Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Moisture supply of sugar beet plants, spring barley and maize under different primary tillage in crop rotation

Author(s) Kozubenko O.S., , , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Kostohryz P.V., Candidate of Agricultural Science, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2013 issue Issue #82
pages 23-29 index UDK 631.51.021:631.423.2
Abstract Soil tillage has to facilitate the improvement of water accumulation, rational utilization of moisture by plants and prevention of its nonproductive waste due to evaporation. The main task of the research was to study the influence of different variants of primary tillage in five-field crop rotation on supply of sugar beet plants, spring barley and maize with moisture. Deposits of moisture in the soil layer 0 – 160 cm were estimated by means of thermostatic-weighing method basing on the data regarding soil moisture during the sowing period, middle of the vegetation period and before harvesting sugar beets, spring barley and grain maize. The research results demonstrated that different variants of primary soil tillage in crop rotation influence insignificantly on the amount of moisture during the vegetation period. Thus, by the time of sowing sugar beets, spring barley and maize somewhat bigger deposits of moisture were observed after moldboard plowing under these crops correspondingly by 30 – 32, 20 – 22 and 25 – 27 cm and by the middle of growth and before harvesting it happened on the contrary after 6 – 8 cm cultivation and in the no-tillage variant.
Key words primary tillage, deposits of available moisture, sugar beets, spring barley, maize.
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