the leaf blade at the experimental site with the maximum anthropogenic load (Aerospace lane) is only 52.8 % of the control values. A general analysis of the nature of damage to catalpa leaves showed that trees growing in the area with the maximum anthropogenic load most often had various forms of chlorosis. Moreover, with an increase in anthropogenic load, the proportion of chlorotic leaves also increases. Conclusions. Our studies allow us to testify to the negative impact of vehicle emissions on Catalpa bignonioides plants. Due to the above factors, in areas with a large number of vehicle emissions, landscapers may face premature aging of plants and their rapid death. In our opinion, in the plantations growing along urban highways, we should try to change the existing catalpas to other species that are more resistant to the negative conditions of the city.
Key words morphometric parameters, growth, shoot, internode length, leaf plate
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