Uman NUH | today: 01/07/2025

Weed infestation of plantings and yielding capacity of spring barley under various tillage operations

Author(s) Karnaukh O.B., Candidate of Agricultural Science, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2013 issue Issue #82
pages 100-106 index UDK 633.16:631.153.3
Abstract Weeds in the spring barley plantings influence substantially its productivity. As a result the main task of fall tillage lies in the effective weed control. At the same time there is no consensus among scholars about ideal tillage method and this prompted us to undertake this research. During the period of 2010 – 2012 the possibility to replace plowing with disc plowing or soil loosening with blade cultivator was researched on the trial field of Uman National University of Horticulture in the stationary experiment. The record of weeds was performed with the help of quantitative-gravimetric method. The research was conducted in 2 variants: with and without herbicide application. The results of three-year experiment established that the replacement of plowing at the depth of 20 – 22cm with soil loosening using blade cultivator during the fall plowing of spring barley plantings was accompanied by insignificant increase in weed infestation of the investigated crop. At the same time this increase in infestation influenced the yielding capacity of spring barley while applying herbicides and without herbicide application. The usage of disc plowing as fall plowing at the depth of 10 – 12cm led to significant increase in infestation of the researched plant and considerable decline of its yielding capacity. Possibility and expediency of the replacement of plowing at the depth of 20 – 22cm with soil loosening using blade cultivator was established in both cases: while applying herbicides and without herbicide application.
Key words spring barley, weed infestation, primary tillage, crop
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