Uman NUH | today: 10/16/2024

About Journal


Uman National University of Horticulture publishes one of the oldest national scientific publications: "Collected Works of Uman National University of Horticulture".  

Proceedings of Uman National University of Horticulture."

Founded: 1926.

State registration certificate: KB № 17791 - 6641PR on 17.03.2011

Included in the list of publications profilnyh Ukraine: category B, according to the order of Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine from 11.07.2019 №975

International scientific publications and directories scientometric databases: Google scholar, Crossref, Index copernicus.

ISSN 2415-8240 (Online)

ISSN 0134-6393 (Print)

Field of science: agricultural science; economic science.

Publication type: collected works.

Status publication: domestic.

Language: Ukrainian, English.

The amount and frequency: 40 conventional printed sheets, 2 times a year.

Editor: O.O. Nepochatenko, Doctor of Economics, professor.

Editor in Chief: V.P. Karpenko, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor;

                        M.I. Maliovanyi, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor

Executive Secretary: I.P. Diordiieva, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, assosiate professor

Editorial address:

Uman National University of Horticulture

Institutska Street 1

Lane Sofiyivka 5,


Cherkasy Region,





Tel: +380664048035


The main purpose of the journal is to publish research papers with different points of view on current global and private scientific problems, and to analyse the prospects for the future. 

On its pages, readers will get information about the ideas of representatives of the modern national scientific elite, professors of universities, heads and specialists of enterprises and organizations, representatives of public authorities and scientists from other countries on various aspects of agricultural production and the economy.

In order for material to be published in the journal, it must meet compliance standards, the ideas must be relevant and innovative, and the research must be reliable.

Materials accepted by thematic sections

Part1. Agronomy: general agriculture; agricultural reclamation; soil science and argophysics; agrochemicals; breeding and seed production; plant physiology; microbiology; vegetable growing; fruit growing; wine production; plant growing; plant pathology; forage and grassland; herbology; seeds; primary processing plant products.

Part 2. Economics: economic theory and history of economic thought; world economy and international economic relations; economics and management of national economy; economy and management of enterprises (by economic activity); the development of productive forces and regional economy; environmental economics and environmental protection; demography, labor economics, social economics and politics; Money, finances and credit; accounting, analysis and auditing (by economic activity); statistics; mathematical methods, models and information technology in the economy.

It is necessary for the materials for publication to be reviewed by members of the editorial board and recommended by the Academic Council of Uman National University of Horticulture in order to be printed. 

The opinions and theories expressed in articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information in the articles, the accuracy of titles, names and citations.

Any violations of copyright shall be prosecuted in accordance with applicable law. In case of plagiarism authors are responsible for the submitted materials.

Reprinting of material in the collection is permitted only with the consent of the publisher.