Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Water-holding capacity of sugar beet depending on fertilizers

Author(s) Hospodarenko G.M., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Martynyuk A.T., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2020 issue Issue number 97. Part 1
pages 72-81 index UDK 581.111:[631.432.2:633.63:631.8]
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-72-81 (Link)
Abstract The results of a field experiment held on podzolic black heavy loam soil of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, studying the effect of various fertilization systems on the water-holding capacity of sugar beet, are presented. It was found that the change in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrition has a different effect on this indicator when closing the leaves of sugar beet plants between rows and during the harvest time. Half-dead cattle manure KRS on straw bedding aw well as mineral fertilizers, namely aqueous ammonia, ammonium nitrate, granular superphosphate, mixed potassium salt, potassium chloride, ANP fertilizer grade A and liquid complex fertilizer grade 10–34–0 were used during the experiment. Manure was applied at a dose of 40 t / ha and mineral fertilizers – N120Р120К120. Fertilizers were applied in August during fall plowing, as well as in late autumn (at the end of October) together with moldboard-free loosening of the soil to a depth of 14–16 cm and in spring –under pre-sowing cultivation. The dynamics of the intensity of water return was monitored by cut sugar beet leaves under conditions of rapid natural evaporation by weighing them every 0.5, 1 and 2 hours (according to Arland's method). It was found that the leaves of sugar beet, both with insufficient and unbalanced nitrogen nutrition, have a weak water-holding capacity during the growing season. Improving phosphorus nutrition, especially when applying liquid complex fertilizer grade 10–34–0, helps increase the water-holding capacity of sugar beet plants throughout the growing season. Replacing potassium chloride with potassium salt mixed as part of a complete mineral fertilizer significantly increases the water-holding capacity of sugar beets due to the better provision with sodium. This is particularly evident in the second half of the growing season. With the age of sugar beet plants, a distinct decrease in the intensity of water loss is observed regardless of fertilization, which can be explained by an increase in the content of bound water due to a rise of the amount of dry matter.
Key words water-holding capacity, leaf apparatus, sugar beet, types of fertilizer, plant nutrients
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