Uman NUH | today: 01/11/2025

Heritability of the main decorative features in rose hybrids at diallel crosses

Author(s) Українець О. А., , ,
Поліщук В. В., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2023 issue Issue number 102. Part 1
pages 171-178 index UDK 631.527:633.811
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-171-178 (Link)
Abstract The article presents the results of direct and reciprocal diallel crosses, and evaluates populations for inheritance of the main traits from the maternal or paternal component in rose breeding. The research was carried out during 2018–2021. Highly decorative varieties of roses from the collection of the department of landscape gardening were used as the source material for the breeding process. A total of 450 diallel crosses were made. According to the data obtained, it should be noted that only 18.4 % of the total number of crosses produced seeds, so it should be assumed that the diallel scheme was not successful. When studying first-generation seedlings from successful direct and reciprocal diallel crosses for inheritance of the main decorative traits of a flower, we found no absolute influence on the transmission of these traits by mother or father plants. It was found that by flower shape in the combination Amelia (P1) × Hans Gonewein Rose (P6), Hans Gonewein Rose (P6) × Amelia (P1) and Hans Gonewein Rose (P6) × Gebruder Grimm (P4) split only by the parental components - star-shaped and irregularly rounded in the percentage ratio of 70,8:29,2, 24,0:76,0 and 33,3:66,7. It have been shown that when splitting by flower size, the father component prevails in most cases. In the hybrids, the number of petals was observed to split across three types of inheritance: from the mother form, the father form, and another type of inheritance. In terms of flower colour, most of the combinations had a larger deviation from the predicted value. It is substantiated that the deviation may be caused by an inaccurate division of colours into groups. Having analysed the data obtained, it can be concluded that most varieties transmit certain traits equally, both when used as a mother component and when used as a father component. Thus, it should be noted that in most cases, heritability depends on the genotype of the starting forms.
Key words rose, varieties, hybrids, genotype, heritability, mother form, father form
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