Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Weediness of fiber flax crops under conditions of Subcarpathia

Author(s) Knignitskaya L.Р., Junior Research Fellow, , Transcarpathian State Agricultural Experiment Station Institute of Agriculture Carpathian region NAAS
Category The Agronomy
year 2016 issue 89
pages 159-167 index UDK 633.521:631.4(477.86)
Abstract Sowing areas of Subcarpathia are characterized by high weediness because of weather conditions in this region. It particularly affects the quality and yield of fiber flax. Because of it the problem of weed control has become an important aspect in solving the problem “to develop and test the resource saving technology of fiber flax cultivation under the conditions of Subcarpathia”. Using field and laboratory-based methods, the monitoring of soil cultivation methods, weed germination, application of fertilizers and green manure is made and laboratory research indicators are obtained. Weediness of fiber flax crops in the territory of Subcarpathia is determined in the context of meteorological conditions, use of different methods of cultivation and soil fertilization. Thus, in 2004-2005 under optimum moisture conditions there was a considerable weediness of fiber flax crops and in 2006 due to excessive moisture there was excessive weediness. Owing to different ways of cultivation, weediness of fiber flax crops was different: in case of surface tillage (plowing and disking) weediness was higher than at deep tillage. Applying fertilizers and green manure or in case of their simultaneous use weediness was less than without fertilizers and green manure. Solving the problem of weediness of sowing areas for fiber flax should be directed to the introduction of an effective system of crop feeding and application of agrotechnological fertilizing methods.
Key words fiber flax, weediness, Subcarpathia.
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