Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Assimilation of nutrient elements by different sorts of spring barley depending on the soil compaction

Author(s) Uvarenko K. Yu., , , National Scientific Center "Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry named after A. N. Sokolovsky"
Category The Agronomy
year 2018 issue Issue № 92. Part 1
pages 223-230 index UDK 631.431.1:631.82:633.16
Abstract The research of the influence of the density of the arable layer of the soil on the nutrients assimilation and on the yield of spring barley is relevance, especially with the selection new sorts of barley of different intensity. Investigation of the influence of the density of chernozem typical on the yield of intensive and semi-intensive sorts of barley. Determine the influence of the density on the supply of nutrients in barley and their assimilation and use from the soil. Field investigation were carried out on chernozem typical leached low-humic heavy-loamy on loess. Variants with different density of soil (1,0 g/cm3 (incompact soil), 1,2 g/cm3 (soil with optimal density) and 1,4 g/cm3 (compacted soil)) were created. Intensive and semi-intensive sorts of spring barley was used. There is a tendency to lower of nutrients content in the grain and straw of barley with increasing soil compaction. An increase in the total removal of nitrogen on optimal compacted soil was noted in compared with compacted soil. An increase in the total removal of phosphorus and potassium was established when barley was grown an incompact soil. The highest coefficient of nitrogen use was at the optimum level of compaction (20,9 % and 19,86 % for intensive and semi-intensive sorts). An incompact soil was contribute the highest coefficient of phosphorus use (9,1 % and 9,27 % for intensive and semi-intensive sorts) and potassium use (22,1 % and 17,2 % respectively). It was found that the total yield of semi-intensive sort of barley was an average of 8 % higher compared with intensive sort. It was defined an influence of soil density on assimilation of nutrient elements, the coefficient of nutrient use from the soil, and the yield of intensive and semi-intensive sorts of spring barley. Soil density of 1,4 g/cm3 was led to decrease to the removal of nutrients by the sorts of barley, and also reduced the coefficient of nutrients use compared to growing this crop on incompact soil. Increase of compaction from 1,2 to 1,4 g/cm3 was decreased the yield of spring barley by 23 and 25 %, respectively, for intensive and semi-intensive sorts.
Key words soil density, nutrition, sort, nutrient assimilation, removal of nutrients.
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