Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Organization of space on the homestead land in the city of Uman, Cherkasy region

Author(s) Осіпов М. Ю., , ,
Величко Ю. А., , ,
Пушка І. М., , ,
Масловата С. А., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2022 issue Issue 100. Part 1
pages 197-207 index UDK 712.4-025(477.4)
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-1-197-207 (Link)
Abstract A project for the reconstruction of the entire territory of the homestead land has been developed to free it from unwanted vegetation and to implement project proposals. The project site is located in Uman, Cherkasy region. The area of the object is 1250 m2. The plot has good pedestrian and vehicular accessibility. The object borders on three sides with other homesteads, and on the east side adjoins the field, and further on- the Kyiv-Odessa highway. Entrance to the object is from the west side. On the territory of the plot there is a two-storey brick house, a garage, which is located in the basement of the house. The territory of the homestead land has a ground cover and an indistinct path that runs along the house. Apart from the house, there are no architectural elements on the site. The site is in an abandoned state, where there is no landscaping. The initial data for the design are the materials of landscape analysis of the territory, inventory assessment of woody plants and grass cover, soil and geological characteristics of the territory. An inventory of plantings at the site revealed that woody and shrubby plants were arranged chaotically, with a lot of self-seeding. No measures were taken to take care of the plantations. The whole area of the object is covered with weeds, which are in a neglected condition. Thus, this vegetation cannot be called a cultivated lawn with high aesthetic indicators. All these conditions are favorable for landscaping. Also, after the inventory of greenery, it was found that the trees need to be replaced due to non-compliance with the location and aesthetic requirements. There is no lawn cover, so it is planned to create one. The site itself does not have a proper appearance and needs radical changes and refinements. The analysis of the conducted researches confirms that the existing plantings and the condition of the object itself are unsatisfactory, so they need full restoration and landscaping. These surveys became the basis for the organization of space on the homestead land. The territory is divided into the following functional zones: front and entrance zones, quiet recreation zone; household zone, orchard area, children's area and recreation area for the whole family. The division of the site into zones is conditional, and therefore has no clear boundaries.
Key words landscape gardening; functional zones of territory; front and entrance zones; quiet recreation zone; household zone
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