Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Evaluation of varieties (Citrus limon L.) according to economic and biological characteristics

Author(s) Balabak A.F., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Polishchuk V.V., , , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Козаченко І. В., , ,
Бабій В. В., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2021 issue Issue number 98. Part 1
pages 220-229 index UDK 582.745.12-047.44:635.9(477.46)
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-220-229 (Link)
Abstract Evaluation of seven introduced genotypes of lemon (CITRUS LIMON L.) of domestic and foreign selection in the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine (Department of Horticulture of Uman NUS) was carried out on the basis of economic and biological characteristics. Their systematic origin was determined and the possibility of using introduced varieties of Citrus Limon L. in the garden and park economy of the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine was investigated. The possibility of using introduced representatives of Citrus Limon L is highlighted and studied. in the horticultural economy of the central forest-steppe of Ukraine. Geographical origin has been clarified. The evaluation was carried out on decorative properties and basic economic and biological characteristics. Indicators of rhizogenesis of the studied varieties are carried out and generalized. This year, studies will be conducted on the phenological phases of development, flowering and fruiting of introduced plants, both in general and on the example of individual samples. A brief economic, biological and decorative characteristic of collectible lemon varieties in the conditions of the central forest-steppe of Ukraine is given, which are included in further research on the cultivation and reproduction of promising varieties for further use in gardening. For rooting, cuttings of 10–12cm in size were taken. leaving one pair of leaves on it. Rooting of Lemons was carried out on April 20–25, 2020 at an average daily temperature of 18°C. The soil mixture for rooting consisted of leaf humus, turf soil and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. During rooting in the room where the experiment was conducted, optimal conditions for cuttings were provided, namely: maintaining the air temperature not lower than 25°C and humidity 80–85 %. Digging of rooted cuttings was carried out on September 24-45, 2020. After digging, an analysis of lemon rooting was performed. As a result of the conducted researches the received varietal samples had good development of root system and growth of shoots. During rooting, the cuttings were treated with a gel root-forming agent "Clonex". Plants of the selected varieties will be planted in mid-April, when the average daily air temperature will be 10–12°C so that the plants take root and do not die. In summer, it is planned to monitor the timing and frequency of flowering, the intensity of growth of young shoots, and crown formation.
Key words lemons, genotype, research, decorative properties, landscaping, introduction
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