Uman NUH | today: 01/22/2025

Yield and quality of cauliflower production depending on the size of cell and age of seedlings under the conditions of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe

Author(s) Cherednichenko V.M., Candidate of Agricultural Science, ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2013 issue Issue #82
pages 88-93 index UDK 635.35:631.559(477 – 292.485)
Abstract Under the conditions of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe was conducted the research on the effects of cell size and age of seedlings on growth, development and yield of cauliflower plants. Found that the highest yield in the average of three years of research was received in the variants with the age of seedlings - 50 days with cells of 4x4 cm - 24.8 t / ha, 40 days with cells of 4x4 cm - 26.4 t / ha and 6x6 cm - 27 9 t / ha, and in control - 23.3 t / ha.
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