Uman NUH | today: 07/21/2024

Karpenko Viktor

Karpenko Viktor


#PDFTitle of ArticleJournal
1 Anatomical and morphological changes in the sorize leaves under the use of biologically active substances Issue number 94. Part 1, 2019
2 Weed infestation of winter pea crops under the action of herbicides, plant growth regulators and microbial preparations Issue number 97. Part 1, 2020
3 Strawberry productivity depending on the technology of growing Issue number 95. Part 1, 2019
4 Optimization of functional parameters of food products Issue 100. Part 1, 2022
5 Rheological properties of dough and culinary quality of bread with the addition of pumpkin flour Issue number 101. Part 1, 2022
6 The Impact of herbicides and biologic preparations on the dynamic of chlorophyll content in chickpea`s leaves Issue № 93. Part 1, 2018
7 Biological features and productivity of perennial cereals in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-SteppeUkraine Issue number 95. Part 1, 2019
8 Chlorophyll content and photosynthetic productivity in soriz while applying of Pik 75 WG herbicide and Regoplant plant growth regulator Issue № 93. Part 1, 2018
9 Formation of the microbiota of the rhizosphere of spelt wheat and intermediate wheatgrass and biological activity of podzolized chernozem Issue number 97. Part 1, 2020
10 Dynamics of mineralization processes in the root zone of corn using different fertilizer systems Issue number 104. Part 1, 2024
11 Productivity of buckwheat’s crops under biological Issue number 90. Part 1, 2017
12 The activity of antioxidant enzymes in the plants of hulless oat under the use of a microbial preparation and plant growth regulato Issue number 96. Part 1, 2020