Uman NUH | today: 01/30/2025

Biometric indicators of sorghum plants depending on the action of hormones and growth regulators

Author(s) Войтовська В.І., , ,
Mostovjak S.M., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture
Воєвода Л. І., , ,
Климович Н.М., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2023 issue Issue number 103. Part 1
pages 241-252 index UDK 631.547.3:633.174:579.22
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-241-252 (Link)
Abstract Introduction. Currently, the introduction of plant growth regulators into agricultural practice is impossible without a deep and comprehensive study of their effect on the processes of plant metabolism, growth and development. This effect depends not only on the type of drug, but also on its dose, processing time, varietal characteristics of the culture and other factors. Phytohormones and growth regulators in in vitro culture are used at all stages and allow to change certain changes in the desired direction. Goal. To investigate the influence of hormones and growth regulators on the biometric indicators of sorghum plants in in vitro culture. Methods. Biotechnological, laboratory, analytical, statistical. The results. The conducted studies indicate that in common sorghum varieties, it was noted that the height when adding BAP was from 14 to 19 cm, and the number of shoots was from 15 to 24 pieces. It is important to note that the number of shoots was from 15 to 24 pieces. an advantage compared to the researched varieties and hybrids can be noted in Mohavk – 19 cm high and 24 pcs. shoots and honey – 19 cm high and 17 pcs. shoots The smallest indicators were formed in Favorite 14 cm high and 15 pcs. shoot formation using BAP. In sorizia, after introducing BAP into the environment, the average height of the investigated varieties was from 15 cm to 18 cm, and the number of shoots was from 15 to 22 pieces. The height of broom sorghum is from 13 to 18 cm, and the number of shoots is from 12 to 18 cm. It is important to note the Karlykove 45 variety with a height of 13 cm and a number of shoots of 18 pieces. The study of BA and its influence on biometric indicators of common sorghum indicates that the height was from 19 cm to 24 cm, and the number of shoots was from 16 to 24 pieces. in accordance. The height of varieties of soriza varied from 17 to 20 cm, and the number of shoots from 18 to 22 pieces. Conducted research on broom sorghum indicates that the height was from 15 to 21 cm, and the number of shoots was from 14 to 17 pieces. Zeatin made it possible to obtain a height of 11 to 16 cm in common sorghum, 12 to 18 cm in sorghum, and 10 to 16 cm in broom sorghum. Its effect on the number of shoots was as follows: common sorghum – 10–13 pieces, sorghum – 15–18 pcs., broom sorghum – 9–14 pcs. The addition of kinetin to the nutrient medium made it possible to obtain: the height of ordinary sorghum - from 18 to 23 cm, sorghum from 19 to 24 cm, and broom sorghum from 15 to 20 cm. The number of shoots was: ordinary sorghum - from 12 to 15 pcs., soriz – 16–19 pcs., broom sorghum – 12–18 pcs. Conclusions. The smallest indicators were formed in Favorite 14 cm high and 15 pcs. shoot formation using BAP. In sorizia, after introducing BAP into the environment, the average height of the investigated varieties was from 15 cm to 18 cm, and the number of shoots was from 15 to 22 pieces. In broom sorghum, the height is from 13 to 18 cm, and the number of shoots is from 12 to 18 cm. The addition of growth regulators to the nutrient medium allows the number of shoots in ordinary sorghum to be the smallest when using Biosil – 15 pieces, and the most when adding Emistym C and Succinic acid – up to 26 pcs., the smallest indicators were obtained with the introduction of Radostim – from 18 to 21 pcs., and the largest number with the addition of Emistym C and Succinic acid – from 24 to 33 pcs.
Key words culture in vitro, shoots, sorghum, modification, nutrient medium
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