Uman NUH | today: 07/21/2024

Rassadina I.Y.

Uman National University of Horticulture

Academic Status


#PDFTitle of ArticleJournal
1 Features of soil valuation methods Issue number 102. Part 1, 2023
2 The balance of the soil nutrient in different forms, doses and methods of application of mineral fertilizers in growing of false flax spring Issue number 91. Part 1, 2017
3 Agrochemical parameters of gray podzolic soil for growing bioenergy crops Issue 100. Part 1, 2022
4 Grain quality of spring barley depending on the fertilization of plants with mineral nitrogen Issue number 98. Part 1, 2021
5 Correlation dependence between the nitrogen stocks of mineral compounds in the soil and the productivity of false flax spring Issue № 92. Part 1, 2018
6 Yields of peas on the ashed chernozem under the influence of different fertilization and liming Issue 100. Part 1, 2022
7 Removing of main fertilizer elements by the false flax depending on fertilizers 89, 2016
8 Efficiency of applying sulfuric fertilizers for field crops on podzolized chernozem 88, 2016
9 Effectofmineralfertilizerandinoculationonlentilperformance Issue number 96. Part 1, 2020