Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

The dynamics of growth of the mass of the root system of safflower seed depending on the elements of technology

Author(s) Аврамчук Б. І., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2024 issue Issue number 104. Part 1
pages 325-330 index UDK 633.2:632.9 (477.41)
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-325-330 (Link)
Abstract The purpose of the article is to investigate the dynamics of the mass accumulation of the root system in the 0–60 cm layer depending on the elements of the technology of growing safflower seeds. Field research was conducted during 2011–2013 at the experimental sites of the NUBiP "Agronomic Research Station" located in the village of Pshenychnoy, Vasylkiv District, Kyiv Region, Right Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Asparagus was sown with different rates of 5, 6, and 7 million pieces/ha. Row width 7.5; 15; 30 and 45 cm. Variants of fertilization without fertilizers (control); P60 K90; N30P60K90; N45P60K90. Top dressing with mineral fertilizers was carried out at the beginning of the spring growing season and after the first mowing. Conducted research showed that the growth of the root system of seed safflower was not the same and significantly depended on the influence of the investigated methods of sowing, sowing rates and fertilization. The greatest growth of the root system was observed with wide-row sowing of 30 cm, the sowing rate of 6 million units/ha and N30P60K90 fertilizer, which amounted to 11.4 t/ha. The smallest growth of roots was formed on the unfertilized control with a row width of 7.5 cm, a seeding rate of 5 million units/ha – 7.7 t/ha, which is significantly less than the maximum value of 3.7 t/ha. With an increase in the row spacing from 7.5 cm to 15 cm in the unfertilized control, the increase was 1.1 t/ha, and at 30 cm it increased by 3.1 t/ha. At the same time, increasing the width of the rows to 45 cm, on the contrary, slightly reduced the growth of the root system by 0.7 t/ha. The analysis of the obtained experimental data showed that the most favorable conditions for the growth and development of safflower plants were formed with a row spacing of 30 cm, a seeding rate of 6 million units/ha and N30P60K90 fertilizers, which provided the largest root mass of 11.4 t/ha.
Key words sowing asparagus, root system, fertilizer, sowing rate, sowing methods
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