Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Reaction of maize lines with erect placing of leaves on CMS of M and C-types

Author(s) Chekanova А., Postgraduate, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2013 issue Issue number 83, part 1
pages 122-127 index UDK 631.527:633.15
Abstract The basis of maize selection is the use of heterosis, the practical application of which was possible with the discovery of cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS).Using CMS eliminated the need of pluck a tassel of parent plants in areas of hybridization, reduces the cost of labor and resources for the production of hybrid seed. The aim is to study the response of maize lines erect placing leaves on CMS M and C-types. The source of sterility of M — line type was P 346M, C-Type — Line 7/25. Fertility and sterility was determined by the Hontarovskiy method by examination of tassel in the field. Plants were counted in a phase of mass occurrence of stigma on the ear. In lines of maize with erect placing of leaves high manifestation stability of sterility and fertility in each year is observed. Learning lines with erect placing of leaves obtained by crossing with sterile forms without reference to the type of sterility, allowed to distinguish the lines in response to CMS: fixers of sterility, fertility reductants, incomplete fixers of sterility and semi reductants of fertility. Thus, in 2011 – 2012 reasearch of reaction of 35 maize lines with erect placing of leaves on CMS of M and C-types showed that fixing sterility of C-type was 17 lines, representing 48.6% of the total number of lines and M-type — 21 lines, 60% of the total number of lines. By fertility reductants of C-type was 18 lines, representing 51.4% of lines and M-type five lines - 14.3% lines. Thus, the number of fixers of sterility of M-type is more than C-type and the number of fertility reductants of C-type more than M-type. The results of research helped us to determine the reaction of maize lines with erect placing of leaves on CMS of M and C-types. Allocated 17 lines of sterility fixers of C-type and 21 M-type line, 18 lines of fertility reductants of C-type and 5 lines of the M-type.
Key words sterility fixers, fertility reductants, the reaction of lines, CMS, C-type, M-type, maize with еrect placing of leaves.
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