Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Formation of the balance of basic nutrients when growing different varieties of soft winter wheat depending on the fertilization system

Author(s) Hospodarenko G.M., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Lubych V.V., Candidate of Agricultural Science, Lecturer of Department of Technology of Storage and Processing of Grain, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Сіліфонов Т. В., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2024 issue Issue 105 part 1
pages 338-352 index UDK 631.81.036:631.526.3:633.111:631.816
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-338-352 (Link)
Abstract Objective – to determine the balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil when growing different varieties of soft winter wheat depending on the fertilization system. Methods. Field, measuring, calculation and comparative, analysis, statistical. Results. The greatest influence on economic removal is the fertilizer application system. Especially its nitrogen component. Thus, the application of only nitrogen fertilizers at a dose of 75 and 150 kg/ha. g. on average over three years of research increases nitrogen removal compared to unfertilized areas in the KVS Emil variety by 38 and 67 %, respectively, and in the Prino line – by 26 and 42 %. That is, plants of the Prino line respond less to improved nitrogen nutrition. Applying only phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (variant P60K80) increases nitrogen uptake from the soil by 5.4–7.9 kg/ha or by 5–7 % depending on the variety. Applying nitrogen fertilizers at a dose of 150 kg/ha d. r. against their background increases nitrogen removal by 87.3 kg/ha by the KBS Emil variety and by 75.3 kg/ha by the Prino line. It should be noted that applying nitrogen fertilizers, even not against a high background of phosphorus and potassium, contributes to better nitrogen uptake by plants. Economic removal of potassium, as nitrogen and phosphorus, depends more on the conditions of nitrogen nutrition of plants than on doses of potassium fertilizers. When applying a complete mineral fertilizer (variant N150P60K80), on average over three years of research, potassium removal compared to unfertilized areas increases by 68.5 kg/ha for the KVS Emil variety and the Prino line by 60.9 kg/ha or by 45 and 41 %, respectively. Compared to nitrogen and potassium, the need for winter wheat in phosphorus is lower. Phosphorus fertilizers for this crop are applied in low doses (40–60 kg/ha dry matter), which allows ensuring a positive phosphorus balance in the soil. The potassium balance when removing straw from the field is also deficient, especially in the experimental areas with the application of high doses of nitrogen fertilizers. If straw is left on the field during harvesting, the nitrogen balance improves significantly and approaches a balanced one. It should be noted that in the experimental areas with the application of nitrogen fertilizers at a dose of 75 kg/ha of dry matter, it is deficient – -26.1...-54.5 kg/ha depending on the variety of winter wheat and fertilizer. Conclusions. The economic removal of the main nutrients depends on fertilization, the yield of the soft winter wheat variety and weather conditions of the growing season. Thus, the economic removal of nitrogen varies from 130.8 to 192.3 kg/ha under nitrogen systems, from 148.7 to 214.6 kg/ha under the application of complete mineral fertilizer, depending on weather conditions. The economic removal of phosphorus varies from 57.2 to 80.3 kg/ha and from 64.1 to 93.2 kg/ha, respectively, and the economic removal of potassium - from 98.9 to 132.3 and from 118.7 to 155.9 kg/ha. If straw is removed from the field only grain in the experimental plots with the application of 150 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizers, the intensity of its balance is 95.2–132.5%. The intensity of the phosphorus balance is 113.4–169.5%, depending on the fertilization system and the variety of winter wheat, ensures the application of phosphorus fertilizers at a dose of 60 kg/ha d. r. The dose of phosphorus fertilizers 30 kg/ha d. r. is insufficient to form a balanced phosphorus balance. The intensity of the potassium balance in all variants of the experiment with the application of 30 and 60 kg/ha d. r. of potash fertilizers and leaving straw on the field is at the level of 114.0–402.0 %, depending on the fertilization system and the variety of winter wheat.
Key words different-ripening varieties, fertilization systems, economic application, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, balance, balance intensity
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