Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Improving sowing quality of chickpea seed with the help of nanoparticles of biogenic metals

Author(s) Kalenska S.M., , ,
Novitska N.V., , ,
Rozhko V.І., , ,
Malinka L.V., , ,
Barzo J. T., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2014 issue Issue #85
pages 79-83 index UDK 633
Abstract The results of research on improving the sowing qualities of seeds of chickpea varieties based on conditions of cultivation year with the help of nanoscale biogenic metals. Established that application of nanoparticles of metals with concentration solution of 3 ml/l promotes increase of sowing qualities of seeds. In variety Rosanna 100% laboratory germination and high germination energy was observed during application of such nanometals as Cu II, Mo, Zn, and in variety Triumph – during the application of Cu II, Mo, Ag.
Key words Cicer arietinum L., presowing inoculation, germination energy, laboratory germination, a solution of nanoparticles of metals
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